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  1. #1
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    Busted in the army here's how.

    FYI so this never happens to a soldier who's only trying to be biggier, stronger & faster. So we can do bad things to bad people. Anyway a posted a few treads thinking my wife turned me in (not the case). With all the DEA raids on research sites & feed farms (fina). Lil me the small fish usung for personal use only name comes up on a list & the DEA contacts the army. I get called back & ordered to piss. no questions ask & get question for about 5 hrs. so I got tested they have evidence of fina all over me. which makes it kinda hard to deny. I confessed to using (BUT NOT POSSESSION) of a controled drug. Named off a couple oral b/c i'll pop hot for those too. So now what I'm a E-7 with wife & kids 3 deployments to Iraq w/ 16 in. I came clean & was honest. my CO loves me but with a SFC it's way above her head. Hatee to stop but I have a family to feed. This is unheard of no one gets in trouble for this. Basically i'm explaining that the fina cartridges are legal to own & purchase. The oral shame on me I should be aware of what i'm putting in my body. However in drug abuse training & in 16 yrs in the army. Steroids has never ever been mention. T/Y for the input.

  2. #2
    Second2None's Avatar
    Second2None is offline Banned
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    im sure in the next year were going to see alot of these type cases, feel for ya bro

  3. #3
    senseicarr is offline Junior Member
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    sorry to here that. i knew the bus driver at Benning when i was there. He would drive from the TMC to Hospitals 2 days a week. He use to be a E-7 with the 75th Ranger rgt and now is driving and is busted down to E-4.
    I spent lost of time talking to him and was lucky i never did it when i was in!!
    Good luck and hope it works out...

  4. #4
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    Pretty funny how you are trained to serve and protect, stick your life on the line, yet they can tell you what to put into your bodyThis entire steroid thing is out of control, someone with some cash needs to attack the truth about juice and its benefits to human health.

  5. #5
    Brent_G's Avatar
    Brent_G is offline Associate Member
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    "Go get shot for is...but dont you dare put a neede in your arm!"

  6. #6
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G View Post
    "Go get shot for is...but dont you dare put a neede in your arm!"
    Ok, I've heard this arguement about letting service members drink under 21yo...but not for a controlled substance. C'mon, do you really think this is a valid reason to let people get away with using a Schedule III medication without a prescription?? That's a little over the top don't you think?

    No matter what we think about it being harmless or not, it's still a scheduled medication and without a Doctor's sig...illegal to possess and it's treated just like any other Drug pop

  7. #7
    realmafia's Avatar
    realmafia is offline Junior Member
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    My hat is off to you Big Roy, keep your head up and good luck bro!!!

    He is fighting for the damn government and the government is throwing rocks at their own men, what kind of S*** is that?

    Boost has a great point, something needs to be done nationwide as a group. Some well thought of plan needs to be risen.

    Look at the F******* rag heads in this country that hate USA, the goverment needs to get off our asses and do something about them. We are trying to blow up muscle and they are trying to blow up buildings. WTF!!!!
    Last edited by realmafia; 11-11-2007 at 11:17 AM. Reason: misspelled word

  8. #8
    Brent_G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    Ok, I've heard this arguement about letting service members drink under 21yo...but not for a controlled substance. C'mon, do you really think this is a valid reason to let people get away with using a Schedule III medication without a prescription?? That's a little over the top don't you think?

    No matter what we think about it being harmless or not, it's still a scheduled medication and without a Doctor's sig...illegal to possess and it's treated just like any other Drug pop
    Yeah its classified as that because of another MAN!.. The man has too much control

  9. #9
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G View Post
    Yeah its classified as that because of another MAN!.. The man has too much control
    And I completely agree, but as long as it's like can't expect to be exempt from the rules

  10. #10
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    Just seems kinda hypcritical the DEA is enforcing a law that they once opposed in 1990 when that shit was passed. The only reason the public has a bad opinion is because a few dumbass athletes and celebs have blamed what they do on steroids but the don't say that they were doin other drugs and drinking along with them which is a cardinal no no and the public gets caught in the hype of it. So yeah if they only understood but understanding is too much to ask for in this country we're happier with bigotry and conflicts for sum strange reason. Your supposed to have understanding for homosexuals and accept them but you don't have understanding for ppl who just want their muscles bigger? Cmon buddy what kinda **** shit is that?

  11. #11
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    People forget that this is a very private thing, you dont' tell ppl about this whatsoever and if you do ur a dumbass. Its not like cocaine or weed or drinking where ppl celebrate its use. If anything alcohol should be a controlled drug because more ppl abuse and get killed from it than steroids ever will cause!!!!! But its abuse is openly celebrated!!!! Just goes to show that the govt doesn't give a shit about us, your families or whats best for you all!!!! People don't realize that.

  12. #12
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    What about the govt giving ppl ********* and ******* and letting them ********** during vietnam? I bet if we were in a war and wanted sum super soldiers on the battlefield everybody would be doin it, not to mention over in the middle east they're legal newho. Sum of the best test comes from over there so thats just bull shit dude I feel for ya. It feels like ur being held back and for what? Because sum old fat ass doctor is gonna tell you whats healthy for you???? **** that shit
    Last edited by jaysunderstudy; 11-11-2007 at 02:24 PM.

  13. #13
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Edit all the Rec Drug talk out of your 2 know better than that

  14. #14
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    I'll do it but its under protest
    Last edited by jaysunderstudy; 11-11-2007 at 02:31 PM.

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Dude, you're preachin to the choir here....we all know this...

    but you can't mention recs on here in any you have to edit them out

  16. #16
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    Obviously nobody is listening then if I am preaching.

  17. #17
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    I don't mean to sound like an A hole its just one of those things that kinda gets me hot and bothered and not in a good way either sorta like illegal immigration. We all understand how bad we're being ****ed over and can't do nething about it, its very infuriating I'm just waiting for my day on Capitol Hill.

  18. #18
    hzagadinow is offline New Member
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    This pisses me off because why does the DEA or government have to come down so hard on honest hard working Americans? I'm a retired vet from the Air Force that works in emergency services and I can't even begin to mention how many gov't employees use to better themselves with work. I mean with law enforcement the criminals are big and bad why can't we be bigger and badder in order to take them down. We need strong fire fighters to carry out the harsh duties of saving lives and fighting fires. And we definitley need strong Soliders, Saliors, Marines, and yes even Airman to protect our wonderful country. Yes, I know that we're talking about a controlled 3 sustance but how many users do you hear of doing crazy things, besides some occasionally acts of roid rage , to get money to use there sustance? Not many espeically if we compare it to alcohol and hard drug users. They need to get off the lil man's back and cut some slack so the small percentage of people who actually use muscle enhancement products

  19. #19
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    damn bro I hate to hear that. Its just so messed up that they would come after you when you are protecting our country. thank you big roy for everything you do and have done for the USA.

  20. #20
    whiteguy is offline New Member
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    Thank you for serving. Best of luck to you and your case.

  21. #21
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    sorry to hear about your troubles, very upsetting to say the least

  22. #22
    RageControl's Avatar
    RageControl is offline Senior Member
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    Yet the docs on post are subscribing tons of oxycotton to injured soldiers who could probably be using Midol. Theres more pain killers and pain killer addicts in the Military then steroids and steroid users. What bullshit hang in there bud maybe they will just stick you on permanent staff duty or some shit.

  23. #23
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Sorry to hear that man, don't know if the army offers a rehab, but take what you can.. and good luck..
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  24. #24
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    how did they find your name? im in the army and just got back from deployment and dont want that to happen to me...

  25. #25
    manster__34's Avatar
    manster__34 is offline New Member
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    Do you know what kind of Art. 15 they will throw at you?

  26. #26
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    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Most likely a Special Court Marshal for the things he's talking about getting charged with. Punishments up to one year in the brig, reduced to the lowest infirior rank and DD...but they usually award a BCD for drug use

    I highly doubt they would push for a General Court least, you better pray they don't. That opens up a whole other can of worms...

  27. #27
    Broozer is offline New Member
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    Big Roy out of curiosity do you have any idea how your name got on a DEA list? I find it rather odd that out of the 40,000 end users that the DEA is aware of your the only one I heard of that's been questioned.

    This story's a couple of years old but I thought it might be pertinent.

    Military Penalties In Perspective
    By Jeralyn, Section Crime Policy
    Posted on Sun Jan 16, 2005 at 10:28:06 AM EST
    Tags: (all tags)
    Charles Graner faced 15 years for abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, and was sentenced to ten years.

    Air Force cadet Jonathan Belkowitz faced up to 50 years after being found guilty of solicitation to buy and use steroids and making a false statement. He was acquitted of "wrongful use, importation, introduction or distribution."

    The judge in Belkowitz' case is recommending dismissal from the Air Force as a sanction for him, but still, why does a drug offense carry up to 50 years while human rights violations and crimes of violence like Graner's carry only 15?

  28. #28
    manster__34's Avatar
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    At all the FOB's in country i always hear about the guys who get caught using and they just lost a months pay and got busted down. For an E-7 its gonna be pretty hard to throw him out let alone bust him down.

  29. #29
    manster__34's Avatar
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    I still cant belive that the DEA got involved. Good luck.

  30. #30
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    Not to brag but I was simply told to stop with a letter of reprimand. It takes a lot to bust a E-7 down. My profesionalism speaks for itself so that kinda saved my azz too. F*ck it's gonna suck being off. Anyway for the guys asking how the DEA knew. I was as suprised as anyone else I buy like maybe 10 carts a year tops but I'm being told they are all over these sites & sources. So be careful it's not a witch hunt for steroid users in the army. I just got caught up. I think for those who just shut up & lift. You'll be fine.

  31. #31
    realmafia's Avatar
    realmafia is offline Junior Member
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    Good Luck to you bro!

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