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  1. #1
    john1181's Avatar
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    smal little power cycle...halo and......?

    ok i ordered that halo along with some liv52, milk thistle, b6 etc etc.
    so my question is....does halo need to be stacked with testosterone in order to get its full strength benefts? i'm not realy thinking about adding test because i dont really want to play with it right now i got out of a long cycle about 2.5months ago and i wanna keep the hpta less suppressed..this is what i'm thinking.....

    1-4 halotestin 20mg/day...10mg at 9am and another 10mg at 6pm(7pm gym)
    1-4 hcg 200iu eod sub-q
    1-4 insulin starting at 2iu increasing 1iu eod till i reach 8iu (post workout)
    20gr of dextrose/iu----10g creatine--hmb---100ml liquid amino acids
    1-10 liv52/milk thistle/tribulus/zma
    5-8 nolvadex 20mg/day

    i was thinking about adding 50mg of proviron ed also but i dont wanna use two oral especiallywith halos toxicity
    also thinking maybe not to use the insulin..ive done it like 4times so far idk if i wanna play with it is tempting tho recovery is sick on slin..

  2. #2
    john1181's Avatar
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    btw hows halo on the sex drive?? im gonna have to say tha sex drive isnt fully recovered yet, that ****in tren a at 100mg for 6weeks did the damage...never touching it again..although very sick and retained gains in general..i'm sure it will be back as it always was after killing the deca ...

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    at 20mg a day... halo isnt "supposed" to be strongly suppressive to your HPTA. but i personally dont condone using any orals on their own.

    also because you say that you feel already pretty supressed due to your last cycle, then The Halo, even at that dose will just hinder you even more. or at least prevent your levels from getting back to normal

    also... why are you runnin nolva?? halo isnt known to cause estrogenic sides

    i would wait and maybe run anther PCT if you really feel like your not back to normal yet

    but if your dead set on running a cycle... i would definitly run some test with it

    even if its 350mg a week just to give you a boost and that way you get let the halo do its job that your takin it for.

    and... more importantly.. what are your stats and previous cycles?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    at 20mg a day... halo isnt "supposed" to be strongly suppressive to your HPTA. but i personally dont condone using any orals on their own.

    also because you say that you feel already pretty supressed due to your last cycle, then The Halo, even at that dose will just hinder you even more. or at least prevent your levels from getting back to normal

    also... why are you runnin nolva?? halo isnt known to cause estrogenic sides

    i would wait and maybe run anther PCT if you really feel like your not back to normal yet

    but if your dead set on running a cycle... i would definitly run some test with it

    even if its 350mg a week just to give you a boost and that way you get let the halo do its job that your takin it for.

    and... more importantly.. what are your stats and previous cycles?
    bro, im not running te nolva during the halo im running it in the end for recovery...i dont know im making gains in strength now and very energetic so i think im back to normal its just the sex drive that takes more than 2months to get back and no caber doesnt do not worried about the drive right now as long asthe halo doesnt supress it more..
    im 98kg the same weight i was after cycle only p 2%body fat...i dont think cycle hystory has anything to do with a drugs performance.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by john1181 View Post
    bro, im not running te nolva during the halo im running it in the end for recovery...i dont know im making gains in strength now and very energetic so i think im back to normal its just the sex drive that takes more than 2months to get back and no caber doesnt do not worried about the drive right now as long asthe halo doesnt supress it more..
    im 98kg the same weight i was after cycle only p 2%body fat...i dont think cycle hystory has anything to do with a drugs performance.
    well mister. sorry if i mixed up numbers and thought you were runnin the nolva during cycle

    and cycle history and stats may not have an affect on a drugs performance. but it does give us info on your knowledge and what your body can handle.

    but hey, ill go help someone else out.

  6. #6
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    wait... you say your 2% bodyfat??

    hmm, then you should post up pics.

    i know alot of members here would love to see someone at 2% body fat. much respect to that.

  7. #7
    john1181's Avatar
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    6'2.......anyway see ive done monster cycles with multiple compounds at a time then after that would run on only 500mg of test /week and still feel the effects...i havent seen a need to increase the doses due to unsatisfying results of a specific dose or only thing cycle hystory means to me is experiance and has nothing to do with a new stack/cycle...its all in our head...of course if you do a cycle with tren -winny-dbol -test and then the next cycle you only run test 500/week you wont be satisfied with the results but if you would have run the test 500/week before that monstercycle you would have got thesame results you did using it after the tren-win-dbol-test...and im not saying that both stacks give u the same results see what i saying? i dont know maybe its just me

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    wait... you say your 2% bodyfat??

    hmm, then you should post up pics.

    i know alot of members here would love to see someone at 2% body fat. much respect to that.
    lol, bro cal down i wasnt trying to be cocky lol...its all the way i dint say i was 2%bf i would be dead! i said that after cycle im still at 98 kg only "up" 2% bf so if i was 7%o cycle, im 9% now..thas what i ment by that...damn foof man..i just love good tsaty etc etc...check ot the sixth post and let me know what bf u think i was at..
    anavar, proviron, test propionate

  9. #9
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    ahh... thats better. in your post it was phrased like you were 2% body fat. lol

    your definitly in the sigle digits though. very cool.

  10. #10
    john1181's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    well mister. sorry if i mixed up numbers and thought you were runnin the nolva during cycle

    and cycle history and stats may not have an affect on a drugs performance. but it does give us info on your knowledge and what your body can handle.

    but hey, ill go help someone else out.

    "what your body can handle" doesnt that mean that as the time goes by and you do more and more cycles your body isnt able to handle drugs? so i dont understand..someone doing steroids for ten years would have more liver/heart and other damage than a 25yr old someone who hasnt done anything before so how would for example anadrol be worst for the newbie rather than the guy who has already done some damage??something i could never figure out...the newbie couldnt handle what the muscle gains??or the aggression? im sure we are talking about a newbie with the knowledge to know about pct and ther protectants...someone please explain this to me

  11. #11
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john1181 View Post
    "what your body can handle" doesnt that mean that as the time goes by and you do more and more cycles your body isnt able to handle drugs? so i dont understand..someone doing steroids for ten years would have more liver/heart and other damage than a 25yr old someone who hasnt done anything before so how would for example anadrol be worst for the newbie rather than the guy who has already done some damage??something i could never figure out...the newbie couldnt handle what the muscle gains??or the aggression? im sure we are talking about a newbie with the knowledge to know about pct and ther protectants...someone please explain this to me
    well previous cycle experience can be used for a few things...

    I.E... you can figure out if your prone to sides. and what type of sides. when im on tren , im prone to prolactin sides (my nipples always lactate, yummy) but i dont have trouble sleeping like most ppl do. some guys can do a low dose of test but get gyno. or have gyno issues from puberty that cycles have made worse

    also.. knowin how many cycles and over what amount of time they have done that number of cycles can give info on if they even know how to cycle right. i had to help someone out cuz he had just done a test and deca cycle (his first) he had been off cycle for 4 days!!! and wanted to hop on tren, mast and prop! i mean come on.

    or you can take that scenario and make it larger. someone who has cycled for years and years and years... and is now using 1500mg of test just to get the same gains that most ppl get off of 500mg. cuz his receptors are so de-regulated. (i have a friend who does this exact thing)

    there are more reasons. but you get the idea
    Last edited by Dukkit; 10-23-2008 at 01:10 PM.

  12. #12
    john1181's Avatar
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    "receptors are so de-regulated" bro if thats the case then the more he uses the more goes to watse!! receptors are like parking spots and aas are the cars..a down regulation means there are no parking spots but will sometime come back to normal..all, even diet helps with the receptors..boosting metabolism and staying off cycle for a while it...thats what im saying...ive done crazy cycles with grams of test and got the same results of 500mg...ive done at least 8 cycles...thing is i was so stupid to always stop working out after pct..i still kept some muscle..more than i had before anyway lok it up bro look up receptor regeneration

  13. #13
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john1181 View Post
    "receptors are so de-regulated" bro if thats the case then the more he uses the more goes to watse!! receptors are like parking spots and aas are the cars..a down regulation means there are no parking spots but will sometime come back to normal..all, even diet helps with the receptors..boosting metabolism and staying off cycle for a while it...thats what im saying...ive done crazy cycles with grams of test and got the same results of 500mg...ive done at least 8 cycles...thing is i was so stupid to always stop working out after pct..i still kept some muscle..more than i had before anyway lok it up bro look up receptor regeneration
    no no no. i know what your talking and i completely agree... he has to use 1500 mg because his receptors arent using as much because they are burned out lets say. sooo.... he bumps it up thinkin that he will need more to get the same results.

    trust me i dont agree with him doing that. and it is a waste of gear,
    thats not what i was sayin

    all i was doing was answering your question, a reason to know past cycles.

    and the amounts you do and your age and how many cycles youve done... is all relative to your next cycle... like i stated

    like another reason to know past cycles and stats....
    ive seen many guys on here who are 5'10 and 180lbs at 10% BF.
    but have done 3 cycles!!! so telling us what those cycles were and what your stats are... we can figure out what your doing wrong. cuz after 3 serious cycle with proper diet and training they should be way over 180. unless they started doing gear at 140 pounds then thats a whole new topic.

  14. #14
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    the juice was fake or hes low in androgen receptor number..not all of us have the same receptor saturation...i agrea that juicing at 140lb is a waste..but its faster..also even if that person went naturaly from 140 to 180 then juiced it would only ake a small difference in gains because he would be breaking his plateu...the most important thing to know in order to give goodadvice on drugs has to be bf%and weight/height...age is another...but cycle hystory doesnt mean nothing if you have recovered from the cycles and have been off for at least i strted the source says to take 5mg 3x a day im thinking 10mg 2x a day every eight hours. so im stacking with proviron , hcg and slin.....still no answer on how the halo is on sex drive..i hope it ain like deca and tren

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