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  1. #1
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    how do i travel while on a cycle

    plan on going to Budapest/Prague/Berlin/Amsterdam and London this summer. should i plan a cycle so that i am off it for a month while travelling? i don't want to lose all my gains. i will be doing a max of 200mg per week of Test E for 10-12 weeks. Yes, I know, it is not a high dosage (we've been down that road). Should i take an oral. What type? I am fairly new to AAS use. thanks.

  2. #2
    gettingBIGGERfast is offline Associate Member
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    Firstly, if this is going to be your first cycle, where are you at right now? Age, weight, years lifting, diet...etc?

    Assuming you are old enough, and have enough experience lifting, and you diet is down, and you've done you research....

    I would definitely plan to be done with your cycle and done with pct, and then some by the time you go on vacation. Being on cycle would be extremely irresponsible, and being on pct while vacationing would just be a bad idea. Since you won't be able to really work out, your only weapon against loosing whatever you gained will be food. Just do whatever you can to keep you diet in check while on vacation....or honestly and truly, the best thing you could do is wait till you get back from vacation to cycle...although I doubt anyone would be able to talk you into that.

    But definitely don't take any aas while on vacation to make up for your lack of training. AAS shouldn't be used in place of proper exercise and a proper diet, but along with it.

  3. #3
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    Do it the prison way. Up the (.)

  4. #4
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
    D-Unit 39 is offline Member
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    Wait till you get back 100% for sure

  5. #5
    big chase is offline Junior Member
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    wait til you get back it is only a month dude you wont lose everything keep working out dont stop it all for a month

  6. #6
    Andro9's Avatar
    Andro9 is offline Member
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    ya dude they treat AAS like crack! dont bring orals or anything with you! lol

  7. #7
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    just met a trainer (and big gear user) and he was very frank and he said that he's travelled with tons of gear--GH, etc. and if they ask, which he says they rarely do, than he just says it's for private use.
    i would be taking just one bottle of Test E in my luggage in my toiletries. he said that it would be no problem..

  8. #8
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    how long are you gone for? if your using test enth like you stated and your gone for a week to 10 days then just take a shot before you leave then another when you get back. as for airport security in the usa, if they find steroids on you without a perscription there not going to care if its for personal use or not. would you travel with heroin in your bag? there both illeagel and felonies

  9. #9
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should listen to AAS users for advice about using. But, you should check the laws and ask a lawyer about whether you can just say "its for personal use"
    There are probably millions of people in jail that are there because someone told them everything would be alright. After all, people still think that cops have to admit to being a police officer when asked.
    I am just saying be careful and dont listen to just anyone when your freedom is at stake.
    Good Luck!

  10. #10
    HolyBlade's Avatar
    HolyBlade is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingBIGGERfast View Post
    Firstly, if this is going to be your first cycle, where are you at right now? Age, weight, years lifting, diet...etc?

    Assuming you are old enough, and have enough experience lifting, and you diet is down, and you've done you research....

    I would definitely plan to be done with your cycle and done with pct, and then some by the time you go on vacation. Being on cycle would be extremely irresponsible, and being on pct while vacationing would just be a bad idea. Since you won't be able to really work out, your only weapon against loosing whatever you gained will be food. Just do whatever you can to keep you diet in check while on vacation....or honestly and truly, the best thing you could do is wait till you get back from vacation to cycle...although I doubt anyone would be able to talk you into that.

    But definitely don't take any aas while on vacation to make up for your lack of training. AAS shouldn't be used in place of proper exercise and a proper diet, but along with it.
    Great posting.

  11. #11
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Be done with everything. Dont be a hero and try and sneak shit through customs. Its not worth it. Wait till you get back.

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