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11-25-2004, 08:41 AM #81
Great thread!!
11-25-2004, 09:01 AM #82
outdated everyone knows that those guys never came off their gear they stayed on year round and most are paying for that abuse now if they are not dead already. We know much more about these chemicals then we did at that time. It was 40 years ago.we were'nt even on the moon yet. I do agree that some people use to much gear, but you cannot compare Arnold or Lou to Ronnie and Jay. There mass differences are extremely obvious.
11-25-2004, 09:19 AM #83
If you are on an extended lower dose cycle is it still time on=time off?
11-25-2004, 09:52 AM #84Member
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Originally Posted by ChefJ
What sets Ronnie and Jay so far apart from Arnold or Lou?
11-25-2004, 10:43 AM #85Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
I'm not arguing that this is not true, but I think the mentality of some people is "If I'm going to risk my freedom, $, and invest all this time and effort into doing a propper steroid cycle, I want GAINS"
Smaller cycles may not be *worth* it to some people. Just from a risk vs. reward point of view.
That being said, I think this is more of a thought in the back of some guy's heads than the actual mentality for most people. Most of the big cycle mentality is because they want to be big, and don't think small dosses will cut it. And especially I think that isn't true if you are new to this thing, small(er) dosses could keep working for you for years to come. Heck, I'm doing great just with beta agonists right now, you'd be amazed how far you can go without using steroids . And combining just a little more anabolic hormone is most likely all you'll need if you have everything else in order. Depending on your goals of course.........
11-25-2004, 11:54 AM #86Originally Posted by Pork Chop
11-25-2004, 02:06 PM #87Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by Anhydro78
Anyone can debate/argue a point. Just because I'm a VET on the board doesn't mean you have to agree with everything I say.
One of the reasons I post is to spark discussions.
Regarding your questions:
1. I do believe that the earlier bodybuilders used less steroids than the ones today. The advances in steroids, increased knowledge of the body and changes in the way elite bodybuilders use steroids makes a huge difference.
2. Elite bodybuilders are monitored closely and are on steroids just about year round. So they MUST increase thier doses to the point where they are using mega doses to continue to grow. I posted a study from the University of Maryland regarding homeostasis and why it is necessary to increase doses while on long cycles or when you take very short breaks between cycles.
3. Regarding your personal situation: Anhydro78, if you want to find out if the lower doses work for you, try it. That's the only way you'll know. I have every intention of running a high dose cycle--EVENTUALLY. But, I'm not going to run higher doses until I stop making good gains on low and moderate doses.
4. If you're pursuing a life as a competitive bodybuilder, then you should definitely consider huge doses and cycling year round.
I think people have misunderstood what I've been saying about low doses. Here are some points to read through carefully if you want to understand:
1. I have NEVER said or implied that by using low and moderate doses that someone can become as large as the elite bodybuilders. (But how many people are truly looking to become as huge as the elites?) However, I have said that while using low and moderate doses that someone can become D*MN huge--impressively huge.
2. I have said that more is not better AND whether you use high doses or not depends largely on your goals. If a person is not planning to compete or is not really planning to become as huge as the elite bodybuilders, then he should quit trying to cycle like the elites and start using the tools available in ways that more directly address his true goals. High doses is not the only way to cycle successfully or effectively. There are some guys on this board that are very big and have used low and moderate doses only.
A lot of people have misunderstood my comments about fat. To clarify:
1. Outside of elite competitors or those climbing the competition ladder, I have not seen people gain much more than 10-25 lbs of solid mass on any cycle. It seems that those who claim to consistently gain more than 25 lbs on a cycle leave out the fact that the 35 or 40 lbs they gained included 20 lbs of fat and water weight. Sometimes that extra fat and water weight are needed while bulking. But I don't like it when that entire gain is represented as "more muscle." I just want the misrepresentations to stop.
I never said that all high dosers are fat. But, I did say that those who claim to constantly gain 35 or 40 lbs per cycle omit how much of that gain is fat.
Regarding the myth that more is always better:
1. A lean 20-pound gain on a cycle is impressive whether you're on low or high doses. I can gain a lean 20 lbs on a cycle using low doses and there are many more here that could do the same if they concentrated on diet and quit trying to increase thier doses to compensate for an inadequate diet. As long as I make those gains, I'm not going to increase my doses.
2. If a person can gain 20 lbs on a cycle of low doses, then why would he want to use high doses? According to the more is better arguements, it seems that the low dose cycler who is getting 20lb gains should expect more gains on more gear. I don't agree with that--I don't agree that he'll suddenly gain much more than 20 lbs on a cycle if he uses more gear. To reiterate...a lean 20 lbs gain on a cycle is a very good gain whether on high or low doses.
I just want both sides of the story told.
Regarding support for low dose arguements:
1. I've posted a ton of info on low doses. If you want more info, search. I'm not going to rehash every point here that has already been written out clearly and hotly debated in other posts.Last edited by BASK8KACE; 11-25-2004 at 02:22 PM.
11-25-2004, 02:14 PM #88
who knows what they really used... I seriously DOUBT it was as low as that... and I bet a lot of prows are pushing 3 grams a week of test and a few more grams of their other drugs of choice... some insulin and GH... that sounds about right... and back in the day they probably only did a third of that minus the gh and insulin and that is about what I think they used.... but who really knows?
11-25-2004, 02:50 PM #89Member
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Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
1. I have NEVER said or implied that by using low and moderate doses that someone can become as large as the elite bodybuilders. (But how many people are truly looking to become as huge as the elites?) However, I have said that while using low and moderate doses that someone can become D*MN huge--impressively huge.
[b] High doses is not the only way to cycle successfully or effectively. There are some guys on this board that are very big and have used low and moderate doses only.
I think it is the only way to cycle successfully or effectively. If you're going to deny yourself the full potential available from a proper cycle, you may as well not bother. The same could be said about protein intake, nutrition or sleep or discipline at the gym - i'm not advocating extreme acts here, just taking full adavantage where it's available.
2. If a person can gain 20 lbs on a cycle of low doses, then why would he want to use high doses? According to the more is better arguements, it seems that the low dose cycler who is getting 20lb gains should expect more gains on more gear. I don't agree with that--I don't agree that he'll suddenly gain much more than 20 lbs on a cycle if he uses more gear. To reiterate...a lean 20 lbs gain on a cycle is a very good gain whether on high or low doses.
If you're making great gains on your low dose cycle, i think you haven't yet reached your physical peak yet. I think you could get just as big or real close to it without the juice.
Don't hate me cause what i'm saying is different.
11-25-2004, 09:42 PM #90
Thank you for the time you put into the reply to my questions Bask8kace. I like I have said before like my Androgens for athletic performance. But am starting to think my doses of Test and Deca , ect... Can be lowered when I start HGH and IGF-1 therapy next year. I really dont experiance much of any side effects from drugs that I take regularly. But at the rate that im increasing my doses in a couple years It will seem stupid to take any more gear than I am now.
I agree with you on most points that you make, but the only thing that I think we differ on is goals. I cant compete because of my chest. I have huge lats and traps with decent arms but my pecs are under developed. I use to compete in power lifting but had to stop due to a back injury.
11-26-2004, 12:13 AM #91Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by Pork Chop
I have abolutely no problem with our having a difference of opinion. I appreciate the fact that you have stated your point of view without making it a personal issue.
I firmly disagree with you on several of your points, especially the one in which you talk about my physical peak. Perhaps over several years I could have reached my current condition naturally, but there is no way I could have reached this weight as fast as I did without steroids .
I think it's wrong to encourage people to use high doses of steroids too soon. Once a person makes the decision to use steroids , it's way too easy for him/her to go overboard by stacking ridiculous amounts of steroids if s/he is encouraged only to use high doses. There's a time and a place for high doses. However, too many people use high doses far sooner than necessary and for the wrong reasons (Usually doses are raised too soon when a person doesn't get good results from a cycle and immediately blames the dose when an inadequate diet almost always is to blame).
There are too many people on the board who could gain quite well on far less gear.
Cheers.Last edited by BASK8KACE; 11-26-2004 at 12:19 AM.
11-26-2004, 10:38 AM #92Writer
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Lets be honest here...the guys we're talking about (competitors from the 60's-early 80's) would have a hard time qualifying for the NPC's, and would hardly finish within the top 5 in a national amateur contest. The guys from the 60's and early 70's would be struggling to win a regional BB-ing show.
Times (and dosages) move on....
11-26-2004, 02:05 PM #93
wow... maybe some of them but there is no way you can take anything away from ARNOLD... he may not have been HUGE... but regional or amateur contests he would have NO problem... his symmetry alone would let him win.
11-26-2004, 03:54 PM #94
Interesting thread...good read
Just throwing an opinion out there.....
I believe the body builders of today are superior to those of Arnolds age. I mean this in a competing sense (onstage) Body building is about who presents the most size, symetry, vascularity.... I'd favor the physique of Markus Ruhl over Frank Zane any day. But then again i'm all about pure ripped mass..the bigger the better
Just my 2 cc's
11-26-2004, 06:02 PM #95
going simply by numbers overlooks the obvious which is the quality of the gear u r running....
QV test/deca are known tobe under-dosed so should the person not run it at 400mgs/200mgs, but instead up the dose to actually get the full 400/200 in his upcoming cycle?....i would say most definitley that being a reason...
11-26-2004, 06:39 PM #96
good azz post
11-26-2004, 06:40 PM #97
****,..i have my first cycle coming up soon,..500mg per week of test e and 30 mg of dbol per day, got me worried now,..da#n it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-04-2004, 11:05 AM #98Member
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bump for all to read
12-04-2004, 11:23 AM #99Writer
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Originally Posted by Cuttup
12-04-2004, 11:42 AM #100
this may have already been said.......(i havent read the entire thread so i dont know).........but i think we need to remember that most of theses pros` you are talkin about already had a head start with their low doses were probably all they needed to enhance what was already there.For guys who are a little less gifted.......200 deca and 20 dbol aint gonna get them very far is it.
12-04-2004, 01:22 PM #101
Question for Bask8kace if you were to run a low dose test e cycle say 300mg/wk would you do the dose in 1 shot or divide it?
12-04-2004, 05:42 PM #102Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by bignatt
A general rule of thumb for long lasting esters: Anything less than a weekly dose 400mg can be taken in one dose. Anything greater than or equal to a weekly dose of 400mg should be divided into at least 2 weekly injections.
12-05-2004, 10:18 PM #103Originally Posted by Toenail Juice Z
12-05-2004, 10:23 PM #104Originally Posted by hooker
12-05-2004, 10:24 PM #105
Bask8 great post Bro...i am behind you 100% on the lower doses...might take a bit longer to get the gains but you will be healthier and the gains will much more sustanable...great post again!
12-05-2004, 10:35 PM #106Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
12-05-2004, 10:38 PM #107Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
12-05-2004, 10:44 PM #108
I think he is talking about longer test esters like test e and cyp. Not prop or suspension
12-05-2004, 10:47 PM #109Originally Posted by ChefJ
12-05-2004, 10:53 PM #110Associate Member
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Funny subject... I am currently hitting 250 a wk of cyp. On my 5th week and have gained 10pnds already, which is about what i gained my entire 16 week cycle last year.. The reason I decided for the low dose is basically right on with what baske8face's belief is. Why take more when less may be better! i'll keep you posted during the next few weeks...
12-05-2004, 11:08 PM #111Originally Posted by Sir Victorian guy, V.C.
12-05-2004, 11:11 PM #112Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
12-05-2004, 11:16 PM #113Originally Posted by hooker
12-06-2004, 01:51 AM #114
I def agree that the old school guys had better looking physiques i think the guys these days are to big
12-06-2004, 01:54 AM #115
I agre i think the old school guys had better looking physiques then the new guys there just to big
12-06-2004, 02:58 AM #116
Excellent post Basket!! Trully amazing by my thoughts. On the topic of looks between the pros of today and the pros in the past i would by far pick the ones in the past. They look unbelievable. I think thats how the human body should look. Like arnold said, he puts on muscle like a sculpter would put on muscle, a little bit at a time until perfect. People envy the work of sculpters from the roman empire and the bodybuilding pros of the past purely resembled it to a point. I personally think that pros today are way too big, almost freakishly discusting. I mean ya, sure its huge and your gonna get attention but everyone you talk to, unless a pro or amatuer bodybuilder alike will tell you that they think those guys look aweful. And truthfully i have to agree, i mean yes they put hard work into how they look but its just not appealing. So for all of you out there who admire the look from yesterday i commend you because you all admire great works of art from ppl who created perfection at its finest.
12-06-2004, 03:05 AM #117
Excellent post Basket!! Trully amazing by my thoughts. On the topic of looks between the pros of today and the pros in the past i would by far pick the ones in the past. They look unbelievable. I think thats how the human body should look. Like arnold said, he puts on muscle like a sculpter would put on muscle, a little bit at a time until perfect. People envy the work of sculpters from the roman empire and the bodybuilding pros of the past purely resembled it to a point. I personally think that pros today are way too big, almost freakishly discusting. I mean ya, sure its huge and your gonna get attention but everyone you talk to, unless a pro or amatuer bodybuilder alike will tell you that they think those guys look aweful. And truthfully i have to agree, i mean yes they put hard work into how they look but its just not appealing. So for all of you out there who admire the look from yesterday i commend you because you all admire great works of art from ppl who created perfection at its finest.
12-06-2004, 03:06 AM #118
oops lagged, sorry about the double post there.
12-06-2004, 09:17 AM #119
Are you telling us that it wasn't just a cheap shot, to get your post count upped by two, for the effort of writing only one? |
12-06-2004, 01:42 PM #120Originally Posted by The Baron
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