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  1. #1
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    Dianabol question...wait, this ones different.

    I have alot of dbol sitting around from, not knowing anything about gear so like every other newb, thats where i started (after reading and researching on this board, ive decided it would be unwise at this juncture) and in trying to find legitimate sources i have ordered the cheapest thing on the menu which is usually dbol.

    Ok, so my point. Im 36 years old, i have trained off and on since HS, you know, a year here, 6 months there and have kept myself in reasonable shape until recently. Im 6'4" about 245 and i suspect 20 bf, give or take.
    I know some of you are going to say train hard eat right, but you know what that ship has sailed. Not trying to be world class anything just wanna feel young alittle longer and the whole uber dedication thing just isn't gonna happen so im looking into a shortcut. I figure just the psychology of knowing im getting more return for my effort will up my motivation. Bring the flames.

    Ok, enough about justifying my questionable decsion, heres my question. Im a big dude and relatively active. I wanna drop about 25 lbs before even considering doing a real cycle but losing muscle mass freaks me out a little when i start cutting calories and doing alot of cardio. I inevitably fall into the trap of trying to burn fat and build muscla at the same time, yes i know it doesn't work but i am an idiot. DId i mention i was an idiot? SO anyway, if i were to go on a pretty strict low cal low carb diet while doing cardio as my only real workout, would taking 5mg of dbol a day keep me from losing a bunch of muscle? WOuld there be any sides from this or anyreal pct needed? is my BF to high for even this small amount? Is this amount too small to even do anythng? Should i go 10? Talk to me guys, what do you think?

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
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    You don't need to restrict your caloric intake so much as you will lose muscle. Go to the home page and find the section where is shows what your daily intake will need to be to gain or lose. As long as you keep the protein up, you will hold on to the muscle while losing those unwanted adipose deposits.

    As far as the dbol goes, most use it as a kickstarter not a cycle, but I see where you want to go with it. Personnally I think it would be a waste of time and money to use how you want to do it. You could try to 10mg/d and see how it goes and adjust as needed. I would try the cardio and diet first for 2 wks and then go from there.

  3. #3
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    i agree

    but... its just sitting there...calling me. WHat im really wanting to do when i get down to under 15% is a tbol cycle and from what ive been reading, you don't jumpstart it with dbol but maybe you could. I know that its not the best use for the geaR will it help me stay strong while cutting weight? I just don't wnat to be feeling like im losing all my muscle if taking one little pill will prevent it with know sides.

    DO i think its a great idea? No.

    But is it an ok idea?

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
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    I understand, the calling....but crossing over to the dark side take patients. And I am an adrenaline junkie, I know. I don't think you will loose your strenth, it will increase as you get in better shape, even without gear. And you are correct that OT needs know kickstart. I am using OT it is nice. great stength but the gains are lean and slow. I will tell you my appetite is out the roof. I am also start using prop with it and they are synergistic.

    Try doing a couple of weeks good cardio and weights, clean diet and see how you feel. If you aren't pleased stick in the dbol and see what works best.

  5. #5
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    come on

    no one else? This is a dbol question from a newb

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
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    i would save the d-bol and lose the weight with diet and cardio. just eat low fat and high protein and you wont lose muscle mass. after the fat is gone you can kickstart a 500mg a week test cycle with around 35mgs of that d-bol a day

  7. #7
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
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    I would only add that cycling some clen along with dieting and cardio would help quite a bit.

  8. #8
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    OK, hers the deal, i would love to do some clen , but...

    I have a bit of a high profile, well not really high profile but highly visible job where shaky hands and sweating(i already sweat too much) just isn't gonna fly. Is the sweating and shaking mandatory or can it be controled? Does clen preserve muscle or just really go after fat? Beleive me, ive considered it but im not surt the sides will mesh with my lifestyle.

  9. #9
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    is that posts or time joined that gets that new member tag off my account? Id like to at lleast be a junior member.

  10. #10
    mick86's Avatar
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    I am not 100% certain on this but I have a feeling taking 5mg per day is a bad idea because its enough Methandrostenolone to shut down your body's natural testosterone production (I believe any amount will pretty much do this) but not enough to really see any gains. It is well below the recommended minimum effective dose which is around 25mg per day.

    It would be more beneficial for you to split up you daily food intake adding one extra meal (but no extra food) and perhaps take some caesine at night if your worried about loosing to much muscle while you diet. If you were hell bent on getting some chemical assistance something like clenbuterol would be a much better option. Save the d-bol, its time will come.

  11. #11
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
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    Clen does not make me shake or sweat under normal activity what so ever, and I normally sweat a lot when I'm working out. So its not like I'm just someone who doesn't sweat much. Everybody is different but even for those who do have sides with clen they usually subside within a few days. Give it a try, clen is fairly inexpensive and readily available.

  12. #12
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
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    Try a 2 week on, 2 week off cylce. Start off at a low dose 20-40mcg/day and increase as high as 120mcg per day as long as sides allow.

  13. #13
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    I am not 100% certain on this but I have a feeling taking 5mg per day is a bad idea because its enough Methandrostenolone to shut down your body's natural testosterone production (I believe any amount will pretty much do this) but not enough to really see any gains. It is well below the recommended minimum effective dose which is around 25mg per day.

    It would be more beneficial for you to split up you daily food intake adding one extra meal (but no extra food) and perhaps take some caesine at night if your worried about loosing to much muscle while you diet. If you were hell bent on getting some chemical assistance something like clenbuterol would be a much better option. Save the d-bol, its time will come.

    Now thats interesting, anybody else know anything about shutdown from 5mg dobol?

    Not trying to gain any muscle mind you, just trying to preserve it while cutting.

  14. #14
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    OK, hers the deal, i would love to do some clen , but...

    I have a bit of a high profile, well not really high profile but highly visible job where shaky hands and sweating(i already sweat too much) just isn't gonna fly. Is the sweating and shaking mandatory or can it be controled? Does clen preserve muscle or just really go after fat? Beleive me, ive considered it but im not surt the sides will mesh with my lifestyle.
    Yes clen preserves muscle, its anti-catabolic. It also burns fat and increases strength.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    is that posts or time joined that gets that new member tag off my account? Id like to at lleast be a junior member.
    Dont know, but ive only been a member since January and my tag is already Associate Member

  15. #15
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i would save the d-bol and lose the weight with diet and cardio. just eat low fat and high protein and you wont lose muscle mass. after the fat is gone you can kickstart a 500mg a week test cycle with around 35mgs of that d-bol a day
    This is ur best advice bro, take it! Maybe u could take a prohormone like h-drol while dieting to help u keep muscle (if not grow some new muscles). Its a mild methylated prohormone that gives really dry gains and no water retention. If u know anything about dbol u would know it gives u crazy water retention and thinking about dosing it very low is not gonna make it any better.

  16. #16
    AnimalGear's Avatar
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    Yeah I would not recommend Dbol if you are trying to cut. I'd try the diet/cardio option then do a real cutting cycle

  17. #17
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Yeah I would not recommend Dbol if you are trying to cut. I'd try the diet/cardio option then do a real cutting cycle

    Great avy


  18. #18
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    BJohnson, if i was 15 years older, it would have been me posting that message!! Im commiting an apparent cardinal sin of just a dbol cycle and then im going to do clen like your thinking of. I miss doing the odd bit of cardio as dont want to risk losing anything so im going to do a tiny bit (suggested by a REAL IFBB bodybuilder) to me just to keep the heart ticcking over nicely. good luck though bro, dont let the mirror grind you down!!

  19. #19
    Bjohnson's Avatar
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    All the info is appreciated. H-drol? Is that legal in the US and if so, where is a good place to get it?

  20. #20
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    BJohnson - Im new here but evan I know the ground rules. Dont be asking where to get gear, cardinal sin brother!!

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