Background: I am an Electrition and a NSCA certified personal trainer. I have been researching PED off and on since i was about 18. I think like most male teenagers I wanted to look like arnold. As i have gotten older my goals have changed. I recently started training in BJJ. I love it but it is very hard on my body. After a few months of serious research and saving the money I am going to start my first cycle.

Stats: 6', 190lbs, 13% bf, 21y, 4 years lifting and swimming seriously, 3 months training bjj. "Endomesomorph"

Goal: Gain 20 lbs lbm and cut 3-4% bf. I'd like to surpass my genetic potential Become a super human!

I have 10xamps 250mg Test E : 10ml/200mg EQ : 100tbl /10mg Nolva

week 1 : 250mg Test E: 400 mg EQ
week 2 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 3 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 4 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 5 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 6 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 7 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 8 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 9 : 250mg Test E: 200 mg EQ
week 10: 250mg Test E

4 weeks of PCT starting 1 week after last injection nolva 40/40/20/20
Test Monday and EQ on Thursdays

I know that most people don't recommend using steroids before the age of 24-25, i know the risks and i am willing to take my chances. The only thing I'm not 100% about is the pct. There is so much information out there. With only 450mg a week of hormones and half of it being EQ there shouldn't be too much amortization. I really don't want to spend more money on it than I have to. I decided to front load the EQ the first week because i know it is a longer acting ester so i wanted to end it a week before the Test E.