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  1. #1
    yng_gun's Avatar
    yng_gun is offline New Member
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    Newbie needing advise based on individual stats

    Hi guys,

    I know you'll hate this, but trust me have been searching the threads but I think what happens is you realise that you need an individual take on it. So here goes.

    My avatar is me. As you can see, it's not to bad coming from a goofy rake in High School. However, it just never passes that mark! Frustrating? Oh yes.

    I want to grow, whilst maintaining lean muscle mass. Essentially, stay away from the bloat and the 'smooth' look (once the cycle is complete), but get past that stagnent stage and get larger, more defined pecs, abs, arms etc.

    I was thinking for my first cycle:
    - Test E for 12 weeks 300mg e/week
    - Wini closer to the end of the cycle
    - PCP being Chlomid and of course have it on hand. With Test E would chlomid be sufficient or Nolvadex ?

    I choose this as based on the amature research I've done, the Test E is great for Beginners, Wini great for ripping up and of course pcp and an anti-e on hand throughout.

    My mates on Stana and I'm watching him, he's looking great, but not what I'm after. I need my muscles to 'push out' not 'blow up' like water balloons (if that makes any sense).

    I'm 170cm/5'7", 25yo, 70kg/155lbs. At 20 I was 50kg/120lbs 5'7"

  2. #2
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    I think that you might be making this harder then it is and if you are fully intent on going with aas to supplement lean mass might be the most simple to blow up like a water ballon then cut that weight down. Test E is for bulking...Winny for cutting... not that you would not get gains with this but there are reasons people usually dont take both of these at the same time....with just Test E you will hold water with proper diet and cardio while on and after proper pct you will be surprised at how fast you lose that water

  3. #3
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by yng_gun View Post
    Hi guys,

    I know you'll hate this, but trust me have been searching the threads but I think what happens is you realise that you need an individual take on it. So here goes.

    My avatar is me. As you can see, it's not to bad coming from a goofy rake in High School. However, it just never passes that mark! Frustrating? Oh yes.

    I want to grow, whilst maintaining lean muscle mass. Essentially, stay away from the bloat and the 'smooth' look (once the cycle is complete), but get past that stagnent stage and get larger, more defined pecs, abs, arms etc.

    I was thinking for my first cycle:
    - Test E for 12 weeks 300mg e/week
    - Wini closer to the end of the cycle
    - PCP being Chlomid and of course have it on hand. With Test E would chlomid be sufficient or Nolvadex ?

    I choose this as based on the amature research I've done, the Test E is great for Beginners, Wini great for ripping up and of course pcp and an anti-e on hand throughout.

    My mates on Stana and I'm watching him, he's looking great, but not what I'm after. I need my muscles to 'push out' not 'blow up' like water balloons (if that makes any sense).

    I'm 170cm/5'7", 25yo, 70kg/155lbs. At 20 I was 50kg/120lbs 5'7"

    looking at your avy i have people in worse shape and higher body fat that have used aas,i think that a 12 week cycle cycle if test e @ 500mgs mgs every week(maybe frontload 1000 mgs for first week)would give you very good gains as long as your diet training and pct is is good you should be good to go.i think because you have a low b/f this is very important ,make sure you have a a.i on hand if you dont want a bloted look......good luck and keep reserhing diet and pct ...

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    agreed skip the winny. bloating is impossible to skip when ur triying to bulk. just run to keep the water weight down. and just run test at 500mg ew! i kept nolv on hand for any estrogen related signs!

  5. #5
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    if your wanting to cut while your bulking I would run Test E at 500mg and eq at 600mg if your diet is in check and you keep up with the cardio you should be good to go

  6. #6
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    from what i have researched, nolva is much better than clomid and if you have the choice than it should be nolva... mg for mg its alot stronger and cheaper....and with your bf% you shouldnt bloat up that much as long as the diet it in check. when i first cycled i did a test, d-bol, and deca cycle and i had bloat but nothing that i couldnt handle... good luck!

  7. #7
    yng_gun's Avatar
    yng_gun is offline New Member
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    thanks guys... that input is really helpful. I might take all your input and do more research on that.

    Other than that, when I start (which will be in a few months - I want to get all the gear in one hit which will cost a bit) I'll post piccies and stuff.

    In the mean time as much help and advise is awesome!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    What does your diet look like?

    I still think you could easily squeeze out 20lbs or so of LBM..

  9. #9
    topnotch is offline Member
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    bro, your number one thing you need to worry about is've got a good build for your size, but you could put on plenty more size w/ diet alone...steroids wont do magic for you b/c you have to eat right while on as well...check out the diet forum in the meantime

  10. #10
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    With your BF I would not use the winny. The bloat and smoothness usually happen to guys who carry more BF than you. 300-500mg of E a week would be fine. and clomid or nolva. for PCT. you will get many differnent opinions on that but either one and you'll be fine.
    With that said, are you dead set on using??? Im sure you could get another 20lbs naturally with proper diet. 155 is mighty small to start using roids. Ask yourself are you truely busting ass in the gym and at the table. If not then roids may not be the ansure, but if ya are then the cycle you have planned will be fine.

  11. #11
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    If you can't gain muscle, you're not eating enough, plain and simple...

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