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  1. #1
    gadawg979 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    steroid questions advice

    Hello everyone,

    I am 28 y/o 5'10'' and 225lbs. Bench 420lbs, Squat 585lbs, deadlift 605lbs. I have been off roids now for some 10 weeks now. I went off due to my fear of heahealth related issues, as I was on orals for quite a long extended time. I had no adverse symptoms bit decided to get my blood checked due to the prolonged time I was on. My ALT and AST were a little elevated around 100 both, and my bilirubin a was a little increased also. My cholesterol, PSA, EKG, and everything else checked out ok. Do you guys that have been involved feel this is a big deal as I heard most times these levels fall and many can regain use so long as they keep blood tests done and take them safely. Also do you know of many serious health related issues or do you feel that a vast majority are overstated? Just a few opinons and questions are wanted from you experts as I am in love with bodybuilding it the one thing in life that keeps me grounded, but at the same time I dont want it to affect my health as I want to live a long life with wife and family.

    Great thanks guys,

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You'll get better responses if you actually report your bloodwork numbers.
    For example: Starting TRT With Test-Cyp Today!

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