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  1. #1
    Rasmus is offline New Member
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    Trying to loose 60lbs


    I'm 280lbs and would like to cut down to 220-230 ish in 2008. I'm at around 20-22%bf right now. I have done alot of reading on clen , t3, and eca stacks and still can't really decide whats right for me. I understand that some use benedryl to keep your receptors active while on clen or clen and T3, and I know that running an eca stack while on either of those is somewhat counter productive. I'm wondering what I would need to take, and how long I would need to take it to get the results that I'm looking for.

    My weekly training consists of 6 on and one off. Cardio 3 times a week for 2 30 minute sessions with core in between. Trying to stay around 130-150bpm (the fat burining range correct?). The other 3 days are mixed lifting 4 sets with 8-10 reps in each exercise.

    Wondering what I need to change in my routine, diet is fairly clean.

    Any and all help is appreciated
    I know if there is one place that I can find good information its here

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    How low to you want your bf to be?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    i thought u were holding a candle at first in ur

    what is ur diet like?

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasmus View Post

    I'm 280lbs and would like to cut down to 220-230 ish in 2008. I'm at around 20-22%bf right now. I have done alot of reading on clen , t3, and eca stacks and still can't really decide whats right for me. I understand that some use benedryl to keep your receptors active while on clen or clen and T3, and I know that running an eca stack while on either of those is somewhat counter productive. I'm wondering what I would need to take, and how long I would need to take it to get the results that I'm looking for.

    My weekly training consists of 6 on and one off. Cardio 3 times a week for 2 30 minute sessions with core in between. Trying to stay around 130-150bpm (the fat burining range correct?). The other 3 days are mixed lifting 4 sets with 8-10 reps in each exercise.

    Wondering what I need to change in my routine, diet is fairly clean.

    Any and all help is appreciated
    I know if there is one place that I can find good information its here

    Thanks in advance

    There are a few ways used to determine the target heart rate/fat-burning zone. One is a calculated-age method, in which you take the number 220, subtract your age, and multiply that number by 70 percent. This is the one I use and the Polar machines at the gym work the same way. Seems to work for me.

  5. #5
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    I thought it was a candle too!!! Post your diet for us bud.

  6. #6
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    i also read some stuff saying HIIT is more effective. look up the thread magic posted on it.

    if i am allowed to post the link to his thread i will.

    hows your diet? make sure you get your bmr and then eat calories accordingly.

  7. #7
    Rasmus is offline New Member
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    Wow thanks for the quick replies! I'd like my bf to get down to around 15% or so. If I'm 280 and lets say 25%bf for easy calculations that means that I have 70lbs of fat on me. I know that I wont be able to keep all of the muscle that I have and drop 60lbs while staying natural. To get to 15% I would need to lose 39.5lbs and keep all of my base. I think thats still going to be tough, but might be doable.

    If I calculate my target hr the way that was suggested it comes to just about 140 which seems reasonable and is in the range of what I was going for.


    I eat fairly cleanly, but there is definantly some room for improvement. I know the right types of food to eat but its the portion sizing that I'm not sure about. I want to make sure that I get enough fuel comming in, but not so much that it just goes to waste either. I'm a person that is almost constantly hungry.

    A typical day:

    7am - 2 cups plain oatmeal, 2 cups raisins, sometimes with 1% milk
    - 2 cups of tea
    - 3 eggs with no oil
    - multigrain bagel with 2 tbsp peanut butter or whole wheat wrap with the same

    12pm - 3 cups pasta with tomato sauce and veg
    - 2 lean turkey or chicken sausages
    - 1.5L water
    - piece of fruit

    snack - xl coffee and usually something with carbs

    4pm - gym

    6pm - 1L Protien(2 scoop) and glutamine(1 scoop) shake
    - salad of some kind with 2 lean sausages

    11pm - bed

    The place that the diet suffers is on the weekends, they usually involve beer, lots and lots of coffee, and probably 2 shitty meals.

    Please post the link for that other fatburner, is it also a thermogenic?



  8. #8
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your diet sucks. Go to the diet forum and check the cutting diet thread at the top.

    You need discipline to achieve your goals. If your mind is really set on doing this forget about the beer, shitty meals and whatever can jeopardize all your work.

  9. #9
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    yup even a candy bar on the weekend can destroy it.. id say if you need some sort of junk food.. if you do good with your diet.. you can have a soda every 2 weeks.. just one tho.. and make sure to follow it with like 2 glasses of water!!

    but if your hardcore on the diet the soda will taste nasty so you wont even want it.. :-)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Having a candy bar on the weekend can destroy a cycle? damn! i knew all those guys walking around my gym with Snickers weren't dedicated!!

  11. #11
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    one candy bar isn't gonna destroy your diet... just make sure it doesn't lead to other junk food... or other "Bad" meals in general. (granted, candy bars of any kind are a bad idea when you're trying to lose weight!) Later on in your diet, if you're strict, you'll find that a cheat meal once every week or so is necessary, just for sanity's sake. (at least for me anyway).

  12. #12
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    your eating 3 times a day. with your protein coming from sausages and shakes. split your meals up to about 5 or 6 a day with a nice amount of protein in each meal.

    you can just clean up your diet and start losing weight and then you can start to mess around with the calories. i mean for breakfast having a bagel on top of 2 cups of oatmeal is just plain ridiculous unless your name is jay cutler. 3 eggs? you def want to up that. then for lunch 3 cups of pasta on top of what you ate for breakfast. you probably have a whole days worths of carbs in just 5 hours. now if you were to take that same carb content and spread it over a couple of meals rather evenly it would be much better.

  13. #13
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=TheArtist;3806964]one candy bar isn't gonna destroy your diet... just make sure it doesn't lead to other junk food... QUOTE]

    well thats what i mean.. if you eat one thing then next you know you sneak in more junk and then its shot.. but if your true then one candy bar or soda pop wont kill ya..

  14. #14
    Rasmus is offline New Member
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    Ok, I agree with the frequent small meal idea, and I also recognize that there are alot of carbs up front in the day but I find it helps me keep my energy up. Is the total amount of carbs a problem, or is it just the placement?
    With protien I have heard that when your building or bulking you want 1-1.5grams for every pound of lean body mass. I would assume that this is different when you are trying to cut down right? If so what is a good ballpark for somebody my size?

    As for my training program, how does it look? Should I up cardio and scale back lifting? I want to maintain what I have and maybe build a little bit at the same time as losing fat. Is this a resonable goal?

    Thanks again for all of the replies.


  15. #15
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    I would think its reasonable.

  16. #16
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Goto this thread and check out the diet info...

    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...

    You sound like a big boy but I definately think cutting from 25 to 15 is reasonable, and you will be a lot healthier in doing so as well... As far as training, I imagine that you know what works best for you right at this point. The training aspect is so very subjective and I could tell you what I think works best, but it only works best for me. So I would advise you research different programs and decide what you like the best. As far as cardio, 1 hour in the morning before you eat anything is best IMO. I would go for 1 hour of cardio EVERYDAY 7 days a week, and continue weight training with the same intensity as you have been. And you are not wanting to use steroids is that correct?

  17. #17
    Rasmus is offline New Member
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    Makes sense. Im going to try eating cleaner and continue doing my routine for the next 7 days and this time next week Ill post any losses and the general feel. The following week Id like to try cardio 7 days a week and all of it in the morning without eating first. Im interested to see what the difference is. I know that I personally feel pretty energized after a morning cardio session, but I have never tried it without eating first.

    As for gear, I think that before I do anything I should cut down. At some point I would like to be the same weight as I am now, but still be around 15%. To do that I would need to put on around 25-30lbs of lean mass after cutting to 220 or so.

    Last edited by Rasmus; 02-04-2008 at 12:04 AM.

  18. #18
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasmus View Post
    Makes sense. Im going to try eating cleaner and continue doing my routine for the next 7 days and this time next week Ill post any losses and the general feel. The following week Id like to try cardio 7 days a week and all of it in the morning without eating first. Im interested to see what the difference is. I know that I personally feel pretty energized after a morning cardio session, but I have never tried it without eating first.

    As for gear, I think that before I do anything I should cut down. At some point I would like to be the same weight as I am now, but still be around 15%. To do that I would need to put on around 25-30lbs of lean mass after cutting to 220 or so.

    that is one of the most intelligent conclusions that I have seen by a newer guy on here in a long time. good luck bro, and keep researching, you will hit your goals if you stay with it. things take time.

  19. #19
    Rasmus is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the encouragement.

    A bit of an update:

    I damaged my rotator cuff this week doing barbell flatbench. I didn't warm my shoulders up enough before going for a 1rm. It feels like shit for sure. Hopefully I haven't damaged it too badly. For now I'm going to have to cut back on lifting intensity, which I guess is a good thing because now I can really concentrate on cardio.

    Diet has been good. I took out the bagel in the morning and went for a lower carb lunch.
    I'm down 3lbs from last week. I'm serriously considering adding some clen to help me along but I'm kinda lost with the emulsification. Does every product form AR-R have to be cut with an emulsifier? Also, how much better is keto at recharging the beta receptors than the benedryl method?


  20. #20
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    I'm not sure what you mean with emulsification, but the clen from ar-r doesn't need any kind of mixing if that is what you're asking. Just spray it straight in your mouth (or use an oral syringe).

  21. #21
    wilson9d's Avatar
    wilson9d is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasmus View Post
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    A bit of an update:

    I damaged my rotator cuff this week doing barbell flatbench. I didn't warm my shoulders up enough before going for a 1rm. It feels like shit for sure. Hopefully I haven't damaged it too badly. For now I'm going to have to cut back on lifting intensity, which I guess is a good thing because now I can really concentrate on cardio.

    Diet has been good. I took out the bagel in the morning and went for a lower carb lunch.
    I'm down 3lbs from last week. I'm serriously considering adding some clen to help me along but I'm kinda lost with the emulsification. Does every product form AR-R have to be cut with an emulsifier? Also, how much better is keto at recharging the beta receptors than the benedryl method?

    I screwed up my shoulder about 2.5 months ago. The doc said to take almost 3 months off, and tried to sell me on a surgery. I have changed my workout to avoid movements like flies and raises ect…. I’ve stuck to movements that put less stress on the joint. My shoulder is still hurt but it is getting better and I have not lost much strength. Maybe this can help you avoid loosing gains.

  22. #22
    PT's Avatar
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    you definatly need a better diet with more protein and of course you need to continue eating somewhat healthy on the weekends. i dont eat candy, cookies, cake, donughts or anything else sweet because i just personally dont enjoy it but if i want 2 pieces of pizza on a sunday i do eat that. you need to add more small meals to your diet and definatly up your protein. you need a high protein drink with low sugar and fat that you can drink twice a day. obviously diet and cardio is the way to burn fat but if you can get that in line then you can move on to eca, clen or t-3 which will really help as well.

  23. #23
    roidboyjnr is offline Junior Member
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    might be better off starting a high protein low carb diet for a couple of weeks like me first then get some clen to help finish it off. i used hydroxycut with a good diet and training then had a week off sups then lipo6 , now im on MX-LS7 untill i get pmed by an admin to find a safe supplier.
    i didnt/dont have any pasta , potato, bread is very minimal 2 slices a day. try and only use carbs in foos with high or good protein like cottage cheese.

    Hope i have helped ... if not im sorry but good luck

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