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Thread: Xanax and aas

  1. #1
    DrTY's Avatar
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    Xanax and aas

    Heres one that i couldnt find anything about using search so if anyone could point me in the right direction ill be more than happy.
    i was taking xanax as prescribed from my doctor for anxiety stress and having a very short fuse. im now on my 9th week on a stack and started to cut down on xanax to see if i can gain some more power. only thing is when i dont take it i find it harder to lift more. work that one out xanax is supposed to calm u down. i still dont get it..
    any opinions..?

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
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    How is your sleeping patterns now that you are cutting back on the xanax?

  3. #3
    DrTY's Avatar
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    to tell u the truth i used to pop a half before bed. i stopped doing that. im unemployed now and still get up at 6:40 every morning without fail.
    its like my body has its own alarm clock.
    i dont get it.

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
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    How many hours are you sleeping? Do you still get a feeling of euphoria after taking it? That alone can give your body a psychological jump start and without it you aren't getting that adrenaline effect.

  5. #5
    DrTY's Avatar
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    not at all i feel very anxious if i dont take it
    i usually sleep for around 7 hours

  6. #6
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I suggest finding a person with more medical knowledge to ask about the effects of using prescription xanax with steroids .

    Maybe if a person who didn't 'need' xanax took it then it would 'slow them down' but maybe since you do need it as it is prescribed for a medical diagnosis it keeps you balanced and in a state where you perform better overall.

    But again, for the bio-chemistry, etc ask someone who knows what they are talking about.

  7. #7
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    I find that odd. I don't know how long or what dosages of xanax you have been taking but you should be very careful about stopping it on your own. Xanax is a very powerful and addictive benzodiazipam and you can experience very severe withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it cold turkey, to include severe anxietey, tremors, seizures, even death. Be VERY careful, this is a drug that should be tapered down under the supervision of an MD. As already stated, see a professional, good luck...Nitro

  8. #8
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Xanax is addictive bro! Maybe see your Doc about getting away from that stuff. Or at the very least only using it when or if you know you will be in a situation where you'll need a bit of help.


  9. #9
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Word. Never take xanax on a daily basis or you are asking for an addiction from hell, which ive seen with my own eyes. No one likes having seizures from withdrawals.

  10. #10
    VWbug66's Avatar
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    jiggaman, seen it happen to a few of my college buds..the 2 of them did fix the problem though, so it ended good.

  11. #11
    spywizard's Avatar
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    hmm.. it's prescribed, if you note a concern, speak with your doc..

    as for the lethargy when you don't take it....

    ADD and ADHD effects people many different ways, things that re suppose to speed them up... actually slows them down..

    get it..
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  12. #12
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    hmm.. it's prescribed, if you note a concern, speak with your doc..

    as for the lethargy when you don't take it....

    ADD and ADHD effects people many different ways, things that re suppose to speed them up... actually slows them down..

    get it..
    The slow down is called euphoria.

  13. #13
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    trade the zanies for more gear

  14. #14
    CanthookitLs6's Avatar
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    Xanax is liver toxic, and as already mentioned, it is addictive. It is physically addictive as well as psychologically. If you suddenly stop taking it you can have seizures, weakness, depression and other issues.

    Work with your doctor to slowly taper down in dosage. Klonopins are another alternative to Xanax. Although they share the same side effects, klonopins have a longer half-life, are less liver toxic; however your body becomes just as pyschically dependent to them if taken on a regular basis.

    These are issues you need to talk to your doctor about.

  15. #15
    Black's Avatar
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    When I would take a benzo as needed, I feel very lethargic the next day. I couldn't imagine taking it anytime before I worked out. I probably would have a lackluster workout. They work wonders for calming you down in a high anxiety situation. However, I try to avoid them at all cost and take them only in emergency situations.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrTY View Post
    Heres one that i couldnt find anything about using search so if anyone could point me in the right direction ill be more than happy.
    i was taking xanax as prescribed from my doctor for anxiety stress and having a very short fuse. im now on my 9th week on a stack and started to cut down on xanax to see if i can gain some more power. only thing is when i dont take it i find it harder to lift more. work that one out xanax is supposed to calm u down. i still dont get it..
    any opinions..?
    If a doctor prescribed it then you must need it. I would just continue you using it as prescribed.

  17. #17
    Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    If a doctor prescribed it then you must need it. I would just continue you using it as prescribed.
    Not necessarily true. Docs prescribe things people don't need all the time.

  18. #18
    CageFX413^FAA's Avatar
    CageFX413^FAA is offline New Member
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    how long have u been on xanax ? xanax is a benzo and i was prescribed iot for 2 years for anxiety and insomnia, when i trained i would get exhausted quicker,hot and cold,uneasy and tired feeling, just shyt that didn't help at all i been off them know for a year and that was the best decision i ever made what your are prob going through by decreasing your dose is withdrawls benzos are one of the most addicting and worst withdrawls out there they are dangerous and even death can happen when you stop taking them id suggest you talk to your doctor before being your own doctor and have him taper you off slowly get off why you can bro

  19. #19
    mrniceguy215 is offline Banned
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    used to be addiccted to xanax myself w/o a perscription. if i were you i would keep taking them until your well off your cycle, dont want to hear about another steroid related suicide when it probably wasnt steroids alone. and xanax make you a cocky beast when your high on them thats why you are lifting more.

  20. #20
    Rocksteady316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    trade the zanies for more gear
    hahaha awesome-

  21. #21
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    I run 10 mg of valium as needed for anxiety and sleeplessness. I have never notice any difference in my training intensity.
    not funny story- I was running 1 gram of sust and half a gram of eq went on vacation. I really need valium on vacation(tampa/longboat). I hate flying, I hate sleeping in a strange bed. so I brought a lot with me. one day by the beach I took 3 valiums and had a couple of mojitos. fell asleep woke up felt fine. went for a swim in the ocean. the undertow caught me and I got pushed out far. then the valium came back and could not swim. dude helpless is an understatement. I freaked out and came to the conclusion that I was going to die. I swam parrallel to the shore and was able to make my way back in. my wife said I was out for three hours.
    moral of the story- benzo's and ocean swimming do not mix well.

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