Hey Guys.

I've been on growth now for about 14 weeks at 2iu's on a 5/2 schedule. I've seen some pretty good results. Body fat is down, lean muscle is up. I was planning to add anavar once the growth really started to kick in and feel I am there. So here is the plan.

Run anavar 40mg/ED (20am/20pm) for 8weeks. Up the growth to 3-4iu's on my 5/2 schedule and will hopefully stick with this for 3 months after I am done with the anavar if I can afford it.

I know var is the mildest aas out there, but I am not after huge strength gains or size. I am looking to get really lean and hopefully gain a bit of lean muscle that will be just about permanent post-cyle. Also dont want alot of sides. The cholesterol thing is all I read about var and my cholesterol is amazing, usually between 100-120 with a very high hdl. So I figure I can take a hit there for a little while.

Other goals are to look as good as possible and be in my best possible athletic condition.

A few quick questions.

1. Does my dosing/schedule look good for the var? Should I be taking more or running it longer?
2. Is it necessary to bump up my growth iu's from 2 to 3 or 4? Should I jsut stay at 2?
3. Is it necessary to take an anti-estrogen with var? I am not sure on this, have read mixed things.
4. Heard mixed things on the PCT with var as well. I've read that jsut continuing the growth or adding in a pro-testosterone like Axis-HT is good enough for PCT?

24 yrs old
bf about 15% (give or take) (best I've been was 210 at 10%... injured my shoulder about 5 months ago and trainning was in the toilet up until about a month ago... definitely lost some muscle and got a belly while I was injured)

diet is on point. 60/20/20 protein/carbs/fat 5-6 meals a day at appropriate times.

Training. This may be my worst area... due to over training. I am very active. A typical day might go like this. Morning 3 mile run. wakeboard or surf 2-3 hours. Gym for 60-90mins. I do alot of crossfit/cross training style workouts. And usually a sport in the afternoon/evening. This sometimes cuts into my diet cause I dont have time to eat enough, but try and get 3500-4k cals/day.

I do take off days from the gym, usually in there 4-5 days a week. But I rarely dont do anything, unless I am sick or at work.

So there it is. Any info/advice/criticism anyone has to offer I would be very thankful to hear it.
