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  1. #1
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    possible eq bullshit.

    look what i found. on read in bold

    Equipoise (Boldenone Undeclynate), or "EQ" is one of the most widely used compounds by athletes today. It can effect slow and continuous muscle mass and strength gains over a prolonged period, and generally cycles with this drug tend to be quite long because of this fact.

    Men get good results from a 300-600mg weekly total. In the past, this included utilizing an every other day (EOD) injection schedule, because Eq was only available in very low concentrations (50-100mgs/ml). Women have made excellent progress with dosages of 50-100mg total weekly doses, and this usually means a 1 injections weekly schedule. Women as a rule, seem to prefer less scar-tissue build up than men are comfortable with. In this dose range, women almost never report virilizing side effects, and usually only experienced an elevated libido. Increased hair growth on face and legs is, of course, possible (though not probable)..

    Liver toxicity is not an issue with Boldenone, and it can be used for long times on either a bulking or cutting cycle, very safely. It has a reputation for appetite and red blood cell production stimulating effects, and this makes it very nice for a bulking cycle. Obviously with increased red blood cell count an increase in oxygen transport was also realized, as was improved nutrient transport, making less food become more efficient...a very nice effect for a cutting cycle.

    Athletes generally stacked Boldenone with testosterone and Anadrol for mass cycles. Dianabol, due to it's close resemblance to Eq chemically, is not usually used interchangably with Anadrol in cycles containing EQ (a rare exception). Cutting, or pre-contest cycles including Boldenone often include Trenbolones, Winstrol . With the afforementioned drugs, an anti-estrogen is generally not necessary.

    its strange cos i know loads of people whove stacked eq with test deca and dbol and have had great results including increased vascularity.

    why wouldnt you want to stack eq and dbol together?

    would you shoot eq every 3.5days like test and deca? or doesnt it matter on when you shoot the weekly dosage?

    also wouldnt you say to run it at 800mg a week for best results? yet here it says 300-600mg/week.

    any help or opinions very welcome


  2. #2
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    I think they're saying that Dbol and Anadrol aren't normally stacked together because they're similar.

    EDIT: nevermind. Poor grammar kicked my ass.

  3. #3
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Old info chopped up and rehashed.

  4. #4
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    bump for more opinions

  5. #5
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    Old info chopped up and rehashed.
    fair does. so i should ignore this info then and take whats said on this site as good enough info?

    thanks for your input btw.


  6. #6
    pigrond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kick6 View Post
    I think they're saying that Dbol and Anadrol aren't normally stacked together because they're similar.

    EDIT: nevermind. Poor grammar kicked my ass.
    anadrol and dbol are not the same or similar they are 2 different compounds and can be stacked together.ive used eq at 400mg a wk 2xwk and had good results also kicked it with anadrol was also using tren e and test e blood pressure was alittle crazy

  7. #7
    pip_squeek is offline Associate Member
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    i've done dbol eq with sust. had great results i dont see a reason why it cant be stacked with dbol. or anadrol but i think what its saying is that dbol and anadorl work similar to eq therefore not recommended . a good thread worth revising

  8. #8
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T View Post
    fair does. so i should ignore this info then and take whats said on this site as good enough info?

    thanks for your input btw.

    This is stacking, nothing more. This is mainly theory or speculation, especially if these combos haven't been actually ingested by the original author. Nobody really knows what works best until they use the combination of drugs themselves. Personally test E, EQ and tbol to jump works the best for me. How do I know? Because I've used many different drugs in different combinations but this stack gives me the most benefits with the least sides.

    There are so many factors that determine what works best. The harsher the drug, the higher percentage of people will suffer the same sides. This usually equates into the higher androgenic drugs that give us the most strength and size gains. Higher risk = higher benefit + more sides

  9. #9
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pip_squeek View Post
    i've done dbol eq with sust. had great results i dont see a reason why it cant be stacked with dbol. or anadrol but i think what its saying is that dbol and anadorl work similar to eq therefore not recommended . a good thread worth revising
    I can't really read between the lines but what it should say is that dbol and anadrol are liver toxic (C-17 alkylated) and powerful orals that should be avoided in a stack together. That's a recipe for jaundice IMO.

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    EQ kan suck it.. some of the weakest shit out there

  11. #11
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Ahhh, I love EQ thaiboxa. How can you say that??? Wahhhhhhhhhhhh.....

  12. #12
    green22's Avatar
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    EQ is weak!!!!

  13. #13
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    I can't really read between the lines but what it should say is that dbol and anadrol are liver toxic (C-17 alkylated) and powerful orals that should be avoided in a stack together. That's a recipe for jaundice IMO.
    ironically enough on another website this guys suggesting combining test and deca with:

    Week 1-10: 50mg Dianabol
    Week 1 - 8: 100mg Anadrol .

    And then he describes 10 weeks of dbol at 50mg as a "low dose"!

    if i were to mix id do a 50mg anadrol 25mg dbol but i tried that in the summer and couldnt eat anything, then i dropped the a-drol and went back to eating like a pig again!

    The Great Oral Debate: Anadrol vs. Dianabol

    For many years, a great debate has raged over which oral is superior for mass gains, and two of them have stood the test of time; dianabol and anadrol. The debate has continued, arguing which of the two is superior, yet no conclusive evidence has proven one better than the other. People respond to each one differently, some swearing by dbol and some swearing by anadrol. Before we declare one the winner, I am going to go over a bit of history and chemical structure on both products.

    Anadrol ( oxymetholone) was first made available in the 1960’s by Syntex. It is very effective at increasing red blood cell production and was promising for treating severe cases of anemia. With the advent of newer and more advanced drugs such as Erythropoietin, which have less androgenic side effects, Anadrol was discontinued. New studies in AIDS/HIV patients revealed Anadrol was particularly effective at reducing wasting symptoms so it was re-released in the late 1990’s.

    Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which in theory means it should not convert to estrogen. Since it does not aromatize but still causes gynecomastia in some users, there are other pathways by which it converts. After looking at studies on AIDS patients, I found that it may convert by actively activating the estrogen receptor, so this is a product that would need an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex .

    Dianabol ( methandrostenolone ) was first made in 1956 by John Zieglar of Ciba fame. Dianabol has been one of the most popular oral steroids of all time, exploding in popularity in the 1970’s with bodybuilders and football players and expanding into all avenues of athletics during the 1980’s. It somewhat waned during the 1990’s with the steroid control act, but was hot again in the early 2000’s with reproduction in mass quantities by Mexican labs and underground labs.

    Methandrostenolone is a derivative of testosterone and hence will convert to estrogen. Gyno will be a concern for sure, in almost all users, whereas only less than 25% have problems with Anadrol. Again water retention will be a problem, usually due to the estrogenic properties.

    Both products will have similar androgenic side effects, which include; acne, water retention, oily skin, male pattern baldness, and increased body hair growth. Both drugs are c17 alpha alkylated, therefore liver protection will be necessary, especially when combining the two.

    So we come to the premise of this article, Anadrol vs. Dianabol. Why, the great debate over which product to take? They work on different pathways, have similar side effects you will have to combat, and both are liver toxic. So why is there a debate over which is better and which one should you take? Well, as I stated earlier, different people have different responses to each product. Many people, including myself, find high doses of Anadrol to be too much to handle in trade of the results you get. With this product, I have an extreme loss of appetite, massive water retention, and overall aches and pains and headaches.

    On the other hand, when I take Dianabol, I get a general sense of well-being, good but not great size gains, and the ability to keep eating. It sounds like I should keep taking Dianabol and drop the Anadrol, right? Wrong. I get massive male pattern baldness from Dianabol, which I do not experience from Anadrol. I have an increase in blood pressure levels at doses that are high enough to match my gains from Anadrol, and I have to shorten my cycles because of the massive dosages I take to get good gains. So in all, I get some side effects from each that I would like to avoid, while still retaining the great benefits that I can only get from each product.

    Anadrol is well known for its ability to cause massive size and strength increases, and as we all know, a stronger muscle has to become a bigger muscle with enough calories to feed it. Dianabol gives me large, quality muscle gains without as much water retention as Anadrol. So what is the compromise? Do I take one during one cycle and then the other product during my next cycle?

    The answer is no to both. There is no need to short change yourself gains in either department when you can have your cake and eat it too. I am not alone in my assessments of both products. Most guys have similar issues of massive water retention, headaches and loss of appetite with Anadrol, and MPB and fewer gains with Dianabol comparatively. So, the best thing we can do is decrease our dosages of both products to cut down on side-effects and take them at the same time to increase the benefits.

    My recommendation is to take both products in lower dosages but for longer periods of time. Dianabol has been found to work much better for quality gains when taken in lower dosages but for longer periods of time. High doses have severe side effects in some users, a loss of all gains with cessation of the product because of the short cycle (4-6 weeks) and most of the aforementioned side-effects.

    Your dosages will be cycle history dependent but when I was at the peak of my career, I was taking cycles of 200mg Dianabol for 6 weeks per cycle, or 250-300mg Anadrol per 6 week cycle. In later cycles when I decided to combine the two products together, I was able to drop my Dianabol use to 50mg per day, and my Anadrol use to 100mg per day and because of the synergistic effect of the two products combined, the effect was similar but with none of the sides. There is something very synergistic when taking these two products together with just a simple cycle of testosterone and deca-durabolin .

    I would run my Anadrol cycles for 8 weeks at that dose and my Dianabol cycles for 10 weeks at that low dose with no liver toxic effects as proven by my quarterly blood tests. I did not have to take liver protectants, but I recommend them for most users. I no longer had to watch my blood pressure, my water retention was minimal compared to earlier cycles, and I was able to continue eating massive amounts of food because I did not experience appetite loss from a massive dose of Anadrol.

    I highly recommend on your next bulking cycle you try the following: A base cycle of test and deca, add in the Anadrol and Dianabol mix, and some Nolvadex. You will be able to control your water retention, liver toxicity, and other side effects by controlling your dosages. Your doses will vary from mine, but just adjust accordingly and run them for longer periods of time. You will be amazed at the simplicity of this cycle and yet the synergy is un-describable. Your gains will be far better than you have ever had when taking each product alone, your side effects will be less than if you were to take either product in higher doses, thanks to the different biochemical pathways. Everyone already knows that test and anadrol, and deca and dbol are very synergistic. Now combine all four in a cycle and watch yourself just blow up

  14. #14
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    Dude is just crazy and likes to put on as much size as he can. Cheers to him and it's great to see the lab rats run the wheel. He does note they are both c-17 alkylated so at least he understands the assault on the liver. Liv-52 or whatever liver protection can only do so much when you are taking 2 different harsh orals at the same time.

    Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which in theory means it should not convert to estrogen. Since it does not aromatize but still causes gynecomastia in some users, there are other pathways by which it converts. After looking at studies on AIDS patients, I found that it may convert by actively activating the estrogen receptor, so this is a product that would need an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex.

    Contradictions abound. He says abomb doesn't aromatize but it may cause gyno? If it doesn't aromatize then it is not converting into estrogen and it CANNOT cause gyno.

    This guy is kind of cooky.... He likes to take the abomb, dbol together. I like dudes like this. It answers the questions on what would happend if I did this... But all we hear about are the gains and not the complications or sides. We don't hear about the yellow skin and eyes or splitting back pains.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 01-31-2008 at 07:15 PM.

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    Ahhh, I love EQ thaiboxa. How can you say that??? Wahhhhhhhhhhhh.....
    because it excels in NO area.
    hell every aas out there seems to have a use ..
    but EQ.. its SO weak, in every area only thing it seems to do is aid in increaseing vascularity or helping women fight non iron related anemia.

    hell i dont know anyone personaly who it actually increases hunger for either.

    tren increases my appetite more than EQ

  16. #16
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    Dude is just crazy and likes to put on as much size as he can. Cheers to him and it's great to see the lab rats run the wheel. He does not they are both c-17 alkylated so at least he understands the assault. Liv-52 or whatever liver protection can only do so much when you are taking 2 different harsh orals at the same time.

    Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which in theory means it should not convert to estrogen. Since it does not aromatize but still causes gynecomastia in some users, there are other pathways by which it converts. After looking at studies on AIDS patients, I found that it may convert by actively activating the estrogen receptor, so this is a product that would need an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex.

    Contradictions abound. He says abomb doesn't aromatize but it may cause gyno? If it doesn't aromatize then it is not converting into estrogen and it CANNOT cause gyno.

    This guy is kind of cooky.... He likes to take the abomb, dbol together. I like dudes like this. It answers the questions on what would happend if I did this... But all we hear about are the gains and not the complications or sides. We don't hear about the yellow skin and eyes or splitting back pains.
    i love dbol /drol together in a 1:2 ratio.

  17. #17
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    So you're saying 50mgs dbol and 100mgs drol?

  18. #18
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    So you're saying 50mgs dbol and 100mgs drol?
    or 25/50

    but yes i have ran a 50/100 dosing of the 2 and it was good .. appetite went to shit but honestly the sides werent as bad as say 100mg Dbol ED or even near as bad as 200mg Drol ED

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    because it excels in NO area.
    hell every aas out there seems to have a use ..
    but EQ.. its SO weak, in every area only thing it seems to do is aid in increaseing vascularity or helping women fight non iron related anemia.

    hell i dont know anyone personaly who it actually increases hunger for either.

    tren increases my appetite more than EQ

    hell yeah... eq is terrible.. you have to run such a high dose of it to get any effects from it .... its just a waste of area in a syringe that can be utilized by something better ..... ie more tren .....

    And yeah .... tai you are right about tren increasing appetite..... which sucks when you are trying to cut .....

  20. #20
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    mg for mg dbol is more effective/powerful than drol after everything I've read.

  21. #21
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk View Post
    mg for mg dbol is more effective/powerful than drol after everything I've read.
    yep, personal experience has shown me the same thing..

    i can almost take a 1/3rd as much dbol and get the same gains as drol..though i dont bloat on either.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    EQ is weak!!!!
    In higher doses its actaully a very useful AAS

  23. #23
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    In higher doses its actaully a very useful AAS

    It works just fine as you know Al1n. I like the Stea|thy 284mgs+/ml dose too... Thanks bro.

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