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  1. #1
    mick86's Avatar
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    Will finasteride prevent hair loss from halotestin?

    Just a quick question, will the use of finasteride (approx 1mg per day) prevent hair loss from halotestin ? I know that the hair loss from halo is related to DHT and the fina lowers DHT so common sense says yes it will prevent it. My only concern is that halo is more androgenic than other compounds that I know fina is effective at preventing hair loss when combined with such as test. I can not find any conclusive post answering my question in the archive and as I am prone to MPB I dont want to get this wrong. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks guys.

    Btw I plan to take around 30mg per day only for around 2-3 weeks. I'm thinking about throwing it into my test/deca cycle just towards the end for a bit of fun.
    Last edited by mick86; 06-25-2008 at 10:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    No, finasteride will stop the conversion of Test into DHT. So it is only effective against Test. Use a topical

  3. #3
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    No, finasteride will stop the conversion of Test into DHT. So it is only effective against Test. Use a topical
    I was losing hair when using Nizoral 2% EOD on test e 500mg/pw and deca 400mg/pw so is there any other topical which is more effective that you could recommended please? I have since started using Nizoral, Rogain and Proscar (finasteride) daily in the hope of thickening up my hair a little. Its not too bad yet but I dont want it getting any worse.

  4. #4
    Prada's Avatar
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    Well Nizoral or Spiro will help for the DHT derivatives. The Finas or better Dutasteride will help with the test. Rogaine will help with regrowth. These things take time to see any difference but you are pretty much doing everything there is.

    Using Dutas and a topical while on Test is a very very effective combination.

  5. #5
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
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    finasteride will only help test from converting to DHT, in the case of halo u would have to use a topical fina wont do anything.

  6. #6
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    Well thanks for that, glad I asked. I felt it may have been a stupid question but seems that it was not. I'm still a little unsure exactly what other options I have as far as topicals go besides Nizoral shampoo and just how effective they are. I did a quick search or topical DHT blockers and came up with the following :

  7. #7
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick86 View Post
    Well thanks for that, glad I asked. I felt it may have been a stupid question but seems that it was not. I'm still a little unsure exactly what other options I have as far as topicals go besides Nizoral shampoo and just how effective they are. I did a quick search or topical DHT blockers and came up with the following :
    Personally i wouldnt recomend Revivogen, its not really effective treatment, its just a temporary thickening effect which might or might not work for some people, none of the ingredients are FDA backed for use with hairloss or prevention. I used Reviviogen for about 6 months, yeas after the second month i saw thicker hair, but when u stop one day the effect goes away! one day! so it might have something to do with just nutrient saturation of the hair follicules temporarily, it just doesnt work like its supposed to and it really smells bad and has a brown color so using it in the daytime is very hard when you will be around people or sweating it will sweat down and stain.

    I dont know if this product is sold over the counter in Australia man, but if u can get it then it works and you should use it, its called Betnovate Scalp lotion, it is a liquid, clear, smells like medicine but the smell goes really fast, you just apply it to thinning areas or higher risk areas of the scalp and you will see results fast. Its a medication so dont use it for prolonged period of time, its basically a skin steroid /anti inflamitory for the scalp, but one of its sides is that it makes your hair crazy thick and re-activates hair follicules that are in their first years of dormant times. Its a miracle man that lotion, much better than Rogaine. Just use it twice a day.

    I would say use it during your cycle and even after, twice a day for 3-4 months at a time, then take a break for 3-4 months.

    I am currently in thailand it is over the counter and costs like 7 dollars for a one month supply.

  8. #8
    mick86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44 View Post
    Personally i wouldnt recomend Revivogen, its not really effective treatment, its just a temporary thickening effect which might or might not work for some people, none of the ingredients are FDA backed for use with hairloss or prevention. I used Reviviogen for about 6 months, yeas after the second month i saw thicker hair, but when u stop one day the effect goes away! one day! so it might have something to do with just nutrient saturation of the hair follicules temporarily, it just doesnt work like its supposed to and it really smells bad and has a brown color so using it in the daytime is very hard when you will be around people or sweating it will sweat down and stain.

    I dont know if this product is sold over the counter in Australia man, but if u can get it then it works and you should use it, its called Betnovate Scalp lotion, it is a liquid, clear, smells like medicine but the smell goes really fast, you just apply it to thinning areas or higher risk areas of the scalp and you will see results fast. Its a medication so dont use it for prolonged period of time, its basically a skin steroid /anti inflamitory for the scalp, but one of its sides is that it makes your hair crazy thick and re-activates hair follicules that are in their first years of dormant times. Its a miracle man that lotion, much better than Rogaine. Just use it twice a day.

    I would say use it during your cycle and even after, twice a day for 3-4 months at a time, then take a break for 3-4 months.

    I am currently in thailand it is over the counter and costs like 7 dollars for a one month supply.
    Thats very very interesting, thanks KAEW. I only started using steroids just over 12 months ago so all my hair lost has been within that time.

    I dont want to get my hopes up to much but from your description that souds like exactly what I'm looking for. I'm just skeptical as I have not seen it referred to anywhere, and if its so effective then why isn't everyone using it?

    In the last few minutes I have done some research and already found it at numerous online Australian Pharmacy's but I think that you may need a prescription. Its very cheap here too. I have a doctor who understands that my hair has thinned from AAS and suspect he would write me one. Btw what strength are you using?

    I noticed that in all of the references that I have found online so far no where does it recommended it used for hair thickening/regrowth/loss prevention. Just how did you hear of its use for this. Also does anyone else have experience using Betnovate for this purpose?

    Sorry for all of the questions, you just really sparked my interest.

  9. #9
    allwork is offline New Member
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    Deca and Finsteride

    Can you take finasteride while on deca . I am doing a sustanon deca stack and heard fina is not good with deca?

  10. #10
    ravanA is offline Junior Member
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    deca wont cause hairloss cuz instead of converting to DHT it converts it to DHN.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by VedranMolestove View Post
    deca wont cause hairloss cuz instead of converting to DHT it converts it to DHN.
    Yeah, I realise that, but did not remember that the name of what it converted to was DHN, thanks. Equipise is also a safe option I believe when hair loss is a concern.

  12. #12
    Prada's Avatar
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    EQ is on the safer side but doesnt mean it wont harm you whatsoever.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    Well Nizoral or Spiro will help for the DHT derivatives. The Finas or better Dutasteride will help with the test. Rogaine will help with regrowth. These things take time to see any difference but you are pretty much doing everything there is.

    Using Dutas and a topical while on Test is a very very effective combination.
    Nothing will help against DHT derivatives..

  14. #14
    Prada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    Nothing will help against DHT derivatives..
    Why do you say that?

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