I know everyone is going to ask for experience and stats. I've been lifting for 8 years. I know my body very well and have obtained excellent results.

HOWEVER....last year I found out that my total test was 44ng/dl due to a pituitary tumor. End result: I'm on TRT for life and my results could have been a lot better in 8 years if I had more than 1/3 of a female's testosterone !

So...PCT is not a big concern for me because I'm technically a lifer/cruiser. Anyway...here goes:

wks 1-4: Dbol 20mg ED
wks 1-6: Tren A 40mg ED
wks 3-8: Test Prop 400mg/wk
wks 4-8: Mast Prop 40mg ED
Letro: .25mg ED
Nolva: 40/30/20 ED (3 wks post cycle)

ENTIRE TIME: TRT at 135mg/wk (test ENTH)

IS the dbol necessary or a total waste?

Let me know what you think. I have never taken Mast or
Dbol...since I had no hair loss on Tren at 40mg ED last time...what are the odds on the Mast?
