Alright so I've pretty much covered my research and am ready to launch. I've put together my cycle and am curious to know what anyone here might have to say about it. My goal of this cycle is to put on at least 20 lbs (ill be eating 7 meals a day with some creatine and protein shakes and maybe some animal pack).

Workout sch.:
Mon: Legs
Tue: Chest and Back
Wed: Abs and Calves
Thu: Legs
Fri: Chest and Back
Sat: Arms and Sholders
Sun: off or abs and calves if im up for it

My cycle:
Dbol - 25mg - ED for 5 weeks
Test E. - 250mg - once a week for 10 weeks.
Deca D. - 250mg - once a week for 10 weeks.

PCT: bought some Nolvadex but am not sure if i should also be getting HCG . Been reading some articles and am very much leaning towards using that in addition. (suggestions for pcts would be gladly appreciated)

Lemme know what you think,