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  1. #1
    GladiatorMike is offline New Member
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    Thinking about cruising

    First of all im gonna introduce myself, im Mike, 25 years old and im from holland. I'm 209lbs with 8,1% bodyfat, im 5'58 short.
    I've been reading off this forum a while and been leaning a lot.

    My question is about bridging, my story is this: ive been training since i was 17, when I turned 20 I started my first cycle, it was so great and the next one started pretty soon after. My goal had always been to be a freak, I wanted to be able to compare myself to the big guys, now 5 years later and many cycles I'm in very good shape. But I think I really damaged my HPTA, ive pretty much never been off for more than 6 weeks (including PCT!!!) between cycles.

    The last couple cycles there was only a pct but after that started the new cycle. Once I was off for 16 weeks, and I noticed no recovery at all, my strenght dint go down much and I only lost a total of 6lbs, but I felt like shit.

    I do admit that im addicted to juicing, but I dont really care, I still dont want no kids so im not afraid of not getting any, I just dont have that much knowledge about bridging. So I ask you guys what would you do if you where in my shoes.

    When you bridge, sorry, the right term is cruising, how many difference is there in keeping the gains and strenght other then just pct and taking a break. And what reason do you have that you cruise?

    Thanks for reading my story, im hoping for some help making up my mind.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    If I were you I would first get some bloodwork done.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    yeah..definetly speak to an endocrinologist to get as much back ground info as you can about your hormonal environment THEN you can rightfully think bout cruising.

  4. #4
    GladiatorMike is offline New Member
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    Yes that would be the most common thing, when I was off for the longest I did a blood test and my test levels were still low, I have search the test in my logbook for the results.
    Im curious, the most guys here who do cruise, do they do it supervised by a doctor, or not, and do there own bloodtests en just watch there bp and so?

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    At 25 a very dumb idea dude unless you have a good medical reason. No one has been cruising long enough to know what the real long term side effects of cruising will be. At 25 you have a LOT of life ahead of you. You will be shooting at least once a week for the rest of that life. If you do this it will have to be under the guidance of an Endo that is for sure. Will you be able to get a constant supply of good quality Test for the rest of your life. Estrogen will need to be controlled also, you should be on an AI for the rest of your life as well. I would give this a lot of thought if I was you dude

  6. #6
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    Im 50 and would not cruise.
    Theres no need for it ......

  7. #7
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    You worry me dude...

    All in all, get your bloodwork done.

    Have you thought about running an AI like aromasin after your PCT for about a month. Ive heard it increases testosterone while decreasing estrogen and can help stimulate LH... That might be able to help you continue working out and keep your gains between cycles... You will also need to invest in hCG if you want to keep up with the cruising, I would consider running it during PCT and maybe on cycle at a low dose. You might still be able to have kids, If I were you I would keep my options open. You never know when you might fall in love, and having to tell ur wife that you are sterile because you got addicted to gear isnt a nice thing to have to do. The best solution is to just give it a small break between cycles, use AI's and hCG also... You are too young to need to risk your health on this...

  8. #8
    brite is offline New Member
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    First of all, get yur bloodwork done.. second, get yur head in order..

    En dat bedoel ik echt niet op een slechte manier, maar zoek hulp. (Seek help)

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