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  1. #1
    Whoisdaman is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    var? primo? masterone?

    I feel like such a newbie to ask for a cycle critique, but here goes. I am about to start a prop/tren cycle but want to combine it with another compound... just don't know which one. I want to run something a little more exotic like primo or masterone, but would consider var. Really just looking for something to help me loose some BF (with diet and cardio). Hell, even if I didn't gain a pound of muscle, just shed the pounds while keeping what muscle I already have (which is becoming alot more difficult)

    I have lost track of how many cycles I have run in the last 6 years or so... but found that I like short esters with low water retention. Can't stand EQ for the hunger, winny is nice for making me vascular- but that's about it, never got a liking for Deca , DBOL , or any long ester test.

    I am 26 years old, 18% BF, 250lbs. Did powerlifting for a few years and want to work into a more bodybuilder physique.

    Here's what I got so far:

    1-14 Tren 100mg ed
    1-17 Prop 100mg ed

    Got some propecia and adex from past experience, and will cycle in and out of clen . Never liked T3 so I am keeping that out. Won't touch DNP . I've been trying to keep the dosages low by usually cycling between 75mg ed to 100mg ed for both prop and tren. Soon 100mg probably won't be nearly as effective though.

    Any suggestions on an extra compound to cycle in?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    prop/tren /mast is a nice combo.

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