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  1. #1
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    I need some good advice for an awsome steroid . I am 24, 220, 6 foot. 7 months ago i was 180 so i deffinetly packed on some pounds recently due to my dieting trying to gain some. Only problem is now i want to hit the gym and hit it hard to get my body fat percentage down. I have two months to get it low enough for the military. I know that a sudden weight loss will lower my matabolism and deminish muscle also so I am going the route of buiding more muscle rather than losing fat. I am looking for a great starter steroid that is easily obtainable. I have heard rumors of over the counter steroids mixed with energy drinks but that may just be rumors all together. I am not worried about side effects at the moment. Can someone please suggest something for me and what doses to take and if they are pills or injections? any help is really appreciated.

  2. #2
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    sorry gotta give this a bump. hasnt been up long but seems to be pushing on to the next page lol.

  3. #3
    Lexed's Avatar
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    plain ole cardio should do the trick

  4. #4
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    yeah it should do the trick but i only have a short time to do this in. i said two months but in all actuality it is at the end of january that i am shipping on. are you suggesting that i only go natural with no suppliments to reach my short term goal? also i am deffinetly going to be bulking in the military so i could use all the info i can on these products just to be safe when i do start cycling on them.

  5. #5
    Lexed's Avatar
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    what do you think your BF% is?

  6. #6
    Lexed's Avatar
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    or would be better if you posted a pic

  7. #7
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    not sure of my body fat percentage. i am guessing around 20%-25%. like i said, i really packed on some pounds lately and it wasnt muscle. I gain most of my weight in my but and thighs. what would you suggest for weight loss while building muscle at the same time in the stomach, pecs, thighs, and butt?

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    I have tons of questions

    if you have a bodyfat% that's too high for the military right now then you have to be in the upper 20's or 30's in body fat %. The military lets you in with a higher then normally allowed bodyfat% because they know they will make you run it off in bootcamp. You should stick to a very good diet and plenty of exercise to achive this, not steroids .

  9. #9
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    well i did the crap calculator online for my BF and it is saying 15%. military allows 22% at the most. Thats the problem, i have always been fit to an extent but now that i have gained weight i am not even sure if my BF is too high or not. Me going to bootcamp is not the problem, going through what they call "fat camp" is. If I dont fit the requirements then i will have to attend that and i do not want to do that.

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitaryRecruit View Post
    well i did the crap calculator online for my BF and it is saying 15%. military allows 22% at the most. Thats the problem, i have always been fit to an extent but now that i have gained weight i am not even sure if my BF is too high or not. Me going to bootcamp is not the problem, going through what they call "fat camp" is. If I dont fit the requirements then i will have to attend that and i do not want to do that.
    For physical rediness tests, you're right, about 22% is the max allowed. BUt going into bootcamp, I've seen some dudes in thier low 30's, they get to, what's nicknamed, Fat Platoon. So you're right, it would be in your best interests to lose it before shipping out.

    But the ability to burn off large amounts of body fat is a misconception about AAS. They can be used to harden up or lose the extra 1, 2 or 3% body fat to get you down into the single digits but are useless when you are talking about percentages in the 20's. If anything, an ECA stack or at the most, you can try something like clen or albuterol. But the main key will be a good diet, low fat, low carb, no preprocessed foods or fast foods. Lean meats, vegetables and complex carbs will help. Diet forum will explain these things better for you though

    Hope all my posts help

  11. #11
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    For physical rediness tests, you're right, about 22% is the max allowed. BUt going into bootcamp, I've seen some dudes in thier low 30's, they get to, what's nicknamed, Fat Platoon. So you're right, it would be in your best interests to lose it before shipping out.

    But the ability to burn off large amounts of body fat is a misconception about AAS. They can be used to harden up or lose the extra 1, 2 or 3% body fat to get you down into the single digits but are useless when you are talking about percentages in the 20's. If anything, an ECA stack or at the most, you can try something like clen or albuterol. But the main key will be a good diet, low fat, low carb, no preprocessed foods or fast foods. Lean meats, vegetables and complex carbs will help. Diet forum will explain these things better for you though

    Hope all my posts help

    deffinetly. your post is a big help. I will try this an see what happens. I didnt know that they were used to help trim that little bit of fat percentage. My thoughts was that if i could turn my fat into muscle then it would lower my % and get my by the fatplatoon. I thought that it would help me with turning the fat into muscle quicker because of the testosterone . I will be hitting the gym as hard as i can to acheive as much as i can. Thank you for all the help.

  12. #12
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    Most steroids cause at least a slight bit of water retention also, some more than others but testosterone is one of them. Also, Testosterone aromatizes and estrogen can in fact increase bodyfat %. Their are things to take to combat this but taken alone this can happen. So it might acually be counter productive to try test. My $.02

  13. #13
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    If its 25% of 220 is 55 Lbs.. which means all the weight you gained was fat.. Plus you already had a high bF% .. Cardio, Diet, Maybe some Clen man..

  14. #14
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    ok i am going to attempt this question without breaking rules or anything. Is clen an over the counter item that i can purchase at CVS or somewhere the same?

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitaryRecruit View Post
    ok i am going to attempt this question without breaking rules or anything. Is clen an over the counter item that i can purchase at CVS or somewhere the same?
    Check the banner in the top right coner. They sell it as a research chemical. Otherwise you need a prescription for it, but it's not even available that way in the US. It would have to bought from overseas.

    Check the banner though, good place to get suppliments too

  16. #16
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    awsome thanks.

  17. #17
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    You dont even have enough time to run a cycle you need to go on a good cutting diet and do lots of cardio there is no need for steroids here just diet diet diet

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitaryRecruit View Post
    ok i am going to attempt this question without breaking rules or anything. Is clen an over the counter item that i can purchase at CVS or somewhere the same?
    No, clen is not an over the counter product! Also being that I was a Marine, I would suggest good ole fashion cardio and a good diet. Roids before entering the military is a waste, first of all you won't have a good diet while at boot camp, too low calories, second you won't get enough recovery time and third you will not be lifting any weights! Roids is not the answer in this case!

  19. #19
    sphincter is offline Member
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    you have another problem bro.. last I heard the military still uses a freaking BMI chart to determine body fat so at 6' 220lbs you are similar to my size and according to the BMI chart I am obese. only in certain cases will the military actually use calipers to determine body fat; I have known guys I was in the USAF with get re-enlistment denied because they were "obese" when they were buff as hell. they had to get their commander to back them up and get the caliper test approved to show they were within acceptable limits.

  20. #20
    dysfun0507 is offline New Member
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    they do use the BMI but they will pull the tape out for you when you weigh in at MEPS... i take it you are shipping off to BCT sometime soon? you are gonna lose so much muscle in BCT, they cardio the **** out of you.

  21. #21
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    well i guess there is no way to get around the charts saying that i am obese except for to lose the weight all together. Looks like cardio and a good ole fashion sweat will have to do to see if i can beat the charts and BF%.

  22. #22
    MilitaryRecruit is offline New Member
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    I just checked out the BMI chart and it says that i am overweight. 220 is the cut off for overweight and 221 is obese. same thing imo though. That is kinda crap. 177 is the highest for "normal" weight at 6 foot even, and when i was 180 people looked at me and thought i was around 140. I would always win at the carnival "guess your weight" games for that reason. Kinda screwed up if you ask me because it is not a good judge of fitness at all. I can still outrun tons of people concerning time and speed even after packing on a few. Oh well i guess that if they dont want me in the military just because of a BMI chart then that would be their loss. And if they dont want to pull out the stops for testing fitness even when they are buff and cut, then there is obviously something wrong with their procedures.

    Quote Originally Posted by dysfun0507 View Post
    i take it you are shipping off to BCT sometime soon? you are gonna lose so much muscle in BCT, they cardio the **** out of you.
    yes hopefully i will be leaving soon. I am going to MEPS on jan 5, 08 and the recruiter told me that the earliest i could ship after that point was at the end of january. Hopefully that will work out but if the weight issue doesn't work out it may be even longer than expected. ASVAB scores and other obsticles are no problem for me at MEPS, only thing holding me back atm is the weight BF% issue.

  23. #23
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    They do have a BMI scale, but they tape you if you're over. You can't get kicked out if it's muscle that makes you over weight. They must have had a skinny neck and a fat belly

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