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Thread: d-bol vs. Deca

  1. #1
    kostakv is offline Associate Member
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    d-bol vs. Deca

    Im going sustanon and anadrol , sustanon through week 12

    anadrol through week 6

    week 4 I was going to add either deca or dbol


  2. #2
    kostakv is offline Associate Member
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    alright I got my answer NVM

  3. #3
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    With a cycle planning like that i would say you have no business doing steroids .

  4. #4
    fsu1985 is offline Junior Member
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    well cookiemonstr is a dick first off..

    second off, what to mix in with sustanon in that cycle??.. well first off decca should be ran for a while, like sustanon, it takes a while for you to get the benefits of the drug- usually takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks for them to start working, usually that is.

    so, if you wanna throw something into your sust cycle, at the 4th week you have two options

    1- only take decca if you are going to take decca for at least 12 weeks with the sustanon


    2- take dbol with the sust whenever the hell you want- dbol is a very short acting powerful testosterone . its kind of like stacking testosterone (dbol) with testosterone (sustanon).

    my opinion, i dont take dbol/anadrol unless i use it to jump start a cycle. taking test with decca would probably be a better stack, only under the impression that you would run the decca for 12 weeks that is.

    not exactly what we are talking about her but what the hell, i said only use dbol to jump start a cycle- this is true for me, but for many friends i have say that dbol and decca is one of the best mass stacks there are (50-100 mgs dbol every day with 500 mgs of decca).

    according to one of my best buds, "Dbol and decca is a dinasaur stack, it has been around forever."

  5. #5
    kostakv is offline Associate Member
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    only reason my cycle is like that is because I ordered some stuff that got semi shipped or some shit like that...

  6. #6
    kostakv is offline Associate Member
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    going with d-bol

  7. #7
    kostakv is offline Associate Member
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    ill say that just to ease cookie monsters mind

  8. #8
    fsu1985 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i know, its funny how he decided to give you his opinion of not doing a cycle when you clearly didn't ask sheit about whether or not you wanted to do a cycle; you asked which drug would be a better choice. people in these forumsss!! i love it man

  9. #9
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok, so going by the 1st post you are going to jump the sust with anadrol . Ok, that's fine. I also recommend deca from day 0 all way thru since it is a long ester and it lingers in your body 6-8 weeks or more after the last shot. The part that is flawed is why in the hell would you add in dbol at week 4 after blitzing your liver with anadrol the previous 4? You use orals to jump start your long esters, not to use throughout the whole cycle. Your liver values would be higher than shit at the end of that one. Stupid IMO but it's just MO.

  10. #10
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fsu1985 View Post
    well cookiemonstr is a dick first off..

    second off, what to mix in with sustanon in that cycle??.. well first off decca should be ran for a while, like sustanon, it takes a while for you to get the benefits of the drug- usually takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks for them to start working, usually that is.

    so, if you wanna throw something into your sust cycle, at the 4th week you have two options

    1- only take decca if you are going to take decca for at least 12 weeks with the sustanon


    2- take dbol with the sust whenever the hell you want- dbol is a very short acting powerful testosterone . its kind of like stacking testosterone (dbol) with testosterone (sustanon).

    my opinion, i dont take dbol/anadrol unless i use it to jump start a cycle. taking test with decca would probably be a better stack, only under the impression that you would run the decca for 12 weeks that is.

    not exactly what we are talking about her but what the hell, i said only use dbol to jump start a cycle- this is true for me, but for many friends i have say that dbol and decca is one of the best mass stacks there are (50-100 mgs dbol every day with 500 mgs of decca).

    according to one of my best buds, "Dbol and decca is a dinasaur stack, it has been around forever."
    read the rules no flaming even tho he didnt explane wat he was going on about...........
    secondly mate start the deca off the 1st week of the cycle............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  11. #11
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    anadrol and dbol are pretty harsh on the body. taking anadrol or dbol longer than 6 weeks is pushing it and you definitly wouldn't want to add both to your cycle. If i were you I would jump start the cycle with dbol for the first 4-6 weeks and than run deca and test all the way through

  12. #12
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    use both drol and dbol at the begining in smaller doses than normal they are diffrent compoumds and can be stacked together ,use decca from start as already mentioned sust decca dbol =excellent results make sure your eating well

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