Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
I had a ball removed due to testicular cancer, usually the other one produces enough test to compensate but not in my case. So the doc has put my on hrt as I was showing symptoms of low test. So I ended up on hrt.

What you said about the long term effects of rdeca or EQ the same can be said about being on a hrt dose of test in the long run so with that in mind do you still think it would be a bad idea to add anything to my hrt?
Sorry to hear about the cancer and that would explain why you are on hrt - my point before was if your doc didn't prescribe the additional compounds and your blood levels reflect other wise then that is going to raise a red flag, eventually.

most peoples concerns with why a 22 yr old was on hrt was not misdirected as most 22 yr olds who try hrt are doing it for legallity issues, not medical, and there have been a lot of HRT treatment centers busted for false prescriptions for patients