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Thread: cycle

  1. #41
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbowen View Post
    sorry to hijack... i'm a super newb... never tested before. All those links are over my head, no desire to inj, just want to stick with tabs and a simple cycle to gain some mass in my arms and chest. I'm 6'1", 170lbs, very little fat. Hardly ever weight train, just push ups and swim laps a few times a week.

    How does this sound... stanabol daily (unknown dose) for 3 weeks. Thats it. Repeat annually.

    This cycle is not my idea, someone said it worked for them. Please advise.
    start your own thread
    if youre scared of needles then steroids are not for little kids
    it doesnt matter if theyre over your head- since people scared of needles need not do them at all
    oral only cycles suck- dont expect to gain or keep anything

  2. #42
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    SUS250 eod - 750mg week 1 - 12 or 800mg Enanthate twice a week 1 - 12
    Deca 250 twice a week - 500mg week 1 - 10
    DBOL 50mg ed week 1 - 4.
    to get ~750mg wk or sust youre going to shoot 0.75mg eod right? that doesnt mean take 2 days off ever . EVERY other day.
    i prefer enanthate but sust is okay if you have it

    deca is good. but how about you mix 0.5mL or 0.75 mL of it with every sust shot? more stable.

    you can push the dbol to 6 weeks if you want
    50mg is high, if you dont like that you may feel ore comfortable at 30mg-40mg ed. but you can start at 50 and lower as needed

    you got the cycle down now lets deal with ai/serms

    first ill post these links, so you can make your preference of AI on cycle, and pct. then ill critique what you choose

    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle
    estrogen/progesterone and gyno/side effects INFO FOR NEW GUYS

    my pct

  3. #43
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    thanks much appreciated.

    On hand I have HCG 5000iu, proviron , clomid, nolvadex , arimidex .

    arimidex .25mg eod while on cycle

    last 2 weeks 500iu HCG twice a week for 4 weeks.

    25mg clomid ed week 1 - 4
    40mg nolvadex ed week 1-4

    How does that look?
    Last edited by dildoman; 09-06-2008 at 08:23 AM.

  4. #44
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    thanks much appreciated.

    On hand I have HCG 5000iu, proviron , clomid, nolvadex , arimidex .

    arimidex .25mg eod while on cycle

    last 2 weeks 500iu HCG twice a week for 4 weeks.

    25mg clomid ed week 1 - 4
    40mg nolvadex ed week 1-4

    How does that look?
    nice start but its not enough
    you need something for deca on cycle

    and you need the right AI in pct

    try those links again

    also 1-6 nolva 20mg is better than 1-4 nolva 40mg for this cycle

  5. #45
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    ok I can add proviron in PCT at 50mg ed week 1 - 4
    clomid 25mg ed week 1 - 4
    nolvadex 20mg ed week 1 - 6

    while on cycle I can run arimidex .25mg ed or just run proviron right through to PCT.

    Hope its right now...

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    ok I can add proviron in PCT at 50mg ed week 1 - 4
    clomid 25mg ed week 1 - 4
    nolvadex 20mg ed week 1 - 6

    while on cycle I can run arimidex .25mg ed or just run proviron right through to PCT.

    Hope its right now...
    pct is perfect but still you dont have anything for progesterone control on cycle

  7. #47
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    I know, if I can get my hands on some I will, Im just going by of what I have on hand, thanks for your help.

  8. #48
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    I know, if I can get my hands on some I will, Im just going by of what I have on hand, thanks for your help.
    youll need it bro youll be shit out of luck if you get deca sides on cycle with nothing on hand

  9. #49
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Ive already got the worst side, getting them cut out in a months time.

  10. #50
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    Ive already got the worst side, getting them cut out in a months time.
    deca can make that worse

  11. #51
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    ill have to do my best to get Dostinex or Parlodel. In future, what would be an alternative choice instead of deca ?

  12. #52
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    ill have to do my best to get Dostinex or Parlodel. In future, what would be an alternative choice instead of deca?
    for bulking? decas the best
    something that will give you a little less muscle, but more strength, and no gyno is long ester masteron
    drostanolone enanthate (not propionate )

  13. #53
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    ok one last thing, I know I was now wrong about equipose, as it is best with cutting instead of bulking, and at 600mg a week works best for best results for long use of 12 weeks to the least.

    I have 10ml tren enanthate and 20ml tren acetate, whats the best dose of mg per week for best results while cutting? Ill be including prop and winni...? but this will be a long way away when I do cut up...???

  14. #54
    one8nine's Avatar
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    you dont have enough of either tren and you def shouldnt run tren without letro/dostinex or bromo

    do some research- make a cycle, well critique it

  15. #55
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    when its time to cut up after two bulking cycles, (8 months away or more) ill get back to ya in regards to this cycle. In the mean time ill stock up on more tren ...thanks.

    For now Im concentrating on my bulking diet and cycle, as discussed above.

    I always thought that if running dosages over 800mg/wk is a waste as your body can absorb so much of the gear.
    Last edited by dildoman; 09-06-2008 at 08:03 PM.

  16. #56
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dildoman View Post
    when its time to cut up after two bulking cycles, (8 months away or more) ill get back to ya in regards to this cycle. In the mean time ill stock up on more tren ...thanks.

    For now Im concentrating on my bulking diet and cycle, as discussed above.

    I always thought that if running dosages over 800mg/wk is a waste as your body can absorb so much of the gear.
    your body doesnt "absorb gear"
    gear helps your body process food more efficiently (aas have many more effects this is the main one
    its called feed efficiency-

    Feed conversion ratio
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    In animal husbandry, feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed conversion rate, or feed conversion efficiency (FCE), is a measure of an animal's efficiency in converting feed mass into increased body mass.

    Specifically FCR is the mass of the food eaten divided by the body mass gain, all over a specified period of time. FCR is dimensionless, i.e. there are no measurement units associated with FCR.

    Animals that have a low FCR are considered efficient users of feed. Poultry usually can convert 2-3 kg of feed into 1 kg of live weight, while sheep and cattle need more than 8 kg of feed to put on 1 kg of live weight. The U.S. pork industry claims to have an FCR of 3.4-3.6 [1]. Farm raised Atlantic salmon apparently have a very good FCR, about 1.2.

    Tilapia, typically, 1.6 to 1.8[2]. Poultry has a feed conversion ratio of 2 to 4[2]. Ruminants can convert 7 kg of grain to one kilogram of meat[2].

    Nonetheless this value is an underestimation of the FCR, for it does not take in account that more than often the feed is in kg of “dry” weight and the live weight is in kg of “wet” weight. When both factors are transformed to either dry or wet weight the FCR increases to between 4 and 5, depending on the feeding practice. Presently, technological advances in feed research are enabling salmon farmers to lower the “true” FCR to 4 and under (i.e. by substituting fish meal and fish oil with plant products such as soy and derivatives) which in consequence lowers the Salmon’s average trophic level.

    It is important to understand that the above discussion of dry weight vs. wet weight for FCRs in Salmon also applies to other animals, such as poultry, cattle, and beef. Those FCR's are also a conversion of dry feed to wet animal weight, so really the FCRs are still to the same proportions.

    [edit] References
    ^ Pork Checkoff - Quick Facts - Pork Story
    ^ a b c

    Retrieved from ""
    Categories: Livestock | Poultry farming | Breeding

  17. #57
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    Fair enough statement.

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