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  1. #1
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    Aug 2001

    Masteron Tabs 50mg

    what do you guys think of Masteron Tabs 50mg .in place of dbol .

  2. #2
    KrashRoute's Avatar
    KrashRoute is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    garbage.... use dbol . Even if it worked in oralform effects are more that of a halo/winny with low sides. I got all souped about the masteron with out an ester untill i read somewhere that its impossible and useless.


  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest
    I dont know if this is the same person im thinking of but if it is then the oral masteron is not in fact masteron. My view is save your cash

  4. #4
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: Masteron Tabs 50mg

    Originally posted by 4plates
    what do you guys think of Masteron Tabs 50mg .in place of dbol.
    Go with the D's.

  5. #5
    CYCLEON Guest
    yes - chinamans tabs are mestanolone (I was the one who helped him figure out what it was). That doesnt mean they are bad - they do give results - hardening and solid gains just not big ones - so depends what you want them for - if looking for bulkk cycle and to kick in before your long esters go with dbol . the otehr might not be bad for a cutting cycle

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