I've read plenty of times on this forum for your first cycle just do Test and keep it simple...its not actually my 1st cycle as I have done a Test/Decca 250mg of each for 6wks ran out Test and continued with Decca for another couple of weeks.I swear thats the reason why I have no sex drive,my girlfriend's lucky if I through a shift in once a month! I had no knowledge of PCT or that I should be running more Test than Decca and for longer,but since checking this forum out I have learnt plenty.I take my hat off to you fella's you know your stuff.So this time round I'm going to do it properly and hopefully get my libido back.I know this cycle is basic but I am treating it as if it is my first.
Test Enanthate 500mg divided into 2 shots for 10 wks followed by the PCT outlayed in the Antony Roberts post.Told you it was simple.Could you please advise on Proviron as I have read about it and considering taking it with the Test for its synergistic qualities ie. enhancing the Test, what do you reckon? have many of you have suffered hair loss with it?
Also all the gear mentioned in the Antony Robins post for PCT is it all avaliable on this site? More importantly when the cycle is finished and followed up with PCT do you reckon I will be shagging for England once more?
All advice welcome. Cheers.