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  1. #1
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    29 beginner suggestion question..

    So the first suggestion for a begginer on this website is 400mg of test and 20 of D-Bol. They say with proper diet and training you can gain 20lbs of mostly muscle and retain it.

    Im assuming this is with a needle.

    My question is with half that dosage 200mg and with no D-Bol for the same period of time would the gains be about 10lbs, with perhaps less side effects?

    And orally how many pills is that? Do they convert the same way?

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Bro 200mgs is barely gonna do a thing for you...

    But you will have less sides....

    And it depends what mg pills you get for the dbol ...

  3. #3
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    No Dbol at all... just pills of test.

    or is that not even possible

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    There is no such thing as pills of test dude...

    Let me see these. i can tell you havent been reading...

    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  5. #5
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    I think he was asking about oral test; if so, you have lots of reading to do my friend.

    I believe the body produces 70-90 mgs of test per week for the average male. Taking 200mgs per week, will not make a huge difference. Therefore, the recommendation is to do a cycle of 500mgs a week for 12 weeks, taking twice weekly, at 250mgs each shot. That is when you will see the most results. As for oral test, Andriol , it is not recommended by the vast majority of people on here; however, there have been a few that liked it. Everyone is different. Regardless, you need to read up all you can on both forms, and don't forget the PCT and Diet sections.

  6. #6
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    Basically im just curious if someone has ever experimented with doing something like taking a single pill of dbol 5mg a day? Especially if they have never taken roids at all.

    How does that work with your body, are the gains nothing at all really or can they give you a boost to get to the next level with minimal side effects?

  7. #7
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    WHat is the next level you're trying to get to? Where are you now (stats-wise)?

  8. #8
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    I think he was asking about oral test; if so, you have lots of reading to do my friend.

    I believe the body produces 70-90 mgs of test per week for the average male. Taking 200mgs per week, will not make a huge difference. Therefore, the recommendation is to do a cycle of 500mgs a week for 12 weeks, taking twice weekly, at 250mgs each shot. That is when you will see the most results. As for oral test, Andriol, it is not recommended by the vast majority of people on here; however, there have been a few that liked it. Everyone is different. Regardless, you need to read up all you can on both forms, and don't forget the PCT and Diet sections.

    Thats cause Andriol sucks ass...

    Anyway, for OP, if you arent ready to inject, then you arent ready for AAS.

    You have a LOT of reading to do, i suggest you do it...

    Also, how about the stats i asked for?

  9. #9
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    Age: 22
    Height: 6'5
    Weight: 185
    BF: 8% or so
    Diet: Very small breakfast, Large Lunch, Large Dinner
    Lifting: 7 years... mostly highschool lifting and workouts, 3 years in a gym, but much less serious. Basic arms, legs, arms, legs workouts until recently.
    Cycle exp: Never used only from what ive read in past week or so.
    PCT knowledge: stands for post cycle therapy and helps keep gains.. thats about it.
    Goals: Size.. 200lbs

    Im in pretty good shape, I workout, my diet could be better but isnt terrible. Overall my problem is mainly lack of appetite. Im intersted in steroids , but not ready to take them. Just trying to learn a little.

  10. #10
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    2 questions:

    1. Since I have such a small appetite are there any foods that I can eat that will give me calories, but wont fill me up? I would just go the mcdonalds route, but those foods gross me out and kill my appetite more than anything, and im not one to eat things like tuna or cook a lot. I will eat anything simple (expensive or not) like almonds, peanuts, sandwiches, etc. So any foods I can munch on that will give me extra cals but wont hurt my appetite?

    2. If you were beginning to take steroids , you have to choose something. You only want minimal gains with minimal side effects and it had to be oral what would you choose. I have read that d-bol is for mass, but most people never recommend taking just that. One thing I do understand is the risks, thats the major thing everyone keeps repeating, but frankly my knowledge on the actual subject isnt growing because everyone keeps telling me the risks and this and that.

  11. #11
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    Honestly, there aren't any good oral only bulk cycles. Very few compounds exist, and they are not that effective.

    Changing your diet will do wonders to you. This is the site to learn from, there are lots of great info on here. Start with the diet forum and you'll see how far off you are from a good diet. McDonalds?? You're not even close to understanding calories and proper weight gain. Check this link out UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet... and read it a few times. You will see amazing results from diet change alone. Then, read all you can about PCT, it's more important than the cycle itself in my opinion. Once you know your shit when it comes to dieting, cycle planning, and PCT, then you can begin your cycle. At that point you will know the best first cycle is Test E at 500 mgs a week.

  12. #12
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    This started for me when I saw a friend take Havok. Its some legal bs that is a steroid that he has gained 20lbs from. I read up on it, found it it was some kind of epistane, and that it was basically terrible for you. But regardless he gained 20lbs, and decent muscle. He did work out hard, and diet was okay, but nothing he went out of his way for. Since he got off hes lost 10lbs and kept the other 10. Hes stronger, he looks better, he had no sides, and he didnt even use a PCT.

    Basically he had zero knowledge, used this Havok stuff because it was currently legal, and still saw benefits.

    I mean there may not be a great option or one without risks, and I understand how a really good diet and workout can help. But frankly, its hard....

    Ive gone through many tough workouts and gotten stronger but really failed to put on the weight. Like I said I have a lot of trouble with my appeitite and its not something I see changing. But I'd rather not this crap he took either.

  13. #13
    Gmaq90 is offline New Member
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    Ehh I read that thread and its all nice and all but its giving examples of like 8 meals, tuna, etc. I cant eat like that. I work 8-5 monday through friday in a fuel shop. I get up, I eat breakfast in a hurry before work, I get a 30 minute lunch break and then its back to work. I get home and I get eat a good meal for dinner.

    Things like that are nice for bodybuilders but not realistic for me. Im not looking to be the leanist guy on the planet, im trying to gain 15lbs. Im looking for simple changes that can help me.

    If I snack on almonds and eat 30 a day while at work will that help me without filling me up? Im already going to add a protein shake right before bed to give me an extra 50 grams of protein and 400 calories. Things like that... realistic things I can change to help me. Not some 8 meal plan with tuna, brown rice, etc.

    I know to you im prob. coming off so lazy right now, but I do try and take care of myself. I eat grilled chicken for lunch with brocolli. Im not the guy that runs to Whataburger real quick. Im just saying that an 8 meal plan like that isnt realistic for me or for the rest of the working world. If I was looking to be arnold then I would follow a strict diet like that, but im not. Im trying to continue looking like a healthy person while putting on a few pounds of both muscle and fat. Im not trying to look like a guy that spends 3 hours a day in the gym.
    Last edited by Gmaq90; 10-24-2008 at 01:32 PM.

  14. #14
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    you need to eat alot more than you are,bring food to work and eat it when you have time, say i gotta use the pisser and scarf in down, make a shake if you have to. if you cant do that now theres no point in Roids because you wont be able to do it then, and workout at least 1 more year.Then it would be worth your while to cycle. also if you have a problem with needles Steroids are not for you.

    Last edited by Deltasaurus; 10-24-2008 at 02:17 PM.

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