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  1. #1
    mmnjtwa's Avatar
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    help me fine tune my next cycle... THANKS!

    Hey guys I'm trying to get some feedback on my next cycle. I've done just dbol twice before & more recently I've kickstarted a short cycle of tren a (4 weeks 100mg eod) with dbol (2 weeks 50mg/day) as well. The cycle was going to be longer, but there was a mishap with the 2nd bottle of tren.

    I am:

    25 years old
    currently 195-198lbs (i was ~183 before the last cycle)
    not sure on bf%, but I have been very lean & cut all my life

    I was shooting for a comfortable 205 before, but now I'm hoping to be near 215-220 after the next one.

    Here is what I have:

    1 bottle test cyp 200
    4 bottles tren a 100
    50 10mg anavar pills
    100+ 10mg winstrol pills

    I was thinking about doing

    weeks 1-6 test cyp 200mg every 4 days
    weeks 2-7 tren a 200mg eod
    weeks 5-7 win 50mg/day
    weeks 6-7 var 30mg/day
    pct with clomid & was thinking about hcg as well

    I've previously done 100mg of tren eod and figured I needed to up the dosage. Would you recommend I keep it at 200mg eod or would 150mg eod extended a little longer be better?

    I could easily get and afford more stuff, but I was thinking this should be sufficient. By the way I am just looking to add quality lean muscle to my body (most of which I can keep) with out much water weight. I can care less about strength as long as I look good to the ladies. (I mean afterall... That what most of us do this for anyway)
    Last edited by mmnjtwa; 02-11-2009 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Your gunna need more test. running test c for only 6 weeks is useless as it kicks in around week 5-6. Also I would definitely shoot tren ED its a very short ester

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    Your gunna need more test. running test c for only 6 weeks is useless as it kicks in around week 5-6. Also I would definitely shoot tren ED its a very short ester
    ^^^ AGREED

    and your winny timing is a bit off and a bit low dosed and 3 weeks isn't gonna do much for you

    The more I look at that cycle the less I like it, Sorry

    can you get more Test?

    and why not test prop with the tren a? just curious

  4. #4
    mmnjtwa's Avatar
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    I had the test c readily available and can get more. So should I just get another bottle of it and double the time I take it?

    I have about 300 of the 10mg winny so I can take as much of it as long as you recommend... ? & I thought the tren a was fairly effective eod, but if you think I must shoot ed - so be it.

    This is exactly why I am posting on here.... Help me get the most out of the cycle... thanks!

  5. #5
    mmnjtwa's Avatar
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    btw - Have a pretty high calorie (I have an extremely fast metabolism) diet with approx 300g of protein a day. I am taking glutamine, creatine, bcaa, ***** 3, daily vitamin, arginine, taurine, & carnitine daily as well.

  6. #6
    mmnjtwa's Avatar
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    Well upon the only comments so far, here is a revised plan for the test and tren :

    weeks 1-10 test cyp every 4 days 200mg
    weeks 2-9 tren a ed 100mg

    Where should I bring in the winny and what dosage? Also do you really feel I need the anavar ? Like I said I am already pretty lean, I just want to add more quality lean muscle (most of which I'll keep given the proper PCT) and comfortably be over 200+ lbs.

  7. #7
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmnjtwa View Post
    Well upon the only comments so far, here is a revised plan for the test and tren :

    weeks 1-10 test cyp every 4 days 200mg
    weeks 2-9 tren a ed 100mg

    Where should I bring in the winny and what dosage? Also do you really feel I need the anavar? Like I said I am already pretty lean, I just want to add more quality lean muscle (most of which I'll keep given the proper PCT) and comfortably be over 200+ lbs.
    Ok that looks a little bit better... Start the cycle with Winny... and Eat the Anavar on the tail end if you want to use up all the products you have... you technically need more but you really can just eat what you have and see what happens IMO.

  8. #8
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Weeks 1-10 test cyp E3.5 days, not every 4.

    Tren you can start at week 1 and run to week 8.

    Ditch the var as you dont have enough really to see results.

    Run the winny the tail end of the cycle, or even to PCT if you want so 4-6 weeks.

  9. #9
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    u could run the cyp at 200mg a wk for 10 wks for HRT but i would wait a 2 or 3 weeks for it to kick in b4 you start the tren . Save the var for later when you get more and id run the winny the last 4wks of cycle to pct.

  10. #10
    got test?'s Avatar
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    Another thing.. You've done d bol twice? once with tren ?
    I wouldnt take that alone bro, and mixing it with tren is VERY hard on the body.. Back to your post.
    Your revised cycle looks better. I like what lego bricks said. Prop would be better suited IMO, but if your running the cyp 10 wks, you'll be g2g Are your 4 bottles of tren home made? or 10ml? I would def try to run it out to 8 wks ED preffered, but EOD if you don't have enough. If you do this cycle right, and I think others will agree.. Your gonna blow that BS d bol cycle you did out of the water. Tren makes serious results, especially with a test base. Just try not to drink alcohol so much, take milk thistle ect. I always prefer staying on the safe side.

    ::edit:: Just noticed you were short on the cyp. but you said you could get more. Get enough to last you 10-12 weeks while taking shots at intervals of E3D

    I'm also going to recommend HCG to you. My VERY first cycle was test/Fina.. Did I like it? Yes, BUT it made me break out afterwards. Keep in mind I did use clomid 3 days after cycle at rec dosages.. WELL, after reading a LOT, talking to well respected people, I decided to go for broke and do the same cycle again, this time using HCG and clomid after.
    It's preffered if you have HCG, clomid, nolva, arimidex but at least HCG and clomid.
    2-3 weeks prior to your cycle ending, 250-500IU's E3D, 1 week b4 cycle ending, bump it to 500-1000IU E3D follow this until PCT should start (about 14 days after your last cyp injection), then start clomid.

    From personal experience, had ZERO acne on my back after, no lie.. First cycle was a zit farm of backne. just read man, do as much research as possible. READ READ READ.. PCT is very important for a number of reasons..

    my .05 cc's
    Last edited by got test?; 02-12-2009 at 10:49 AM.

  11. #11
    got test?'s Avatar
    got test? is offline Member
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    quick lil edit there

  12. #12
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    u could run the cyp at 200mg a wk for 10 wks for HRT but i would wait a 2 or 3 weeks for it to kick in b4 you start the tren. Save the var for later when you get more and id run the winny the last 4wks of cycle to pct.
    No need.

    Little do people realize that the "kick in" time for test regardless of the ester refers to the point at which you body has reached its peak level in your system. The day you start injecting test the day it starts to release into your system...just very slowly. Regardless you can still inject tren from day one as well as that also has an ester (even tho its a faster releasing ester "acetate" it still takes time for it to release into your system and reach peak levels) and even by then the test will already be up to HRT levels. Regardless of the fact when you start injecting test with an additional AAS your body senses this and begins to shutdown the natural production. So you still have test in your body and it comes from the exogeneous test you inected.

  13. #13
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    cool always figured cyp takes at least a week or 2 to break down enough of the ester to get you above normal ranges.
    Does this site still have the charts that show test level breakdown day by day? Was lookin but cant find.

  14. #14
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    no need.

    Little do people realize that the "kick in" time for test regardless of the ester refers to the point at which you body has reached its peak level in your system. The day you start injecting test the day it starts to release into your system...just very slowly. Regardless you can still inject tren from day one as well as that also has an ester (even tho its a faster releasing ester "acetate" it still takes time for it to release into your system and reach peak levels) and even by then the test will already be up to hrt levels. Regardless of the fact when you start injecting test with an additional aas your body senses this and begins to shutdown the natural production. So you still have test in your body and it comes from the exogeneous test you inected.

  15. #15
    mmnjtwa's Avatar
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    I have 4 10ml bottles of tren a & the person I got the cyp from has 2+ more bottles. I had to trade him a bottle of winny for the 1st 1, let's see what I can work out for another.

    As far as drinking goes, well I do NOT drink while I'm on a cycle at all. I also start taking milk thistle at least a week before & after the cycle. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    Thanks so far guys. Some good advice to take into account. I have until March 1st to find & order whatever else I am going to need. Some of which can arrive later due to the fact I won't need it right away. I just rather be certain it'll be here for sure so I get the most out of this cycle.

    I hope I'll be completely satisfied with my gains & can keep enough so that I'll only have to maintain from then on.

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