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Thread: Please read

  1. #1
    ridebmx1213 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2008

    Please read

    I am new to all this steriod stuff...
    I am a MMA fighter out of Detroit and i have a fight coming up in a few months..
    I am 24 years old i weigh about 170 and im about 6'0ft tall...
    I was wondering if someone could help me put together a perfect stack that will help me get alot stronger, faster, more cut, and a little bigger.
    Edited, no price discussions.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What's your training and diet look like?

    Steroids aren't magic and we are not allowed to talk about prices here but what you listed probably wouldn't be enough including PCT.

  3. #3
    ridebmx1213 is offline New Member
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    i train 5-6 days a week,
    I go to the gym and do weight training, and then intense cardio at my training facility. I am only looking to do 1 cycle.

  4. #4
    anon03191970 is offline Associate Member
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    What style do you fight with?

  5. #5
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    I was wondering if someone could help me put together a perfect stack that will help me get alot stronger, faster, more cut, and a little bigger
    Why dont you put one together and we will critique it for you?

    I can tell you right now, that you arent gonna get faster from AAS. Bigger and cut? Sure...

    But at your age and weight, you can obtain that naturally.

  6. #6
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    170 and 6'? what weight do you fight at? that sounds pretty skinny so i'd guess 155 is out of the question right? i think you need to eat more. steroids can't help if they don't have the resources to build muscle (food)

  7. #7
    ridebmx1213 is offline New Member
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    I am prettty skinny, and i do fight at 155, but i wouldnt mind to jump a weight class if i took some test or something..i eat ALOT of good healthy food and meats, never fast food.

    And i dont really know much about steroids therefor if i were to make my own stack combo, i wouldnt know what the hell i was putting together haha so thats why i asked for someones advice that understands what im looking to gain which is: size, strength, speed and more cut.

    If anyone would be nice enough to point me in the right direction that would be excellent. No matter what i do decide to do, i will pry only do 1 cycle


  8. #8
    anon03191970 is offline Associate Member
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    There isn't enough time to cycle and get your body acclimated to the new muscle you would put on. Right now your a lightweight, if you took AAS and gained the 15 pounds
    it would take to go to welterweight, you would probably not have sufficient time to
    get used to it. Worse still, you could get it wrong and be in a very bad spot strength and
    conditioning wise.

    I thought MMA was a pretty stringently tested sport now?

    Also, aren't you bound to the weight you accepted the fight at? Wouldn't you be made to forfeit if you
    went up a weight class before the fight?
    Last edited by anon03191970; 12-15-2008 at 08:05 AM.

  9. #9
    ridebmx1213 is offline New Member
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    noo im just an amature...they dont test and i can fight at whatever weight i want, or whenever i want..i was just planning on asking to fight somtime in febuary

  10. #10
    anon03191970 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2008
    Since your a weight class athlete I would recommend a mildly anabolic cycle, one that
    would put on quality muscle with minimal chance of side effects and a quick clearing time.

    This will be an 8 week cycle so you could fight at the end of February/Early March.

    Wk 1-8 - Proviron (Mesterolone) - 50mg ED - Could lower to 25mg ED if constant sexual arousal and erections occur.
    Wk 1-8 - Anavar (Oxandrolone) - 100mg ED - Very mild anabolic steroid that delivers quality gains that are sustainable.
    Wk 1-8 - Test. Propionate - 50mg EOD - Mild anabolic dose that will allow you to train hard and recover quicker.
    Wk 1-8 - 25mg Methyltestosterone - One hour before workout or training. Improves aggression and strength.

    Day of fight: 50mg Methyltestosterone - 1 Hour before fight.

    If you time it perfectly you can have your fight a day or two after your last injection then begin your pct the day after that. You should be strong as hell for the fight and since your cycle will only be mildly anabolic, you won't blow up and you should be
    able to put on quality muscle, be able to train hard and recover quickly.

    Begin PCT 3 days after last injection.

    This is an aggressive pct.

    Wk 1-6 - Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) - 20mg ED
    Wk 1-3 - HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ) - 500iu ED
    Wk 1-4 - Aromasin (Exemestane) - 20mg ED
    Wk 1-3 - Vitamin E - 1000iu ED

    This should get your natural test production back very quickly.
    You should be able to keep a majority of your gains if you follow
    a proper diet post cycle.

    You should research every compound I have listed.
    You should know the effects and potential side effects each will have on you.

    This is just a suggestion. Others will chime in I am sure.

    If I were a fighter and I was looking for an advantage, this is the cycle I would use.
    Last edited by anon03191970; 12-17-2008 at 03:56 PM.

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