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08-09-2008, 04:21 PM #1Junior Member
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just got my 10cc of test e, help.
so my buddy and i got 10cc of test e each. im not sure on all the measurements given in my research. couldnt find excact answers? how much should we take and how often? i hear 250 2xw? but then its only a 5 weeks cycle for us. should we do just one shot of 1cc a week and make it 10 weeks long? oh and this is obviosly our 1st cycle ever. any help is appreciated. i understand there might be threads asking the same thing, i just couldnt find em.
08-09-2008, 04:28 PM #2
you need more than one bottle of test will just be kicking in at week 4 or you need 2 more bottles id say..
yes, 2x a week 250mg shots
what you got planned for pct?
estrogen control?
Whats your stats?- age, weight, height, steroid knowledge?
08-09-2008, 04:32 PM #3Junior Member
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im 6'1, 23, 175.
he is 6'1, 20, 185.
if we do one shot of 250mg a week, will we see results?
08-09-2008, 04:37 PM #4Junior Member
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and as for knowledge, i have a couple buddies who have done test e and then iv been doin alot of research myself. so....not that knowledgable? lol. oh and i do have pct planned.
08-09-2008, 05:18 PM #5
ul see minimal results @250mg/wk just get another bottle and do 500mg/wk for 12wks...thats a solid first cycle,but what exactly do u have for pct?
08-09-2008, 05:20 PM #6
how long u been training for?and whats ur goals for this cycle?hows ur diet bro...all should be in check before cycling
08-09-2008, 05:35 PM #7Junior Member
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ive trained alot through out the years, but right now i have been training solid for bout 9 months. my diet is good. not perfect but very good. our goal is to dial everything in serious serious and start the cycle the 8th of sept. the goal is to prob gain 15-20 solid pounds?
08-09-2008, 05:49 PM #8
To be honest u could pick up some more weight naturally,specially for ur height,and alot of members will say u should have been training for a good 3years solidly before takin a course and they'l be right,but 9months is alot better then some people ive met that cycle,so as i said a good first cycle is 500mg/wk of test E for 12wks,so u gonna need more gear,and please dont start ur cycle before u get the rest of it and ur pct!goodluck man
08-09-2008, 05:53 PM #9
oh another thing u may pick up 15lbs as it is ur first cycle,just dont count on keeping it all as alot will be water retention,work on a more reasonable figure,say 8lbs of good lean muscle that ul be able to keep if ur training and diets in order along with a good pct,u still didnt mention what ur pct was?
08-09-2008, 06:09 PM #10Junior Member
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yeah i figure il lose half of what i gain while on the cycle. when lifting heavy and bulking, i get up to 185-190 myself, but have cut down alot for the summer. thats kind of why im waiting is cuz i have now been bulking again and hoping to be around 185 when i start. my buddies who did test e said 10cc would be all we needed. but then again, they all play football so myab there goals are different. as for ptc, my mind draws a blank but i know there is this over the counter stuff im getting for dealing with the post cycle stuff. my buddies are kind of walking me through this, but i thought id get on here and get more opinions. i appreciate your help.
08-09-2008, 06:21 PM #11
U should really do a little more research regarding the side effects of aas.... and the importance of having a good pct cycle in order before you start aas.... good luck though bro
08-09-2008, 06:35 PM #12Junior Member
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thats totally why im on here way before im even thinking of starting my cycle. im trying to soak it all in before i get in too deep. and i dont just wanna take my buddies word for it, but find out on my own. as far as my lifting experiences, i lifted consistent for 2 years then took mayb 6 months off. but have been back at it for 9 months. but i do know what you mean bout bein in check. i hate seeing guys who have never lifted do a cycle to try and get big FAST.
08-09-2008, 06:59 PM #13
Stop. Dont do anything yet. Before you put that stuff inyour body, do a ton of research on it. I lifted for several years and did 7 months of research before I decided I was ready for AAS. First of all, you should have naturally high test levels at 23 and especially 20. You probably dont need to add more. Diet will be the key there. Second, you cant do a PCT with OTC stuff. Head over to the PCT forum and read the stickys. One8nine seems to have a good PCT, check that out. PCT is very important. You dont want to diminish your test production for the rest of your life. Third, you dont have enough gear to do a proper cycle. Im not trying to scare you but I want you to make an educated decision not an impulse decision. Good luck and the best to you.
Last edited by Ostrich; 08-09-2008 at 07:00 PM. Reason: forgot commas
08-09-2008, 07:04 PM #14
one bottle is not enough. try to get more and send them to me because i am an experienced user and i'll tell you whether your gear is good or not and how much you need. just send me 3 bottles to start the process.
08-09-2008, 07:16 PM #15Junior Member
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no no, your not scaring me. this is the stuff i got on here to hear. im def getting another bottle before i even start. so here is another question then, how long is my stuff i have now good for? and how should i store it for best results? as far as pct, is the stuff from ar-r or whatev good? the nolva and clomid?
08-09-2008, 07:19 PM #16
store in cool dry area like a sock drawer, check the expiration date. is it ugl gear? nolv and clomid would work fie for pct. can you post a pic of you gear???
08-09-2008, 07:24 PM #17Junior Member
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well im at work right now, but will try and get a pic up tonight, mayb tomorrow. the guy i went through supplies an entire football team with their stuff so i do trust him.
08-09-2008, 07:26 PM #18
last guy who supplied a football team was found dead with his gf. LE said it was suicide. he was supplying them also. LE that is
08-09-2008, 07:29 PM #19Junior Member
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um. . . . . . ok?
08-09-2008, 07:30 PM #20
just saying
08-09-2008, 07:31 PM #21
he narced ppl out he sold to, which is a big no no
08-09-2008, 07:41 PM #22
you need atleast 20ml of test e 250 to cycle it alone
nolva/clomid is a half assed pct
my pct
you have a lot of reading to do before youre ready to put chemicals into your body
do you know what gyno is? how to control estrogen related side effects?
id like to see an outline of your diet please
08-09-2008, 07:51 PM #23Junior Member
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i dunno how in detailed of outline you want? lol. i do 5 meals a day, lots of chicken, fruits and veg. and plenty plenty of protein. i love your info on pct. trust me, i letting all this settle in before i stick anything in me. im in no rush.
08-09-2008, 08:00 PM #24
08-09-2008, 08:05 PM #25Anabolic Member
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Id like to see total cals and %'tages. as an example I am cutting w/ 3500 cals per day, w/ 45% coming from protien, 35% from carbs and 20% from fat
08-09-2008, 08:54 PM #26Junior Member
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well saturdays are bad for me cuz i dont get up til like 11. but today iv eatin- 11:00 breakfast- bowl of cheerios/ protein shake 50g
2:30 snack- apple w peanut butter
6:00 dinner- grilled salmon, rice, green beans/ protein shake 50g
8:30 protein shake
and when i get home around 11:00 from work il have a protein shake and prob bread with peanut butter on it.
on a normal day i throw in a lunch and another snack between breakfast and lunch and drop the 11:00 snack.
08-09-2008, 09:02 PM #27
the majority of your calories are from shakes
not enough complex carbs either
wheres your workout in there?
08-09-2008, 10:30 PM #28Junior Member
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lol. well i dont lift on saturdays. i workout sunday through thursday. and on a normal morning i have eggs or bacon to add to the cheerios. like i said, saturdays are bad for me. plus i do know that when cycling, i will up my calories seriously.
08-09-2008, 10:42 PM #29
6'1 and 175lbs? Dude, forget steroids , and start eating! You should quite easily be able to get to ATLEAST 200lbs naturally.
08-09-2008, 11:48 PM #30
What I want to understand is how you go into this kind of stuff and have absolutely no clue what you're doing? Most people research for weeks if not months before they even consider getting their stuff. Well you've come to the right place but you better put that bottle aside for about a month or so and read this site as much as possible and read everything you can.
08-10-2008, 12:46 AM #31Junior Member
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well i did my research on like what to take, when to take it, how to workout while taking it. if you look at my original question i was just curious how to take my 10cc seeing that everyone has 20cc. but now i know i need 10 more and i know i need to do more research on pct, and in that case i have read everything i think there is on here now for that. and as far eating and getting to 200lbs, i do get up to 190 when i eat and bulk. im just in a cutting phase right now. so thats why im at 175. my goal is to get to 185-190 before i even start my cycle. im not a beginner when it comes to lifting, i have done it for years and am very very knowledgeable in that. im just lookin at takin my peak of 190 and gettin it way higher.
08-10-2008, 08:43 AM #32
Look into getting some Dbols to go with your TestE. You would be shocked to see what 6 weeks of orals would add to your gains. Read up 1st though. I made that mistake on my 1st cycle and it smacked me in the face. Good luck bro.
08-10-2008, 09:06 AM #33Junior Member
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08-10-2008, 09:51 AM #34
everygody get of his fvukin ass!! he came for help, not to have his ass chewed off!! god damn! this site is not what it used to be...everybody rips any noob's ass off when they ask a simple fvucking question...GEEZUZ!! comes to show how they're rightous ppl with common courtesy in this world, and how there's just flat out dick heads with ALL THESE PROBLEMS in they're a ****ing rightous man and act like your age!!!
08-10-2008, 10:03 AM #35
I wasn't here a long time ago but I agree that its hard to get good help on this forum.
Anyhow, my 1st cycle was Sustanon250 for the 1st 5 weeks and then I made the mistake of getting some finaplix . BIG mistake for a 1st cycle. I switched to TestE for a few weeks just to have a test base for the tren and then I found some more sust so I stayed with that. The slap in the face was how INSANE the fina made me. A few people on here warned me that I was moving too fast for my 1st cycle but my dumbass didnt listen. If you get another 10cc's of test and run that with some Dbols you will shit a brick when you see your gains. My next cycle will be Sust250 @ 1cc every 4th day and 6 weeks of orals. (Dbols) Best of luck to you bro. This shit is by far the best drug I've ever done and I've done ALOT. Not bragging, just sayin'.
08-10-2008, 10:06 AM #36
BTW, check out the diet threads. Diet is KEY to maximizing your gains. I was going through a bad break up right in the middle of my cycle so I was f**king up BIG time on my diet. Once I got everything in check and started eating right I saw a major spike in my gains.
08-10-2008, 11:27 AM #37
08-10-2008, 12:06 PM #38Junior Member
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i appreciate that. but its also good, i need to hear all this before i do something stupid. but like vwbug said, im here to get advice. i dont wanna just read a sticky and make a choice. i wanna hear other peoples opinions. im not here to get yelled at, but to hear what i should do and not do. my diet will be on lock down from now on. im good at being faithful to it. i have already ordered nolva for my pct. and iv got another 10cc on the way. so my goal is sept 8th, start my cycle. that gives me 4 weeks to get everything on lock down and get my weight up before i start. thankyou for everyone who has helped.
08-10-2008, 12:14 PM #39
08-10-2008, 12:19 PM #40Junior Member
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lol. the goal is 190. il brob get to 182-185 in 4 weeks. i fluctuate alot. so thats not hard for me. the reason i want this stuff is cuz i max out at 190 everytime. i cant ever get over that hump. after getting on here and doin all thsi reading and talking, iv ended eating light doin that cutting bs. im now bulking, starting with breakfast today and my workout today. if sept 8th comes around and im not ready, then i wont start. no rush. i wanna do this right. nothing stupid for me.
Last edited by txpile; 08-10-2008 at 12:22 PM.
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First Tren Cycle (blast)