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Thread: cycle

  1. #1
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    stats: 30yrs old, 90kg, 12%bf, 5th cylce.

    week 1 - 12 sustanon250 500mg week (2ml)
    week 1 - 12 Propionate 100mg eod
    week 1 - 10 Equipose 200mg week

    Just keeping it simple, what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why use 2 types of test? Also eq at that dose is basically useless.

  3. #3
    VR4's Avatar
    VR4 is offline Associate Member
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    prop is an ester. Not a steroid . That amount of eq is a waste. Need at least 500mg.

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    this cycle is terrible every part

    dosages time substances blah

    this might be your 5th cycle but you need some newb starter packs

    Beginner Cycle Guide
    Test beginner cycle info

    my (one8nine's) starter pack

    tag team partner (phate's) starter pack

    kale's starter pack

  5. #5
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    ok what if I take out the equipose and swap with deca250

    sus250 - 500mg wk
    deca250 - 250mg wk

    I have already bought the sustanon so not much I can do, all I can do is grab the deca instead of the equipose...the prop I have plenty of and I thought that by adding it in the cycle it would work well, since there is prop in sus...

    Apart from reading the other posts which are really helpful for future cycles, but this time only is there anything else I should do in regards to dosages?

    And what is an ester? cant find the meaning of it, its made me a little confused...

  6. #6
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    anyone got any feedback please? I need to know before I purchase everything and start the cycle.

  7. #7
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    They already told you...

    Thats a bad cycle, id scrap it altogether and start fresh...

    What have you already bought that you cant return or exchange?

  8. #8
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    stats: 30yrs old, 90kg, 12%bf, 5th cylce.

    week 1 - 12 sustanon250 500mg week (2ml)
    week 1 - 12 Propionate 100mg eod
    week 1 - 10 Equipose 200mg week

    Just keeping it simple, what do you guys think?
    How are you spacing the sust out as far as injections...ed-eod-?????

  9. #9
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  10. #10
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Ok Im 30 yrs, 5"6, 85kg, 12% bf
    I eat about 6 meals a day and I am trying to bulk as I want to compete in about a years time. I try to have up to 3500 - 4000 calories a day. Ive been doing bodybuilding for about 6 years and this would be my 5th cycle. I am a personal trainer and I do a 5 day split. I use arimidex for estrogen control and my PCT consists of HCG , clomid and nolvadex and arimidex that run for 30 days. I plan to do 2 bulking cycles, and then 1 cutting cycle leading up to comp. So I am after the best advice so I can get the best results as I want to enter most likely under 80kg IFBB.

    Well what about a cycle like this:

    week 1 - 4 DBOL 20mg ed
    week 1 - 10 BOLD 500mg wk
    week 1 - 12 ENANTH 800mg wk

    I may also run Slin 4wks on 4 weeks off, and I also may be running HGH for at least 6 months (4iu a day, 5 days on 2 days off)

    I also have prop, should I add that to cycle and when or not? Or should I leave it for cutting cycle???

  11. #11
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    You must be stacked at 5'6 185lbs...

    Id leave the prop for your cutting cycle, thats just me though...

    If you are gonna use EQ, at least run it for 14weeks...

    Whats your PCT looking like?

  12. #12
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    My PCT is:

    2000iu day one, 500iu twice a week until Ive used up 5000iu

    50mg clomid ed 1-30 days
    20mg Nolvadex ed 1-30 days
    .25mg Arimidex ed 1-30 days

    Why run EQ for 14 weeks? the most I can do is 12 weeks at 500mg /wk...

    As for Prop I have 250mls as I bout half a bladder with a mate. I was thinking of taking it at the beginning with Dbol ...
    Last edited by dildoman; 09-05-2008 at 11:23 AM.

  13. #13
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    I just did!

    Run the EQ for longer...

    Youre gonna need at least 14 weeks on it...

  14. #14
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    ok so I am assuming that EQ gives better results running at 14 weeks to the least...and then I would have to run test for an additional 2 weeks after EQ...

  15. #15
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    My PCT is:

    2000iu day one, 500iu twice a week until Ive used up 5000iu

    50mg clomid ed 1-30 days
    20mg Nolvadex ed 1-30 days
    .25mg Arimidex ed 1-30 days

    Why run EQ for 14 weeks? the most I can do is 12 weeks at 500mg /wk...

    As for Prop I have 250mls as I bout half a bladder with a mate. I was thinking of taking it at the beginning with Dbol...

    Arimidex and Nolvadex don't mix, you should not use arimidex in pct because Nolvadex reduces the effectiveness of Arimidex. its okay to mix but Arimidex must be increased to make up for the loss.

    Youd be better off with proviron 50mg ed OR aromasin 50mg ed instead...

    Thats too much HCG bro...

    Id advise 250iu-500iu 2x a week, last two weeks of cycle, first two of pct, 4 weeks total.

    HCG Crash Course

  16. #16
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    deeeeep brreeeaatthh
    now im going to tear these apart so you learn something

    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    stats: 30yrs old, 90kg, 12%bf, 5th cylce.

    week 1 - 12 sustanon250 500mg week (2ml)
    sust needs to be injected every other day, maybe try 1/2ml every other day since you already have it. but 2x a week is not good
    week 1 - 12 Propionate 100mg eod
    prop is injected EVERY DAY, if you cant man up dont use it- plus theres no reason to mix sust and prop, just pick one
    week 1 - 10 Equipose 200mg week
    this dosage is retarded 3x it might be a small start. also 10 weeks is too short, but being that your test time is so short you might as well scrap it. plus eq is weak and doesnt do much more than make you vascular
    Just keeping it simple, what do you guys think?
    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    ok what if I take out the equipose and swap with deca250

    sus250 - 500mg wk
    again 2x a week sucks
    deca250 - 250mg wk
    deca is injected 2x a week and 250mg a week is too low to do anything
    I have already bought the sustanon so not much I can do, all I can do is grab the deca instead of the equipose...the prop I have plenty of and I thought that by adding it in the cycle it would work well, since there is prop in sus...
    just pick one, prop or sust- also deca is much smarter than eq
    Apart from reading the other posts which are really helpful for future cycles, but this time only is there anything else I should do in regards to dosages?
    the first thing i posted was a test beginner cycle guide, etc. nearly everything im posting right now is in those starter packs you didnt give a shit to read, esters, dosages, injection times, and much more you left out like estrogen/progesterone control on cycle
    And what is an ester? cant find the meaning of it, its made me a little confused...
    guess where i copy pasted this from? my newbie starter pack you didnt care to read
    Ester – Fatty tissue attached to a hormone, which controls the release of the hormone into the blood. The first word in the chemical name is the hormone, and the second word is the ester attached to the hormone; for example in Testosterone Enanthate the hormone is “Testosterone ” and the ester is “Enanthate ”. The only difference between Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Decanoate and Testosterone Propionate is the rate of release of the hormone into the blood stream.

    Short ester – breaks down more quickly, requires EOD or ED injections. Examples are acetate and propionate

    Long ester – allows for a slower break down, therefore 2XW injections. Examples are Enanthate and Decanoate.

    17aa – Changing (Alpha Alkalizing) a hormone’s seventeenth position from carbon to a double hydrogen (C -> H2). Also known as “Methyl”. This process protects the hormone through the first pass in the liver, allowing a usable amount of hormone to be left over. Examples are M1T (Methyl-1-Test) and M-Tren (Metrienolone)

    Suspension – A non-esterfied hormone (Testosterone, no ester) or a 17aa that is “suspended” in a liquid solution to be injected or swallowed. More commonly water based but can also be found oil based. The most common example is injectable Winstrol. Very painful due to fast release and also ED or 2XD injections are necessary. The only real advantages to using suspensions are the quick rates at which they enter the blood and are released from the blood, great for controlling exact levels and avoiding testing.
    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    Ok Im 30 yrs, 5"6, 85kg, 12% bf
    I eat about 6 meals a day and I am trying to bulk as I want to compete in about a years time. I try to have up to 3500 - 4000 calories a day. Ive been doing bodybuilding for about 6 years and this would be my 5th cycle. I am a personal trainer and I do a 5 day split. I use arimidex for estrogen control and my PCT consists of HCG , clomid and nolvadex and arimidex that run for 30 days. I plan to do 2 bulking cycles, and then 1 cutting cycle leading up to comp. So I am after the best advice so I can get the best results as I want to enter most likely under 80kg IFBB.

    Well what about a cycle like this:

    week 1 - 4 DBOL 20mg ed
    20mg ed is very low
    week 1 - 10 BOLD 500mg wk
    too short, dose still sucks
    week 1 - 12 ENANTH 800mg wk
    I may also run Slin 4wks on 4 weeks off, and I also may be running HGH for at least 6 months (4iu a day, 5 days on 2 days off)

    I also have prop, should I add that to cycle and when or not? Or should I leave it for cutting cycle???
    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    My PCT is:

    2000iu day one, 500iu twice a week until Ive used up 5000iu
    50mg clomid ed 1-30 days
    tioo high use 25mg
    20mg Nolvadex ed 1-30 days
    .25mg Arimidex ed 1-30 days
    Why run EQ for 14 weeks? the most I can do is 12 weeks at 500mg /wk...
    then dont do it. it has a very very long ester, and that dose is way too low
    As for Prop I have 250mls as I bout half a bladder with a mate. I was thinking of taking it at the beginning with Dbol...
    only if you shoot it every day

  17. #17
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Get em 189

  18. #18
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Does everyone see what happens when you dont read the newbie starter packs???

    --> All newbies <-- Me and 189

  19. #19
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post

    Does everyone see what happens when you dont read the newbie starter packs???

    --> All newbies <-- Me and 189

    Damn... you guys are tough on us damn noobs! lol

  20. #20
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Only when we give advice, and links to things newbs NEED to read and then they dont, and ask the same damn questions...


    Sorry Max, im not lashing out on you, just newbies in general...

  21. #21
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    what do you think you will get out of the eq?

  22. #22
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    Only when we give advice, and links to things newbs NEED to read and then they dont, and ask the same damn questions...


    Sorry Max, im not lashing out on you, just newbies in general...

    Damn, my ass still hurts after that beating !

    No prob, bro! I completely understand...

  23. #23
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    what do you think you will get out of the eq?
    Muscle tone/definition??? lol! I bet you he doesn't know...

  24. #24
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Maximus" View Post
    Muscle tone/definition??? lol! I bet you he doesn't know...
    yep, cant pass up the chance to bash eq

  25. #25
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    hahah probably not...

    Although he says he has done many cycles, is a personal trainer, and plans to enter IFBB under 80kg after this...

  26. #26
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    hahah probably not...

    Although he says he has done many cycles, is a personal trainer, and plans to enter IFBB under 80kg after this...
    I don't mean to be sacarstic but you know....

  27. #27
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    what do you think you will get out of the eq?
    the only thing eq will get you is flamed by mkrulic

  28. #28
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    the only thing eq will get you is flamed by mkrulic
    Right!!!! lol

  29. #29
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    the only thing eq will get you is flamed by mkrulic
    haha, too true

  30. #30
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    War, you crack me up.

    All you do is copy the information 189 has put together, I could do that and im just as much a noob as the people im helping.

  31. #31
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Yes but i have actually done the things hes put together...

    Can you say that?

    There is a difference between copy and pasting somethin someone wrote, and actually using what someone wrote and advocating its use...

    Smart ass...

    What about the people who post stuff from Anthony Roberts PCT? Got a problem with that too?

  32. #32
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    If they are claiming it as their own, yes.

  33. #33
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    where did i claim his work as my own?

    I dont recall ever posting " Here read MY pct that I put together"

    And then posting 189's?

    I always post it as

    read this:
    and the the link...

    Look at my visitor messages

  34. #34
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    oh and i never said there was anything wrong in what you do, its just that if it didn't show the name of who is posting the message i couldn't tell if it was you or one8nine replying.

  35. #35
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    im tired of you already...

    once you click on the link you can easily see its 189 who posted it...

  36. #36
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    one8nine, i mean warbitt.

  37. #37
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    hey my links are awesome everyone should post them
    my goal is to make so many educational/opinion threads i never type again just copy paste

  38. #38
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Youre on your way then bro!

  39. #39
    mbowen is offline New Member
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    sorry to hijack... i'm a super newb... never tested before. All those links are over my head, no desire to inj, just want to stick with tabs and a simple cycle to gain some mass in my arms and chest. I'm 6'1", 170lbs, very little fat. Hardly ever weight train, just push ups and swim laps a few times a week.

    How does this sound... stanabol daily (unknown dose) for 3 weeks. Thats it. Repeat annually.

    This cycle is not my idea, someone said it worked for them. Please advise.

  40. #40
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    First of all I did say I am a personal trainer, not a person who is trained on juicing myself or others up, second of all I did say I am going to enter a bodybuilding contest and that is my business on what I do there. So in other words there is no need for war4BTT to take a dish at me. Just like you were a beginner at steroids I am learning all about it right now.

    Anyways thanks for the info in regards to HCG , I am going to do as requested, sounds much better than what I was going to do.

    Im going to swap my Eq for more deca and sus.

    So now my cycle will look like this...

    SUS250 eod - 750mg week 1 - 12 or 800mg Enanthate twice a week 1 - 12
    Deca 250 twice a week - 500mg week 1 - 10
    DBOL 50mg ed week 1 - 4.

    Now how does that look?

    If that does not look good what does?

    I have at hand 30ml sus250, deca 250 dbol 5mg, I also have enanthate and equipose but ill swap it for more deca. Now if I am still wrong with my cycle, at what dose and for how long do i run them? I know I am a newbee but I am learning so I dont repeat mistakes, thats why I am here...Please I want the best advice on this. thanks!
    Last edited by dildoman; 09-06-2008 at 07:28 AM.

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