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  1. #81
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixy1234 View Post
    Hello all!!

    I'm 23 and have been working out off and on since i was 15. I have never been heavy infact this is my frist year over 120 pounds im currently sitting at 133 so happy!!! im 5'9 and leanish. i have a little layer of fat cover on my tummy that i have been working on forever !!! my buddy suggested i take anavar as it would jack me up to where i wanna be and get rid of the last lil bit of fat on my tummy.I researched it and i like what i see.. i guess my main concerns are what are the major side effects ? is it common for someone of my age and body type to take such things ? and what are ur recommendations? i dont wanna be overly huge or lose my d cup boobies lol so pls gimme some advice !!!

    Thanks a bunch !!

    after seeing your pics I would steer you away from any AAS use.
    I think you could reach your goals with diet,cardio,weight training and some CLENBUTEROL .

  2. #82
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    dang your pretty good looking and skinny try Clen its a non hormonal fat burner its on

  3. #83
    juice555 is offline Junior Member
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    how is a dosage of 10-20mg/day on a woman's sex drive?
    My girl and I are looking for a safe way to pep up her sex drive while helping her body aesthetics too.

  4. #84
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Man its like i walked into a group of drooling doods.

    With all due respect the pictures you posted really dont give us the idea on what your trying to work on, how your trying to change some parts/figure of your body. Areas need to be shown that want to be worked on. If you are thinking of doing a show, possible putting up pics of areas you think need worked on will help better your goals with our advice IMO. Personally as for loosing a bit of fat Anavar really is not the way you should go as you are farely lean (judging from the pics posted) already. If you learn to diet, precontest dieting, carb cycling, etc... you should be well on your way to getting the physique you want. As far as clen , it will speed the process up quite a bit and get you more contest ready faster granted your training and diet is 100%. Clen is a beta agonist which has been used for asthma medications in the past but i think they recently switched to albuterol. Anyways, i beleive its a synthetic nor-adrenaline that speeds up the body's metabolic rate which in turn helps increase fat burn. Dont quote me on that cus i havent looked at it in a while and i know it goes more in depth then that. I think if you stepped it up you could be contest ready, but remember dieting for contest is taken back 12 weeks or so depending on how much you need to loose and where your at in the game, so keep this in mind. As far as anavar, it doesnt seem like its what you want for your goals. Read up on Anavar AND clen in the steroid profiles section to get a better idea of what they are.

  5. #85
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Thank You Leggo.... Not drooling bro, just all the Test pumping through the

  6. #86
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    clen is a bronchodilator or "asthma drug". It is made in pill form for people, but cannot be found in canada. Can be purchased in the veterinary form in Canada though. It is made for horses. Comes as a syrup in a bottle with a "pump", like the liquid soap bottles.

    Essentially take the effect of the ECA (ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin) stack and multiply it by 5 or 10. Your metabolism will shoot through the roof. And you will shed fat like its goin out of style. Helps your breathing too.

    Only problem I found was when coming off it made asthma drugs less effective.

  7. #87
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixy1234 View Post
    ok so there are so many repsonses i dont really know where to start ..... frist off im not lazy .... second thank u all so much for ur input it really helps.... third the reason i was even considering anavar was because i would like to compete in a show in october. i go to the gym 5 days a week i eat lean and frequently through out the day ( i do love my cheese and wine and a few other naughty things every once in a while though ).

    I have never had an acne problem ..... i think ive maybe had 6 pimples my entire life the whole enlarged clit thing sounds a lil creepy.... could be fun though ... is that fairly common ? my bf might not appreciate that too much...
    my wife will run it with me, the enlarged clit is rather, think of it as if you have been heavy petting, and are aroused, just swollen all the time.. that's more of what will happen..

    10mg ed..

    you can start with 5mg for 2 weeks, then go to 10mg ed..

    Eat enough protein, and what you will most notice is your lifts will go up and strength you have never experienced will be in your grasp..

    good luck..
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  8. #88
    AvBill is offline New Member
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    Just had to comment on the smokin hot chick. Stay the way you are, you look super fine.

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