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  1. #1
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004

    would u used Primo in a bulk or a cutter?

    I hear primo is a very good cutter, and I will soon have access to 6 bottle in all. I was thinking should I use it as a cutter, or a bulk. The is my thinking, primo is pretty mild and it cost a lot, the gain u get are smaller but so is the side, plus u get to keep a lot of the gains. Would that make it a good bulk if u are looking for maybe 5 lbs to 10 lbs of lean gains? But in the other hand, when use as a cutter with Test E and maybe Masteron , u can look super rip, but I do not gain any muscle in cutter cycle due to the negative food intake, massive cardio and hard workout yes, but no increase in the poundage at the gym. Or what about a third option, I can workout and eat for a surplus but not so much that I gain fat off it, and workout but not on an insane workout plan that taxes the whole body, I done that before once, without knowing I did it, I was just not eatting enough food on my first cycle, I did change my body and it look great but zero increase in weight....What do u think primo should fit in, Bulk, or cutter or the third one?

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Ive never used Primo cause its more expensive and not as good as Masteron .

    If you want to cut, a Mast/TrenA/Prop stack works wonders!

  3. #3
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    oh ya I know that, that the halo of cutter, it has eveything u need, Nor 19, Test and DHT, all working together, ya but I ask the primo question is one, I'm really curious on how different roids react on me. I guess I just want to try out primo and see what I can get from it.

  4. #4
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2007
    You could do a lean bulk with prop,tren a, primo. diet decides if your cutting or bulking. you can do either with pretty much any compound some are better suited because of bloat and so forth but I know guys who use dbol in cutting cycles, its all about diet. alot of people use a prop, tren, winni combo to cut but I have used that to bulk before so I had minimal bloat, personally I like to bulk without being to bloated so I use what most people call cutting drugs but you can put on weight with anything as long as diet is right. I have only used primo in a cutter before but i plan on adding it in a bulking cycle sometime next year. but I would have a 19nor in the mix if your bulking and use the primo as an addition dont count on too much weight gain from it but it is a good addition to any cycle.

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