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  1. #1
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    New to Tren Cycle - please advise

    I have decide on my cycle and lookinig for into
    Stats 5'9 185
    diet is consistent and measured will off cycle 320 protein, 150 carbs, 60 g fat. I will up carbs when on cycle.
    5 days per week in gym
    2 cycles prior of Test E (500mg) and Winnie which were moderate
    What should I know about Tren E, I am aware of sides: drink lots of water, night sweats....please explain the Tren Cough.
    1-14 Test E 300 *2 per week
    1-12 Tren E 400 *2 per week

    1-3 Hcg 500iu's Ed
    1-6 Nolva 20 mgs ed
    1-4 Aromasin 25 ed

  2. #2
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would run more test than tren ....Im not sure if that is required...but that is just me

    800mg of tren/week on your first tren cycle is too much

    You should consider changing it to the following

    Test E 600mg/wk
    Tren E 400mg/wk

    If you find the sides to be tolerable and you feel you can up it you could then change your cycle to

    Tren E 600mg/wk
    Test E 800mg/wk

    With your concentrations you listed above it would be easy to do

    If you are doing bi weekly injections(to get the second doses I listed) all you need to do is up your test injection by 1/3 cc and your decrease your tren injection by 1/4 cc....


    Keep letro on hand too

  3. #3
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    I will lower the dose of Tren as I agree.
    Rhino - in your opinion should I use a high carb or low carb diet with this cycle?

  4. #4
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    tren cough seems to happen more with aceate than enanthate .
    not sure exactly why.. possibly due to prostaglandins and luekotriens produced by the Lipoxygenase pathway from what ive read.. nicking a vein and it travels through the blood to the lungs. have seen studies where it happens with test too but never had it happen with anything but tren.. still not exactly why it is more prevelant with tren acetate.

  5. #5
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    [QUOTE=Ryan121;4294178]What should I know about Tren E, I am aware of sides: drink lots of water, night sweats.... Other than that... be prepared to buy bigger shirts (if bulking) or fitted shirts (if cutting). haha

    please explain the Tren Cough. Not to scare you... but it fuc*ing sucks, bro. Just keep your breathing nice and steady if you start to feel it coming on... I know it sounds weird but this is one of the few times where taking shorter breaths is idea (at least in my experience). If you're careful... aspirate and keep your dart still, you will experience tren cough on a limited basis. *I should also note that tren e seems to cause tren cough less often- this could just be my experience, though. [QUOTE=Ryan121;4294178]


  6. #6
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the info on the cough

  7. #7
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Tren dose for first timers should be 500mgs MAX!!!

    Keep the Test above the Tren, and HAVE LETRO ON HAND!!!

    As well as running an AI during the cycle...

  8. #8
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    injecting very slow seems to help as well as far as the cough. shit sucks..
    thought i was gonna lose a loung..

    600 test and 400 tren e looks good.. hell sounds good
    maybe i should rethink my next cycle.. ehh that tren keeps calling..

  9. #9
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL I LOVE tren lets me know its working....

    The first time i got tren cough my fvcking wife called the ambulance....I was pissed...I fvcking told her i'd be fine but she went into the other room and called anyway...she thought i was having a heart

  10. #10
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    LOL thats quality. i doubt people argue that much when they have heart attacks.

    since this sounds like your first cycle i would question using tren at all...

  11. #11
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    he has done 2 cycles bro

  12. #12
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    So coughing actually occures while pinning? If that is true thats weird sh*t...
    Please clarify

  13. #13
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
    MuscleSportMag is offline Associate Member
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    Two quick questions- is there anything to take that will help the shortness of breath and at what point in the cycle does tren a kick in? (3/4 cc eod) Thx

  14. #14
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Test E 600mg/wk
    Tren E 400mg/wk
    Exactly what I`m on now you will love it!

  15. #15
    Bossman's Avatar
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    [B]please explain the Tren Cough. Not to scare you... but it fuc*ing sucks, bro. Just keep your breathing nice and steady if you start to feel it coming on... I know it sounds weird but this is one of the few times where taking shorter breaths is idea (at least in my experience). If you're careful... aspirate and keep your dart still, you will experience tren cough on a limited basis. *I should also note that tren e seems to cause tren cough less often- this could just be my experience, though.[/B] [QUOTE=Ryan121;4294178]

    This is really serious shit. I coughed so hard the last time I ran tren I started to cough up blood. It was from a pec injection and I've read the closer you inject to your heart seems to make the potential cough worse.

    Also, you're better off to start with acetate. That way, if you're having some tough to deal with sides, you can lower the dose or stop taking it all together and it will be out of your system quicker. Enanthate is going to take 2+ weeks to get out of your system, and if you aren't sleeping those 2 weeks are going to suck.

    If there is one AAS that could cause depression or roid rage it's tren. Not only do I have a problem with tren but most bros I know who have used it report the same thing. Keep a lid on the anger. I get pissed at something in the morning and Im pissed all day when on tren!

  16. #16
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I do not get tren cough or insomnia with tren e at 400mg/week I know its legit from the results and chanign t-shirts every night from the sweat. I guess I`m just lucky I feel great all the time on this cycle.

  17. #17
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    You guys are trippin me out....I am having second thoughts...maybe i should go with the test e and deca cycle...f*ck I am confused !!

  18. #18
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    [B]please explain the Tren Cough. Not to scare you... but it fuc*ing sucks, bro. Just keep your breathing nice and steady if you start to feel it coming on... I know it sounds weird but this is one of the few times where taking shorter breaths is idea (at least in my experience). If you're careful... aspirate and keep your dart still, you will experience tren cough on a limited basis. *I should also note that tren e seems to cause tren cough less often- this could just be my experience, though.[/B]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan121 View Post

    This is really serious shit. I coughed so hard the last time I ran tren I started to cough up blood. It was from a pec injection and I've read the closer you inject to your heart seems to make the potential cough worse.

    Also, you're better off to start with acetate. That way, if you're having some tough to deal with sides, you can lower the dose or stop taking it all together and it will be out of your system quicker. Enanthate is going to take 2+ weeks to get out of your system, and if you aren't sleeping those 2 weeks are going to suck.

    If there is one AAS that could cause depression or roid rage it's tren. Not only do I have a problem with tren but most bros I know who have used it report the same thing. Keep a lid on the anger. I get pissed at something in the morning and Im pissed all day when on tren!

    Yet another reason why i dont inject pecs...

    Even with ED injections, Quads, Delts, and Glutes are enough. It gives 6 days between using the same spots. Plenty IMO.

    As for OP, dont let everyone scare you, its not as bad as it seems. Is is possible? Surely. Is it painstakingly horrible? Not really.

  19. #19
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    If you inject ED with every cycle you want as many spots to poke as possible. I prefer the fast esthers and therefore inject ED. 6 doesn't even give you one spot per day in a week. I inject pecs, 2 head of my triceps, mid and rear delts, quads and glutes. I can go more the a week and a half before the rotation begins again. More spots = less scar tissue. I know bros who inject lats/traps and bi's as well.

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