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  1. #1
    submissionman is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004

    Cool Tren A, Var, Winny CONCERNS??

    I know, I know, include test with EVERY cycle. I have done 3 previous cycles and have had the test "flu" EVERY single time, basically the entire cycle. I have included var and winny seperately in all 3 cycles and LOVE them both. I have been dying to try the "god of roids" tren and thought to start with tren A and try transdermal to avoid as much shutdown, since I'm not including test. And yes, I know that combining var and winny is a bad idea for liver values and such. I am in week 3 and am having insomnia issues and seem to be shutting down kinda hard. Would HCG help at all? I'm still getting hard at times, probably due to the cabergoline. Should I suck it up and add a low does of test prop? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Week 1-10 Tren A (transdermal) 75mg/day
    Week 1-5 Var 60mg/day
    Week 5-10 Winny 50mg/day

    Cabergoline .5 throughout

  2. #2
    wackod2's Avatar
    wackod2 is offline Associate Member
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    where to start? the insomnia is normal, not only you need test for several other reasons but tren works way better with test.... also your 3rd cycle and you dont know if you need hcg or not? the 2 orals is a bad idea, pick 1, id run prop at atleast 300 a week

  3. #3
    Linuxian's Avatar
    Linuxian is offline Junior Member
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    He's not running them concurrently though. I'd run the var at the end of the cycle, that will give you a harder look as you come off and begin your PCT.

    Do you still get the flu at low doses of test? I've heard of this happening if you're doing too much test per injection because it shocks the body too much.

    edit: I've never run tren but var gives me insomnia pretty bad.
    Last edited by Linuxian; 04-12-2009 at 09:48 PM.

  4. #4
    submissionman is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004
    Thanks for the response. Yea, test has ALWAYS given me the "flu". I have tried different doses, even as low as 50mg/EOD of test prop. And as far as HCG goes, I wouldn't know if I needed it because I have never tried such a compound as tren and the shutdown aspect of it. My past cycles were mostly var, winny, eq, tbol, and test prop.

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