Stats etc...
height: 5'9
weight: 180pounds
bf: 10%
time training - 4 years
no of cycles: 1 and a half! (will explain this!) - 1st was in may 08, included 10 weeks 500mg weekly of Test E, 4 weeks 30mg D-bol, 0.5mg ed anastrazole, pct 2 weeks after last injection - tamoxifen 40mg ed 1 week then 30mg, 20mg, 10mg..recovered fine, gained 20lbs keept 14-16lb. 2nd cycle did not run smoothly, was going to take sus 250, 500mg weekly and deca 400mg weekly both for 12 weeks (this was 2 months after pct of last cycle) i ran 4 weeks perfectly, strength and size went up as expected but then inadvertently broke the rest of my gear! (was in a cupboard along with my x-box which fell on the glass amps and they smashed!) so i was only able to do 5 weeks, i then ran pct as before...that was 3 months ago and am now ready for next cycle, this will be my only cycle this year and will hopefully limit myself to one cycle per year...

ok so i did have my next cycle planned as follows:



Deca - 400mg weeks 1-10 - weeks 11-12 - 200mg weekly
Test E - 500mg weeks 1-10 - weeks 11-12 - 250mg weekly
D-bol - 30mg weeks 1-4
HCG - 500i.u weeks 3-12

pct to start week after last injection (week 13)


Nolva - 20mg ed week 1-6
exemestane - 25mg ed week 1-4
HCG - 500i.u ed week 1-3
VIT E - 1000i.u ed week 1-3

But i re thought this, as the 6 short weeks i did the deca shut me down hard and has taken about 3-4 months to get me natuarl test back! (bad pct i think and stupidly jumped on 2nd cycle to early, only waited about 2 months before i did), well these are my questions that follow:

better if i substitute deca for 600mgs weekly of equipoise (as less suppressive) or...
drop deca bump test up to 750mg weekly or...
keep cycle same and use aggressive pct?

ok and now some questions about hcg !!!!
anyone's views about using it on cycle and for pct? i would like some opinions as to how people themselves use it as people seem to be divided on the subject!

oh and vit e to help absorption of hcg is that inj or ok in oral form?

cheers guys thanks again!!!