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  1. #1
    bigbadbooty247 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Should I add trend to a ongoing cycle?

    Hey Bro's, I have been talking to a few people and they said maybe I should add some tren to my cycle. As of right now Im taking test-cy at 3/4 a C every 3 & 1/2. Im also on a t3/clen cycle, that runs congruent. I just shot yeasterday which made it my 3rd full week. Im planning on running a 12 week cycle. But Im in the air about adding some tren enanthate , I have it on hand and want to but woundering what load I shound take, and if I should even add it? Im always trying to be as safe as I can, trying to stay on a low side of everything. Could I run the tren for 12 weeks starting this week? which mean it will run 4 weeks longer than the test. I plan I taking winnie when II have had great gains just on the test and my work outs feel great, the clen and t3 are doing their job too, I have no water weight at all. Im very happy with everything. My work outs are high rep and mediun weight. Also I have my PCT ready to go with nolvadex cycle after.

    Sould I add tren? and how would I run it?
    What cc of tren?, what cc of test? if I do

    If i missed anything let me know thanks for you time guys

    13% bf
    3rd cycle

  2. #2
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tren is run for 8-10 weeks. And it must be stopped BEFORE the test, especially tren-e that takes a couple weeks to leave the body.

    It would also take 4-6 weeks for the tren to kick because of the e ester so you would have to stop it 2 weeks before you stop your test dosage

    So it would look like this

    1-12 Test Cyp
    1-10 Tren-E

    How far are you into the cycle?

    Also nolvadex only won't be enough for a PCT for Test/tren, you can get away with Nolva on a test only cycle, but you would need nolva and clomid for test/tren.

    Also remember to have either caber or bromo on hand during cycle for prolactin issues.

  3. #3
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Nov 2004
    How old are you?

  4. #4
    bigbadbooty247 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009
    29, I have been on now for 3 weeks. See I had the tren just couldnt pull the triger on doing it, because of how hard it can be on your body. So its board line for taking it now. hmm. What about the winnie? start it after my test cycle, or sooner?

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