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  1. #1
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    Feedback required please.

    Hi as much feedback as possible please good or bad or options on how to change. I am planning on doing the following course or dbol , deca and sus for 8Wks as the following:-
    dbol 10mg/day - 2wks
    deca - 2ml/wk - 6WKs
    sus - 2ml/wk - 8wks
    Proviron /nolv on hand

    With clomid and HCG for PCT

    I'm 5'6" and 64Kg

    any info and help greatly appreciated thanks.

    I have been training for the last 6years and made good progress going from 39Kgs to my current weight i have done 2 courses in the past of dbol and deca with what i thought was good PCT but noticed a bit of testicle Atrophy, which i would like to prevent or limit if possible. last course has been roughly 5months ago due to injury.

  2. #2
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Age? Goals?

    Dbol dose seems low and very short.
    Deca needs to be run a minimum of 10 weeks (pref 12) in my opinion
    You are right to run the test past the deca.

    Is the test susp or sust.

    In short, this cycle needs work.

  3. #3
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    sust, was thinking that but was unsure due to the testicle Atrophy i had from previous course and used HCG on PCT with them.
    best to do :-
    dbol 10mg/day - 3/4wks
    deca - 2ml/wk - 10WKs
    sus - 2ml/wk - 12wks

    and run the PCT 2wks after last shot of sust for 3-4weeks?????

    im 24, looking to add 15lbs on. I', regular kickboxer and sprinter so looking to lean up was thinking of adding clens in towards end ot the course 2wks on 2wks off for 6wks.

  4. #4
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    I would up the dbol to ~25 or 30mgs.
    Keep in mind that the sust needs to be injected eod.
    I would save the nolva for pct since you are running deca and prob get arimidex to keep on hand.

    Just so you know. You may not have any probs with clen , but I struggle some with my high intensity cardio while on. Def would not want to fight while on. You may be totally different. Just a suggestion.

    Make sure pct is right too. I've just been assuming that you know that.

  5. #5
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    Hi as much feedback as possible please good or bad or options on how to change. I am planning on doing the following course or dbol , deca and sus for 8Wks as the following:-
    dbol 10mg/day - 2wks
    deca - 2ml/wk - 6WKs
    sus - 2ml/wk - 8wks
    Proviron /nolv on hand

    With clomid and HCG for PCT

    I'm 5'6" and 64Kg

    any info and help greatly appreciated thanks.

    I have been training for the last 6years and made good progress going from 39Kgs to my current weight i have done 2 courses in the past of dbol and deca with what i thought was good PCT but noticed a bit of testicle Atrophy, which i would like to prevent or limit if possible. last course has been roughly 5months ago due to injury.
    up the dbol to 40mg ed for 3-4 wks.
    deca for six wks is not going cut it, it takes around 6 wks to fully kick in. imo you need to run deca at a minimum of 10 wks I prefer 12 to see maximum benefits. you need to run the test two wks past the deca. sus should be shot eod or at the least e3rd to keep blood levels stable. 125mg eod should be sufficient. basically if you want to run long esters it would be best to extend your cycle. for pct run the nolva, hcg and proviron. I have run that same pct and it works great.

  6. #6
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    Cheers guys, help and advice much apprecaited and taken in, will look closer into the course and up further waiting another few months until i start as not long back into training and wont body to max out first again. looking towards at least 12-14wks now as follows:-

    dbol - 4wks - 30mg
    deca 11wks - 3ml
    sust 13wks - eod
    clens (unsure about as i have read before that there a some side effects with cardio etc)

    and then PCT - clomid/nolva HCG (can only get hold of the 1500ius so thinking of doubling the length i use - 4wks?, any ideas?) and proviron .

    Cant thank enough for the help, been reading up for but as they say always learning when comes to gear and training. once again thanks

  7. #7
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    start the hcg and nolva wk 13 run the nolva at 20mg ed. hcg 500iu ed for 3 wks. continue the nolva throughout pct 4-6 wks. wk 15 start the proviron . what is your gear dosed at? (mg/ml)

  8. #8
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    I would prob stick with the 2ml/wk of deca (assuming it's dosed at 200mg/ml). You def want to run more test than deca b/c of the libido sides you can get from running too much deca.

  9. #9
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    Deca is at 200mg/ml sust is 250mg/ml.

    Ive also read that taken HCG during a course helps keep the LD levels high what are opions on this? as i have had slight side effects in this testes already due to lack of experience in past and thinking take as much as possible and grow. I found out the hard way and hence now reading and learning on topic.

  10. #10
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    That's not exactly correct, many people have found that running a TRT dose of testosterone is more than plenty in order to keep the libido up during a Deca /Test cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by djcj2002 View Post
    I would prob stick with the 2ml/wk of deca (assuming it's dosed at 200mg/ml). You def want to run more test than deca b/c of the libido sides you can get from running too much deca.

  11. #11
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Just my experience. I gotta have more test.

  12. #12
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    Cheers thanks for all the help guys greatly Appreciated. So the use more test than this should help little on testicle size and keep HCG to hand if notice any size diffrence??

  13. #13
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    Cheers thanks for all the help guys greatly Appreciated. So the use more test than this should help little on testicle size and keep HCG to hand if notice any size diffrence??
    If anything using more test is going to shrink your balls more. If you are worried about testicular atrophy run the hcg during cycle.

  14. #14
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    thought so, but this is where i start getting mixed up with the info i read and get advised, 12wks at 2ml a wk, would this be an alright course with everything else i have mentioned:

    dbol - 4wks - 30mg
    deca 11wks - 3ml

    on the balls if i keep the hcg to hand? and PCT at 200mg Day 1 and then 100mg/ed for wk and 50mg/ed for last wk for 3wks with nolvedex - Day 1 - 100mg Following 10 days - 60mg/ed Following 10 days - 40mg/ed

  15. #15
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lach01 View Post
    thought so, but this is where i start getting mixed up with the info i read and get advised, 12wks at 2ml a wk, would this be an alright course with everything else i have mentioned:

    dbol - 4wks - 30mg
    deca 11wks - 3ml

    on the balls if i keep the hcg to hand? and PCT at 200mg Day 1 and then 100mg/ed for wk and 50mg/ed for last wk for 3wks with nolvedex - Day 1 - 100mg Following 10 days - 60mg/ed Following 10 days - 40mg/ed
    nolva is way to high you don't need to go over 40mg ed. unless those numbers are for clomid. what is your deca dosed at. 300-400mg wk (deca) is enough. 500mg test stick around those numbers. and you need an ai in your pct thats why i suggested using your proviron or you can use aromasin that works well also.

  16. #16
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    That's not exactly correct, many people have found that running a TRT dose of testosterone is more than plenty in order to keep the libido up during a Deca/Test cycle.
    true, since deca does not affect, negate or suppress exogenous test.

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