Alright guys. I need a little help. I've been reading this board for a few years now and have taken the advice given to most newbies and pushed myself as close to my natural limits as I think I can get. I realize there's no "magic pill" and I know I can't build and cut at the same time, but I'm hoping to maintain MOST of what I have now and cut like crazy for the upcoming summer months!

My stats are: 25 years old...5'9...208 lbs...about 15% BF...working out on and off for about 10 years and pushing it hard for about 1.5 years.

My goals: My goals are more "Men's Health" body and not "Muscle Mag" body, at least for now due to upcoming summer. I'm looking to be very cut. I can be as strict as I need to be on diet and workout (which I'll save those questions for the diet forum). I'm thinking I would like to see myself about 200 lbs at 8% BF

Here is what I have access to through source:
Test Enanthate
Cytomel (T3)
I'm also pretty sure I've found a website that is legit due to not being on any scammers list, but the prices are kinda high, but if you think I need to get something else I'll be more than happy to order from them!

Here's the Cycle I was thinking about. Please feel free to critique

Test E-500 mg/week for 12 weeks

Clen-2 weeks on 2 weeks off throughout Test cycle

Cytomel (T3)
Week 3-50 mcg
Week 4-75 mcg
Week 5-100 mcg
Week 6-75 mcg
Week 7-50 mcg
Week 8-25 mcg

Benadryl week 3


I know this will all come down to DIET, but if my diet is in check should this be a good cycle to accomplish my goals? Should I add some eq at about 400 mg a week? Any help or advice would be appreciated! Thank you