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  1. #1
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Clen during cycle

    On week About 1/2 way thru 13wk cycle of 600mg Cyp/400mg Deca . GOing to start clen soon and carry into PCT. Im wondering though, should I do the 2wk on/2wk off combo still or should it be different while on the cycle? Also what is the timing/dosages for the clen and taurine? Lastly, if it is the 2/2 on/off, what should be done on off weeks, Ephredra? Hydroxycut? Neither? Something else?


  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    IMHO, assuming you are doing a bulker, i doubt clen will help much with losing the fat for the latter half of the cycle. You would need to assess your caloric intake to do that. However, it would be good to use for PCT for its various stimulating properties, including the workout intensity it can help you maintain post cycle. I just got off clen last week and felt like a dead duck all this week at my workouts, so trust me, it helps! Assuming your PCT is, or should be, 4-6 weeks, 2 wks on/off doesn't make sense to me; take it throughout and have some benadryll/ketotifen ready for the 3rd and 4th weeks- measure your resting temp ED to make sure your body hasn't downgraded all the receptors and take the aforementioned upregulators accordingly. 2-4g taurine will prevent cramping, so get that. start at 60mcg/day increase by 20mcg every 2-3 days until you reach your peak intake (anywhere from 100-160mcg depending on your size, stats, resistance to and tolerance of this substance).


  3. #3
    RoachForLife19 is offline Associate Member
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    Ahh thanks for the info. Regarding the during cycle comment.... From what Ive read on the boards it will only amplify the effects of other steroids due to its anabolic nature. Seemed it would be great to gain muscle and as a plus to shed some fat while bulking.

    But anyhow another dumb Q. So the clen profile mentions starting with 20mcg 3x a day and going up (as you mentioned), however you said 60mcg/day. Should I assume that should be split into 3 segments (morning, lunch, dinner, approx) or can I take all 60 in the morning (hopefully allowing me to sleep). Sorry if this is a major newb Q but I never see it mentioned so I wasnt sure what to assume


  4. #4
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    In Bold:

    Quote Originally Posted by RoachForLife19 View Post
    Ahh thanks for the info. Regarding the during cycle comment.... From what Ive read on the boards it will only amplify the effects of other steroids due to its anabolic nature. Seemed it would be great to gain muscle and as a plus to shed some fat while bulking.It's anabolic properties have not been proven, except by anecdotal accounts. It would give you a little more aggression and intensity at workouts but with deca, your strength should already be through the roof. Why put yourself through all the clen sides for just a little boost... not harmful, but not practical IMO

    But anyhow another dumb Q. So the clen profile mentions starting with 20mcg 3x a day and going up (as you mentioned), however you said 60mcg/day. Should I assume that should be split into 3 segments (morning, lunch, dinner, approx) or can I take all 60 in the morning (hopefully allowing me to sleep). Sorry if this is a major newb Q but I never see it mentioned so I wasnt sure what to assumeSince you will be increasing it, it is best to get the habit of splitting it 2-3 times a day from the outset. However, some people do take it all at once...but for me, it gives me headaches and too much jitteriness, splitting helps control that. Also, I take my last dose before 5pm, otherwise I can't sleep

    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 12-14-2007 at 12:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoachForLife19 View Post
    On week About 1/2 way thru 13wk cycle of 600mg Cyp/400mg Deca . GOing to start clen soon and carry into PCT. Im wondering though, should I do the 2wk on/2wk off combo still or should it be different while on the cycle? Also what is the timing/dosages for the clen and taurine? Lastly, if it is the 2/2 on/off, what should be done on off weeks, Ephredra? Hydroxycut? Neither? Something else?

    still run the 2 week ON/2 week OFF,,,during the 2 weeks OFF clen you could use ECA stack.

  6. #6
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Doesnt the 2 weeks off hit the same receptors not allowing them to upgrade.

    Correct me if im wrong but i thought if your goin 2 on 2 off with clen you need to make sure you allow the beta 2 to upgrade and wouldnt epehdrine just hit them again?

    And if you go more than 2 every 3 rd you need benadryl?

  7. #7
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    Check this out bro: Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

    I too like to split my clen doses. 100mcg at once makes my head spin! You might want to look into Ketotifen for down regulating beta receptors. Its dirt cheap

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