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  1. #1
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Pro's drug amounts?

    Seriously, anybody know this? Seems like there is nothing out there on how the pro's run their drugs?

    Not that I am willing to try this, but I wonder what they take at which dosage and so on.

    - Steroids
    - Isulin
    - HGH

    All these three for sure, but at what dosages, length and so on? Anybody got a clue?

  2. #2
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    what makes you so sure they do all that , and in different amounts then what the average user use , you must realize that its about GENETICS , no more no less .

    i take a low test cycle and blow the f up , my friends take double and triple the amounts i take WITH different compounds and dont get nearly as strong and

    big and ripped .

    i've seen people get GREAT results with even simple oral cycles , and some without gear at all, not even a protein powder while eating like crap , i shit you not.

    i think every pro just takes what is best for him , be it big huge dose cycles with a cocktail of peptides , or a simple primo cycle .

    there is no ONE straight way that is "secret" that all pros use , the reason they are like that and we arent is because they have the genetics NOT because of

    the gear they take or the amounts mind you.

    hope that helps bro.
    Last edited by SilverTest; 02-06-2009 at 06:55 AM.

  3. #3
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    what make so sure they do us all that , and in different amounts , you must realize that its about GENETICS , no more no less .

    i take a low test cycle and blow the f up , my friends take double and triple the amounts i take WITH different compounds and dont get nearly as strong and big and ripped .

    i've seen people get GREAT results with even simple oral cycles , and some without gear at all, not even a protein powder while eating like crap , i shit you not.
    Yeah I know its very much about genetics ASWELL as drugusage..

  4. #4
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    yes of course the drugs have to do with it i didn't say they dont play a big role , but maybe , i would say their genetics would not give that result without the drugs , and the drugs themselves would not work like that in their bodies if they had weak genetics .

    so they kinda complete each other dont you think ?

  5. #5
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Steroids and HGH are all about SURPASSING GENETICS !!! I Think genetics have absolutely nothing to do with it... personally.. its all in how you eat, train, and supplementation...

  6. #6
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    yes of course the drugs have to do with it i didn't say they dont play a big role , but maybe , i would say their genetics would not give that result without the drugs , and the drugs themselves would not work like that in their bodies if they had weak genetics .

    so they kinda complete each other dont you think ?
    Yes I do

  7. #7
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Steroids and HGH are all about SURPASSING GENETICS !!! I Think genetics have absolutely nothing to do with it... personally.. its all in how you eat, train, and supplementation...
    Definatelly got to have amazing genetics to be a pro though

  8. #8
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Steroids and HGH are all about SURPASSING GENETICS !!! I Think genetics have absolutely nothing to do with it... personally.. its all in how you eat, train, and supplementation...

    not really , no amount of drugs or training or supplementation or diet is gonna make you look like a pro unless you have the predisposition to look like that .

    for example , say you have a weak biceps peak ( i am trying to make a point ) , you will always have a weak biceps peak no matter how big they will get , it will improve , but no to the best of the best , sorry.

  9. #9
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    maybe i should define what i mean by GENETICS , what i mean is actually the way your muscles actually look as they get bigger , their shape and curves and stuff, pros have that really good muscle shape thats why they look that good. genetics are the way their bodies react to the drugs too .
    Last edited by SilverTest; 02-06-2009 at 07:23 AM.

  10. #10
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    I understand what you mean about genetics. i've always been a very slim character and no matter how hard a train i never put on a great deal of size, i just go really ripped, don't get me wrong though, with 8% bf, 5'9 and 9.6 stone in weight i look awesome when i'm ripped, but my genetics will never allow me to have a big size.

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    yeah prob not a good idea if one did know to post it here and give anyone bright ideas to start using those doses and substances at 20 years old or some crap.... esp the insulin dosages ......
    Also i could be wrong but i believe that a pro's body can utilize say 2500 + mg/test/week - i dont feel the same holds true for a 175lb newbie .......JMO..

  12. #12
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    maybe i should define what i mean by GENETICS , what i mean is actually the way your muscles actually look as they get bigger , their shape and curves and stuff, pros have that really good muscle shape thats why they look that good. genetics are the way their bodies react to the drugs too .
    Technically I could say you are correct on this issue but I just feel that with enough training you can turn whatever muscle it is that you are wanting to change when focused on you can make it to whatever you need to... thats why they call it bodybuilding. You are right in the aspect NOT EVERYONE can be a PRO but EVERYONE can get BIG and LOOK GOOD doing it. Everyone has basically the same CNS.. we are all humans.. we all process everything the same way... when we inject a muscle with a steroid oil that muscle will absorb that oil and use whatever it is that our body is trying to utilize in that oil the same way. They are all the same chemicals... same thing applies to an EXERCISE.. if the CURL is done correctly it will work the bicep muscle on everyone the same way... you know what i mean??

    Yes as human we are individually different but on a whole we are all relatively the same.. of course there are different body types.. but pretty much the same structure. And on those lines yes everyone is there own unique form everyone will react differently to the same things but when boiled down to brass tax its all the same thing. IMO

  13. #13
    Edgar's Avatar
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    most people cant afford the amount of HGH the pros do! so I m wondering if its a bad idead to post it. Im not going to post it.

  14. #14
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    genetics+desire+steroids =pro Remember guys, there is always a point of diminishing returns.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Technically I could say you are correct on this issue but I just feel that with enough training you can turn whatever muscle it is that you are wanting to change when focused on you can make it to whatever you need to... thats why they call it bodybuilding. You are right in the aspect NOT EVERYONE can be a PRO but EVERYONE can get BIG and LOOK GOOD doing it. Everyone has basically the same CNS.. we are all humans.. we all process everything the same way... when we inject a muscle with a steroid oil that muscle will absorb that oil and use whatever it is that our body is trying to utilize in that oil the same way. They are all the same chemicals... same thing applies to an EXERCISE.. if the CURL is done correctly it will work the bicep muscle on everyone the same way... you know what i mean??

    Yes as human we are individually different but on a whole we are all relatively the same.. of course there are different body types.. but pretty much the same structure. And on those lines yes everyone is there own unique form everyone will react differently to the same things but when boiled down to brass tax its all the same thing. IMO
    humm.... i tend to disagree bro , you cannot change the shape of the muscle , only increase its size and strength , YES everyone can look good , but not as good as a pro if we are talking from a competitive bodybuilding perspective. IMO

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    humm.... i tend to disagree bro , you cannot change the shape of the muscle , only increase its size and strength , YES everyone can look good , but not as good as a pro if we are talking from a competitive bodybuilding perspective. IMO
    Ok well ponder this over.. ok... I am not arguing your opinion because it is just that.. Your Opinion


    What about the fact ok say that the fact that your upper chest is lacking in muscle size... IF you focus your efforts in the gym solely on INCLINE You will be shaping your muscle to accomadate for that fact in what it is on your body that you are lacking in... see exceptions to every rule...

    like I did state though it isn't true to everyone... DIET,TRAINING, AND SUPPLEMENTATION are all KEY Factors in someone's progression to shaping the desired muscle or muscle group you are targeting.

    I could be wrong but this is all IMO

  17. #17
    kaberle_15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Seriously, anybody know this? Seems like there is nothing out there on how the pro's run their drugs?

    Not that I am willing to try this, but I wonder what they take at which dosage and so on.

    - Steroids
    - Isulin
    - HGH

    All these three for sure, but at what dosages, length and so on? Anybody got a clue?
    I have a friend that was a top 5 Mr. Olympia competitor and I can tell you that the amount pro's take vary a lot. My friend never went over 1200 mgs of test a week at anytime but tells me that some pro's go over 3500 mgs a week. I know he was on about 60mg of dbol in the off season a little while ago and he told me how much hgh and insulin he was taking but I forgot but I know it's not an insane amount like other guys. I know another pro slowing going blind from insulin.

  18. #18
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    not really , no amount of drugs or training or supplementation or diet is gonna make you look like a pro unless you have the predisposition to look like that .

    for example , say you have a weak biceps peak ( i am trying to make a point ) , you will always have a weak biceps peak no matter how big they will get , it will improve , but no to the best of the best , sorry.

    HGH induces hyperplasia which is the splitting of muscle cells, steroids only make the muscle cell bigger.

    After a certain age you only have X number of muscle cells and all you can do is get them bigger, HGH also you to increase the X number of muscle cells thus manipulating your genetics.

    Obiviously you also have to have the genetics that are conducive to muscle growth or else you aren't going to be a Pro, just a big dude.

  19. #19
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    HGH induces hyperplasia which is the splitting of muscle cells, steroids only make the muscle cell bigger.

    After a certain age you only have X number of muscle cells and all you can do is get them bigger, HGH also you to increase the X number of muscle cells thus manipulating your genetics.

    Obiviously you also have to have the genetics that are conducive to muscle growth or else you aren't going to be a Pro, just a big dude.
    EXACTLY !!!

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    impress em with a big, sod u deadlift, mate. a sound balanced strenght base will stand you years of good chemical training.

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