Hello Everyone!!!

A little background Im 5'6" I started working out about 2 years ago. Started at 125 and progressed to 155. I feel that I have hit a wall. Currently taking in 2900 Calories a day and just cant seem to progress and further. I have been at 155 for almost a year now. The next logical step is to try some Steroids . I have been researching for a few months but their are so many different kinds out their with so many different people saying different things about them that I dont know what to belive or trust. I am currently taking a test booster called TestoFX and it might have given me Gyno so I have a ultra sound on the 28th. If im passed to take the juice I would like to soon. Im not looking to get huge, Im looking to put on approximatly 15 to 20lbs. I would be happy to weigh 165 to 170 Cut.

The last person I talked to suggested I take
Test Cypionate
or Sustanon
in conjuntion with
Dbol or Tbol
Now im concerned with the aromatization because I already have a lower sex drive already and I do have a little fat on me and I dont want to gain more. I was told to take an Aromatize Inhibitor, but then their is the concern about DHT or DTH(Not sure what is correct) so I was told to take a 5alpha-reductase. This is all quite over whelming to me.
I would like to take something with Minimal side effects as I will probably only be doing 1 cycle in my entire life.

Can any suggest what I should take for my first and only cycle. List the possible side effects and how to battle them. I was also suggested that on a cutting phase I should take Tren and Prop or Tren and Winnie. Any suggestions on all of them.