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  1. #1
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2004

    8 week update... good so far!

    Im in week 8 of my cycle. Just to review :

    weeks 1-6 800mg/wk supertest
    weeks 1-4 50mg/ED var
    weeks 1-6 200mg primo (to cut the test)
    weeks 7 - ? 450mg test/wk (lowered my dose cause i was growing too fast)

    if you want to see my lifting program :
    Just posting my routine, cause its workin so great!

    other threads on this cycle :
    Hey guys/gals... back again, will report results
    Progress update : 4 weeks in

    Im on a 50/25/25 protien/carb/fat split at 2500 calories a day. I gain farely easy. Ill list some basic lifts i do with where i started 12 weeks ago (i warmed up without cycle for a month) and what im lifting today. Keep in mind, my muscles can lift more, however my tendons and joints cant keep up, so i slowed down the progression of weight. I also started real light in the beginning with higher reps. All weights listed are for sets, i dont do 1 rep maxes yet.

    Age : 31, height 5-9, average build, starting weight was 182lbs.

    Weight today 199lbs, stay around 15-18% bf.

    Bench : started 145 - now 235 in sets
    dips : bodywieght - now me+85
    military : started 40 - now 70's (dumbells)
    incline : started 50 - now 90's (dumbells)
    skull crushers : started 60 - now 105 (ez bar)
    bent over row : started 135- now 185 (bar)
    deadlift : started 225- now 335 (!!)
    chins : cant do em - use machines
    shrugs : started 225 - now 315 (bar)
    barbell curl : started 50 - now 95
    squat : started 195 - now 315 (!!)
    leg press : started 360 - now 720 (!!)
    standin calf raise started 200 - now 290 (machine)
    seated calf raise started 135 - now 210 (machine)

    So there you have it, 8 week check list. Since my dose is lower, it will go on longer than 10 weeks. I am taking 450mg supertest a week now, and my joints and CNS are better keeping pace with the muscle growth. My diet is about 80% on. I still drink on the weekend tho

    Last edited by Drummerboy; 03-03-2008 at 06:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Der schmutzig Süd
    great job man keep up the good work...

    is that weight MAXED for each exercise or can you rep it out with that weight?

    you'll probably be getting flammed for that last lil line, however dont sweat it (I drink too on weekends!! lol) dosent seem to be hurting my gains thou... too hard to stay home when u feel this great!!! =)

  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    no those are the weights i use for sets. if i can lift 7 alone, i up the weight. And yea... i lift to look good, when i feel good and look good i wanna go out and party a lol! damn contradictions lmao!


  4. #4
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
    Mazzive_T is offline Member
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    hey bro how come u say you were growing too fast? do you mean it was becoming obvious you used AAS?

  5. #5
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
    Mazzive_T is offline Member
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    North West, UK.
    oh joints. sorry. T.

  6. #6
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2004
    lol yea T... joints and tendons (elbows, shoulders, connective tissue with tri's and bi's too) were all screamin, even though i could lift the weight without fail. I had to slow it up, let those catch up... im on a good even pace now, but i was in the gym 6 days a week...

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