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  1. #1
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    1st cycle with test... sust tren

    6'2 188lbs 24yo diet in check, workout eod and work a crazy job with lots of manual labor

    did a 6 week cut cycle a few months back looked like this

    1-6 500mg masteron a week shot eod
    1 50 mcg clen ed
    2 100 mcg clen ed
    3 150 mcg clen ed
    4 200 mcg clen ed
    5 250 mcg clen ed
    6 300 mcg clen ed
    no pct

    started that one at 190 lbs
    droped to 175 then went back up to 179 by end of cycle

    one month later i started my bulking cycle (5 days ago) and i was 185 lbs
    this is my 1st real cycle with test.

    weeks 1-12
    adex .25 ml eod

    weeks 1-12
    sustanon 250
    900mg a week shot eod

    weeks 1-12
    tren a
    700mg a week shot ed

    weeks 8-12
    500mg a week shot ed

    pct i have liquid clomid, b12 inject, liquid adex.
    i have done alot of research and have a good plan for this so no wories...

    i could not get letro or nolva this is all i have access too

    so im on day 5 and my understanding is the test wont hit full force till 1-2 weeks is this right? im feeling very good today and wasnt feeling much until today. no negative sides. i dont knpow how i would explain but im feeling pretty energized. i was expecting some harsh tren sides. (my stuff is 100% legit). mabe my body handles it well i guess. pins are great no pain at all and no pain after injecting... another thing i thought would be a problem.. im only injecting up too 3ml at a time though so this might be why.

    anyways any thoughts are welcome. i know its a crazy beginer cycle but hey im allways balls to the wall.

    so far my gains are only 3 lbs in 5 days

  2. #2
    lovex is offline Associate Member
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    Not at all good

    first cycle should be simple "test" only.....and every one here recomand this.

    any way good luck:-)

  3. #3
    lovex is offline Associate Member
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    "test" will kick only from 4~5th week...depends from person 2 person ...
    it is not "hey im allways balls to the wall".....its your health and you r dealing with powerful hormones.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    i am guessing your diet isn't as good as you think

    and you are using way too many compounds, and balls to wall or not , you do not need 900mgs of test a week

    you are TOO LIGHT to be doing this.... I am 5'11 and 230, and NEVER have I used that much gear to grow

    You need to learn how to eat first. With steroids , its NOT more is better SORRY, your cycle SUCKS

    At your height, you could EASILY get to 220 NATURALLY if you knew how to eat right. You are gonna WASTE all that steroids

  5. #5
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jeez, 6'2, 185 and you are using more gear than i'm using on my blast and iv'e been cycling for years.
    More Food less gear, that cycle is just plain crazy.

  6. #6
    RoidBoid's Avatar
    RoidBoid is offline Member
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    ur gonna end up doing more bad then good, replace all those compounds for food....... run test, test only.... trust me, u will relise im right when uve done a 10-12 weeker on test, the other compounds are to be added when u have experience, knowing how your body reacts to the difference in hormone levels.....

    U gotta Walk Before You Can Run!!!

  7. #7
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    that cycle is ridiculous mate. sorry!!!

    this is your 1st proper cycle!!! why are you running tren ?? why are you running masteron ???

    you are way too light for this!!!

  8. #8
    Big Nicky the fish's Avatar
    Big Nicky the fish is offline Junior Member
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    in a cardboard box
    LMFAO!!! Damm kid your gonna hurt yourself

  9. #9
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    3 pounds in 5 days. thats not the AAS. this cycle is jacked worst than the masteron only cycle you ran a month before it. Tren on your first "real" cycle is insane. And the 700 mgs a week no less. Man you need more research and more time understanding diet and nutrition. Like T-Mos said, at your height you should be a lot bigger naturally. Your best advice: MORE FOOD.... LESS GEAR

  10. #10
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    i eat like crazy... no worries... if i start feelin like shit i will cut down the levels im at. feeling like superman right now. 1st thing i cut will be the tren down to 400mg a week and i will only take the masteron if im bloated and need to cut up at the end of cycle. i know everything u guys posted but i also know alot of guys doing this cycle and that have done this as there 1st cycle with wickid results. so that being said im gonna continue it and if you want me to keep you guys posted on results and sides i can... if not i wont lol.

  11. #11
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Nicky the fish View Post
    LMFAO!!! Damm kid your gonna hurt yourself
    loving your avi dude..

  12. #12
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickid1111 View Post
    i eat like crazy... no worries... if i start feelin like shit i will cut down the levels im at. feeling like superman right now. 1st thing i cut will be the tren down to 400mg a week and i will only take the masteron if im bloated and need to cut up at the end of cycle. i know everything u guys posted but i also know alot of guys doing this cycle and that have done this as there 1st cycle with wickid results. so that being said im gonna continue it and if you want me to keep you guys posted on results and sides i can... if not i wont lol.
    dude... dont bother you have no idea what your doing, enjoy your short lived trip

  13. #13
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    far as i can see i have 200mg more sust then the recomended starter cycle and the tren ... how it that gonna mess me up? if it does i can drop the tren a its outa the system quick anyways.

    my goal is 215 by end of cycle...

  14. #14
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    u have no idea what your getting yourself into with that tren ... your no where close to being ready for that compound....

    look man, im not trying to be a flamer.. im sayin this for you, not myself....

    drop everything

    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

    watch the videos in the link and follow the diet exactly...

    post your workout routine so we can peak it

    then start doing 500mg/wk of test e for 12 weeks down the line after you've put some natural weight on...

    2 cents...

  15. #15
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    workouts are mostly cardio and when i do lift i just work the muscles that i dont work when im at my job.

    Flat Bench Dumbell Flyes
    Incline Dumbell Flyes
    Decline Bench
    Cable Row
    Leg Curls
    these are my main workouts i stick too and i throw in others when i need too.

    i work everyday 10-12 hours as a tower rigger. lifting heavy steel and climbing 1000 feet a day with lots of gear.

    heres what i had today...

    1st meal
    6 egg whites hot sauce and 2 slices of grain toast and 200g lean turkey
    2nd meal
    3 egg whites in a sandwich with grain bread and 2 oranges
    3rd meal
    2 cans tuna on mixed greens and tomatos and vinigar for dressing
    4th meal
    2 chicken breasts with tomato paste baked on top, red potatos, steamed brocoli
    5th meal
    chicken breast with cheese on wheat crackers (low salt)

    ussually have a 6th meal somware in there more of a snack though but didnt get around too it today. i drink water with all meals except lunch i have a protine shake.

    im taking glucos tabs and multivitamins.

  16. #16
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    there's soo much wrong with this... watch the videos in the link i provided above and then go to the workout portion of this forum to get a good routine going.. your way off the reservation on this one bud.. you havn't done any research..

  17. #17
    lovex is offline Associate Member
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    dude ...u r huting yourself a lot...if u continue ..u will pay severe price
    just do a simple test e cycle ....
    u will gain 30lbs easily if u have good diet.....

  18. #18
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    the tren is startin to take its toll i gotta say... friggin knocked out today feels like a flu... 1 more day and i might drop it.. allmost didnt make the gym, anyways off to work i go

  19. #19
    lovex is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickid1111 View Post
    the tren is startin to take its toll i gotta say... friggin knocked out today feels like a flu... 1 more day and i might drop it.. allmost didnt make the gym, anyways off to work i go
    nobody cant help U if u continue....all what I can say is goodluck

  20. #20
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    k i admit defeat lol. this shits kicking my ass bad. should i ween myself off or stop the tren completly i can handle weening myself off of it if thats what i should do.... im gonna change up to .80mg eod of sust, that puts me at like 700mg a week, fair enuff? im 1/2 way through those diet vids and i dont see why im that far off on my diet. i did mak3e a couple little changes and uped my intake. i needed a few more carbs too...

    Meal 1
    2 cup of oats mixed with water
    6 egg whites with hot sauce
    Meal 2
    1 can tuna mixed with flax oil
    spinich salad with 2 eggs turkey and tomatos, vinigar dressing
    Meal 3
    2 cup of brown rice
    wheat toast with salmon 2 pieces and 1 can

    thats what i ate so far and this is what i still have to eat today....

    Meal 4
    4 lamb chops few ounces each
    brocoli and green beans steamed, little honey (teaspoon) and margerine (teaspoon)
    1 protine shake
    Meal 5
    1 baked potato
    1 cup of green beans and 1/2 cup steamed spinich
    1 chicken breast with tomato paste

    lookin better?

  21. #21
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    and my workouts are good i make sure i get every muscle group at least 2 times a week... my arms and shoulders and abs take a beating at work climbing and pulling rope all day. i used to play football way back and had a private trainer so i know how too work out.

  22. #22
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    1 more question, the masteron was pretty easy for me can i add it too this cycle since i have exp with it? i would run it like i had it in my 1st post

  23. #23
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    well im done the tren cause the coughing was no good in -30 weather i ended up with strep throat and have only been able to eat a piece of bread in the last 2 days.... lookin like i got the flu from the sust and that put me out... back to eating like crazy and i didnt miss the gym, even though i puked a few times while i was there lol. anyways down to 700/w sust and powering through this flu. got some antibiotics. anyways shits startin to look better

  24. #24
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Never mind.
    Last edited by gymnerd; 03-09-2009 at 03:17 PM.

  25. #25
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    well i was trying to get some info.... and i had allready started the cycle when i posted it. sorry if it looks like im trying to get attention lol dunno how u came up with that. but anyways sorry to bother u...

  26. #26
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    k well i think i got everything in check... no sides just doing the 700 mg sust a week, weight is starting to go up a lil at the gym so im happy. feels wierd with no sides though does that mean i should bump up the dose or continue with the 700. anyways going crazy with the cardio and starting to cut up nice so i dont think i will use the masteron at the end of the cycle.

    quick question on this tren i still have sitting here... when can i use it? its 8 months old allready, should i sell it back to my supply? or will it be still good in a year or so when i go to add it to my 3rd cycle?

  27. #27
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickid1111 View Post
    k i admit defeat lol. this shits kicking my ass bad. should i ween myself off or stop the tren completly i can handle weening myself off of it if thats what i should do.... im gonna change up to .80mg eod of sust, that puts me at like 700mg a week, fair enuff? im 1/2 way through those diet vids and i dont see why im that far off on my diet. i did mak3e a couple little changes and uped my intake. i needed a few more carbs too...

    Meal 1
    2 cup of oats mixed with water
    6 egg whites with hot sauce
    Meal 2
    1 can tuna mixed with flax oil
    spinich salad with 2 eggs turkey and tomatos, vinigar dressing
    Meal 3
    2 cup of brown rice
    wheat toast with salmon 2 pieces and 1 can

    thats what i ate so far and this is what i still have to eat today....

    Meal 4
    4 lamb chops few ounces each
    brocoli and green beans steamed, little honey (teaspoon) and margerine (teaspoon)
    1 protine shake
    Meal 5
    1 baked potato
    1 cup of green beans and 1/2 cup steamed spinich
    1 chicken breast with tomato paste

    lookin better?

    yea... that looks a bit better... unless your bulking, lay off the carbs at night

  28. #28
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    yea im trying to gain quite a bit and my next cycle after summer will be a cut cycle i have test prop and masteron for that and clen to run pre cycle. nutrition videos were very helpfull.... think i was eating healthy just not right for bulking. starting to gain pretty good here.

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