Hey everyone, I'm 21 years old, been training hard for 7 years and I'm starting to plateau. I'm 5'10", 180lbs, at about 9% bf. I've researched using AAS for a while now and it's time for me to take the step. I want to do an 8 week cycle using Dbol , Sus250, EQ, and Primo. Weeks 1-4 are 20mg D-bol/d, 500mg/w Sus250, and 300mg/w of EQ. For weeks 5-8, I'm gonna drop the D-bol and add Primo Depot at 200mg/w. My reasoning for this cycle is as follows. First, the basis of my cycle is Sus250 and EQ for obvious reasons. I wanted to use D-bol to help jump start my cycle, but only for 4 weeks due to live toxicity. The primo at the end of the cycle is to help maintain my gains when I come off the juice. I read in a few books and some forums that it is a good idea to add primo to the end of a cycle for this. A few questions I have: Should I take Nolvadex and/or chlomid and how much? The doses I posted were taken from a few published books, do they seem low or are they decent for my first cycle. And finally, am I wasting my time and money with the d-bol and primo? My source recommended just going with Sus250 and EQ, but i wanted to make sure I took advantage of my first time on gear. Thanks for your help. All comments are appreciated.