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Thread: EQ sleep woes?

  1. #1
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    EQ sleep woes?

    I just fired up my first inj of EQ at 400mg last friday. This week my sleep quality and quantity has sucked. I know many moving parts to quality sleep.My sleep habits are solid, same time, no caffeine after 2pm, the works. I use HGH as well with great sleep enhancement up til now, I usually crash for 7-9 hours and wake up feeling great.
    only other product right now is androderm, soon to be replaced with enth at 300mg per week.

    Anyone else have this issue ever with EQ?

  2. #2
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    I have ran EQ in the majority of cycles that I have under my belt without any ill effects on my sleep habits. The only thing I can think of is that inducing a new substance into your body has "shocked" it. Give it a while to see if your body can adjust to the new substance.

  3. #3
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    I dont think its the eq. Even tren (which will give you insomnia) doesnt show that symptom the first week.

    Quote Originally Posted by bfsparty View Post
    I just fired up my first inj of EQ at 400mg last friday. This week my sleep quality and quantity has sucked. I know many moving parts to quality sleep.My sleep habits are solid, same time, no caffeine after 2pm, the works. I use HGH as well with great sleep enhancement up til now, I usually crash for 7-9 hours and wake up feeling great.
    only other product right now is androderm, soon to be replaced with enth at 300mg per week.

    Anyone else have this issue ever with EQ?

  4. #4
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks to both of ya. could be the new substance, or not, my body is pretty damn clean, very little caffeine, zeke on the alky/smoking, eat great.

    Any thoughts on enth's affect on sleep? My guess is it is fairly positive all considered

    The androderm/gh combo has put me in restorative comas for months up to this point, sleeping like my little ones, hoping the enth just piles on non disruptively

  5. #5
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bfsparty View Post
    Thanks to both of ya. could be the new substance, or not, my body is pretty damn clean, very little caffeine, zeke on the alky/smoking, eat great.

    Any thoughts on enth's affect on sleep? My guess is it is fairly positive all considered

    The androderm/gh combo has put me in restorative comas for months up to this point, sleeping like my little ones, hoping the enth just piles on non disruptively
    When I first found the light that is test, sleep was hard because my heart rate increased and my body had all this new found energy. After a week or so then it was never a problem. I have always been one to suffer from sleep problems to begin with so my experiences may not relate to what yours will be. There is no reason or "side effect" that test has which is directly related to disrupted sleep. I feel that if you are sleeping fine now, then you probably should have no problem on test e.

    At this point your sleeping habits, as you said, could be chalked up to many things. My problems usually revolve around self inflicted stress such as....holy crap...did I eat enough protein today? Or, ummm, I am going to be in a meeting at 1pm and I suppose to eat at 1:30, I better get out fast.

    I have always heard that ZMA is a great sleep aid but have never tried it myself. I hope you find out whats bugging your sleep.

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