1. check diet and trainings in check. Enough calories, protein? Everyone says minimum 1.5g to 2g of protein per lb of boydweight. Find out your BMR. Add 500 calories to your daily intake. Head to the diet section of this forum. And read the newbie threads.

2. (only after 1 is done) www.anabolicsbooks.com

3. buy.
4. read. (front to back)
5. come back and press that search button in the top right corner of this page.

6 .post your new cycle for critique.

7. Good Luck.

8. Dont giv the finger to someone who clearly knows a lot more then you, my friend. Its not big and doesnt prove everything. Tai is seen as a very wise member of this board. Hes bin there and done it. So he knows what hes talking about.