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  1. #1
    C-Bard is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    Exclamation Fast Weight loss, newbie question

    Hello all,

    I have a question. I'm kinda, sorta in a problem. I'm an actor and for my last performance i had to gain weight. Now i was selected for a new play but under the condition that i go down to 165pounds. Right now i'm at 210pounds. Basically the problem is that we start the photo shooting and media promotion the last week of september. I been doing diets and excersise and so far i have lost 20 pounds but i need to do it faster. Can some one guide me on a way that i can lose the final 45 pounds on time?

    I been thinking of using T2, T3, HGH and Winstrol . Will this work? Around how much will i lose, how fast using the stack?



  2. #2
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    If your acting is good enough you can afford a personal meathead.

    whatever you do do not reaserch "DNP " because it is not very good for you.......

  3. #3
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    clen , diet, and ASS LOADS of cardio.

    cardio 7 days a week. non stop.

    i wish you the best.

  4. #4
    joe2009 is offline Associate Member
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    really cnt stress the cardio enough, hows your diet

  5. #5
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Bard View Post
    Hello all,

    I have a question. I'm kinda, sorta in a problem. I'm an actor and for my last performance i had to gain weight. Now i was selected for a new play but under the condition that i go down to 165pounds. Right now i'm at 210pounds. Basically the problem is that we start the photo shooting and media promotion the last week of september. I been doing diets and excersise and so far i have lost 20 pounds but i need to do it faster. Can some one guide me on a way that i can lose the final 45 pounds on time?

    I been thinking of using T2, T3, HGH and Winstrol . Will this work? Around how much will i lose, how fast using the stack?


    I would extremely suggest that a) you post what your diet looks like for a day/week in the DIET forum section, b) you start exercising/keep exercising religiously --extend your cardio sessions, i.e, from 30mins to 45 or 60 mins, at least 5 to 6 days a week-- and c) do research on some of the drugs you're thinking about using... advanced members will want to know your stats: cycle experience, age, height, lean body mass (lbm), so be prepared to provide that on your threads.

    All I can say to you is that by changing your diet/upping your Cardio, you'll have a greater chance of droping some significant weight alone... add that some gH (usually kicks in in like 6 weeks for the body fat burning effects) and you could get to drop those 45 pounds... .02

  6. #6
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    people he's saying 45lbs. in 4-8 weeks, cardio and diet won't do that.

    Don't search DNP

    By the way you'll be taking some time off your life accomplishing this. Is it worth it? I already know its not but hey

  7. #7
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    and you shouldn't have taken your money from your last show and sucked down all that shrimp and cake

  8. #8
    C-Bard is offline New Member
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    Thanks everybody for replying this fast. Here are my stats:

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 210 pounds
    BMI: 30.1
    Fat %: 26.0%
    Weight target: 165 pounds.

    Currently im doing a low carb diet. I'm doing excersise 5 days a week. Doing Cardio for 1 hour alternating between treadmill, eliptic, and cycle. Also 3 days i do light weights on a circuit.

    I already bought the HGH, T2, T3 and Winstrol . I was just wondering how to stack them.

    Again Thanks!

  9. #9
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
    TranscriptionFactor is offline Associate Member
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    T3 and T4 are the only active forms of thyroid hormone, T3 being 20x more potent, and although T2 does exist in the body, in very small amts, I am not aware that it has any significant activity, nor is it easily purchasable.

    Seems most people like to stack T3 with Clenbuterol because of synergy, but you ought to do some reading on this for proper use and there are great FAQ's here for that.
    In any case cardio and diet are the most important. Robert DeNiro went up and down several times and check out Christian Bale - the dude lost something like 60 lbs for his movie "The Machinist" and then got back up to buff for Batman - wonder if he used some AAS or other enhancer to get back up, huh?

  10. #10
    one8nine's Avatar
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