11-29-2007, 10:17 PM #1
Any Letro experts out there..need help for my show prep
Im going to run Letro for the duration of my 10 week cutting cycle up to my show to help give me that bone dry look!Ill be running test eth(500mg EW)/test prop50mg E3D/tren 400mg EW/mast 400mg EW and winny50mg ED/halo50mg ED last 4 weeks. Stopping HCG a month out as well as growth and IGF!
im going to build the letro dosage up from 0.5mg in the first week to 2.5mg in the last week.Doses will increase by 0.5mg every 2 weeks
WEEK 1-0.5mg
WEEK 2-0.5mg
WEEK 3-1.0mg
WEEK 4-1.0mg
WEEK 5-1.5mg
WEEK 6-1.5mg
WEEK 7-2.0mg
WEEK 8-2.0mg
WEEK 9-2.5mg
WEEK 10-2.5mg
1.Do i need to taper the letro towards the end?
2.How will i combat rebound when i come off the letro? novla/clomid? Aromasin ?
3. I stop my ethanate 6 weeks out and contiune to run prop at three 50mg shots every 3 days, is 2.5mg Letro each day a this stage to harsh as there wont be much estrogen about anyway???
4.Should the letro be taken ED or EOD
5. Should i be running it 6 weeks prior to my cycle to get "stable blood levels" or can i start straihgt away as i start taken test?
11-29-2007, 11:15 PM #2
here is c-binos thread on using letro as a way to reverse gyno. From here you can p.m. him and get info. He seems to be the leading letro authority on the board.
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