I am going to use Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Durabolin with Sustanon what dosage of durabolin should I run and what is a safe period of time to run it.

What mg/lb dosage should I use?

I was thinking about injecting every 3 days 1mg/lb of body weight.

The same question goes for Sustanon I have a pretty dense blend that contains 325mgs of Test?

I was thinking about injecting once a week 3mgs/lb ?

I was planning on running the Durabolin for 6-7 weeks and the Sustanon for 6-8 weeks simultaneously?

Does this sound right?
This will be my second cycle and I am going for mass gains. I hope to gain and keep at least 10lbs of muscle,

Thank You Gentlemen,
Rex Kwon Do