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  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    night sweats, heavy breathing, fast heart rate, all from....

    abombs and test is all i'm on for now.... Basically for the last week solid I have been waking up in puddles of sweat. I've sweat the bed each night and I hate it! Last night I spent the night at my ex's house and even while we were going at it i was gasping for air and breathing REALLY heavily. I sweat her bed too.... I also could hear my heart beating from my mouth when I'd open my mouth at certain points....... WTF???? I've been on cycles before and I understood the tren doing this to me but now I'm only on anadrol 50mg/day and test e 500mg / week. Is it the anadrol that's doing it to me?? I wouldn't think it's the test because I've been on test before many times and I haven't experienced that before.... Any help, advice, info, or whatever would be appreciated! I guess my stuff is obviously working, that's something good I can take from all of this. ;] anyway thanks guys!

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I get the sweats on tren . You got anything stressful going on in your life you could be having anxiety or panic attacks.

  3. #3
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    I get the sweats on tren. You got anything stressful going on in your life you could be having anxiety or panic attacks.
    well honestly I have the same stresses I had before I started the cycle.... and I wasn't having any of those problems until I had started. Having to pay $5,400 for my car to be fixed. Wanting to get ripped by summer (that's stressful) lol etc... but still nothing new came up so I'm pretty sure it's from the test / abombs but test has NEVER done this to me before so I'm kind of thinking it's the abombs..... would they cause the crazy sweating the bed, rapid heart rate, and heavy breathing while having sex? lol..... Thanks!

  4. #4
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    The drol they say is bad on the heart rate.
    How are you liking the drol?
    I notice if i got some stress when im on it gets lot worse.

  5. #5
    binsser's Avatar
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    m8 seriously just do test only the other isnt agreeing with u and could be doing alot of harm ull still get good gains and look great with a good diet...oh and make sure u keep ur fluids topped up m8 can also cause major probs if u dont bud!

  6. #6
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    The drol they say is bad on the heart rate.
    How are you liking the drol?
    I notice if i got some stress when im on it gets lot worse.
    well I'm into my second week now but 4 of those days I was out with a bad case of test flu..... i was miserable and slept a lot! Other than that I think I'm starting to notice some actual difference in physical size in my upper body over all. (maybe it's in my head but if it is I hope my head keeps playing tricks on me ;p ) I noticed the last few times in the gym that I was putting up more weight than I thought I'd be able to which tells me something as well.... it's nothing MAJOR but still it's more weight than I anticipated.

    I've also noticed that I have been dropping people left and right the past few weeks and I don't know if I blame that on my gear or on something else. What I mean is I stop responding to peoples txt messages, phone calls, IM's etc.... only the people I have recently met and don't really care to be friends with anymore..... lol maybe that has NOTHING to do with this whatsoever but thought i'd throw that in

  7. #7
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I am thinking of trying dbol /drol together real soon. I've never run drol yet im gunna start at a 25/50 dose and if I handle it fine go to 50/100

  8. #8
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    m8 seriously just do test only the other isnt agreeing with u and could be doing alot of harm ull still get good gains and look great with a good diet...oh and make sure u keep ur fluids topped up m8 can also cause major probs if u dont bud!
    So you're saying that the anadrol isn't agreeing with me because I'm having night sweats, fast heart rate/ gasping for air while having sex? I'm actually going to the doctor in a few days for blood pressure check and basic exam but I may have him do some blood work at the time too.... I'm drinking more water now than I have ever in my life. I drink 1 gallon of water from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at work.... then in the gym i'll drink another 1/2 gallon of water and I will have water between all of that as well. I'd say on average I'm drinking 1 1/2 gallons of water per day..... almost like my body is starving for it.

  9. #9
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    I am thinking of trying dbol/drol together real soon. I've never run drol yet im gunna start at a 25/50 dose and if I handle it fine go to 50/100
    that, i'd imagine, would be a pretty siiick stack! haha I've read and heard many things about stacking the two together, a lot of people seem to like that. Wish I had some dbol to go along with mine but then again maybe I don't considering how I am reacting to what I'm on right now..... My bed can't get any wetter!! lol

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    oh yeah one more thing.... My body can't seem to figure out if I'm hot or cold a lot throughout the day. A lot of the time my face starts burning up and I get sooo sweaty really easily. I've been doing TONS of research on DNP the last entire week and I'm starting to think researching DNP too much makes my body think I'm on it! lol (j/k but seriously it seems so haha)

  11. #11
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Man I was trying tren a at 100mg a day and fcuk me it was bad I have never soaked the bed so much it was insane.

  12. #12
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    Man I was trying tren a at 100mg a day and fcuk me it was bad I have never soaked the bed so much it was insane.
    what do you make of night sweats like that though?? Do you think it's when our bodies are growing / burning fat the most??? I obviously know we grow the most in our sleep..... but should we be loving the fact that we are getting night sweats because we are growing / burning fat that much more than the normal person who doesn't have night sweats? If that's the case I hope I sweat my bed a lot more until summer time! =P

    p.s. I really wanted to get some tren ace to throw in the mix but my source fell through and stopped contacting me!! doh! =(

  13. #13
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I definitely like to think its my body burning lots of fat anyways. I'm basically on the same thought as you on it. For those few days when I was at 100mg the bed was so wet I couldn't believe it almost like someone poured water on it. I get bad cold shivers on tren too sometimes they suck

  14. #14
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    I definitely like to think its my body burning lots of fat anyways. I'm basically on the same thought as you on it. For those few days when I was at 100mg the bed was so wet I couldn't believe it almost like someone poured water on it. I get bad cold shivers on tren too sometimes they suck
    haha yeah that's a good way for us to think then and I'm sure that's what's happening anyway during our sleep. I get the shivers too from what i'm running now.... lol it seems like I'm getting all the tren like sides but coming from the drol/test instead of tren. Weird but I'm not going to complain too much ;] This thread was our little private chat room it seemed..... but it was nice chattin with you.... I'll pm you with anymore questions I may have. Thanks again for all your help and thoughts on the matter!

  15. #15
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    the anadrol is SERIOIUS compund mate, i would not doubt for one second that this is the cause

  16. #16
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    you do realise this thread is ancient?

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