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  1. #1
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Planning a 10 week cutting cycle

    I have to take 12/14 weeks off, but figure i'll start planning my next cycle now, getting everything on hand.

    I'm just finishing a nice cycle that put me from the low 190's to 213 and I'm a lot leaner than I was when i started.

    Stats now:
    Age: 28

    Height: 6'

    Weight: 213

    Body Fat: I was calipered at 13% a few weeks back, but am lower now, probably in single digits.

    Diet: 440 grams protein, 150grams carbs (excluding fiber carbs/veggies) under 80grams fat. Spread out over 7 meals + PWO.

    Training: 10 years, doing cardio 4/5 times a week empty stomach in the am. Weights in the evening about an hour.

    Goals: I'd like to put on maybe 10lbs, more important to me is to sculpt the area's I need to work out rather than put on more size. Maintain a low body fat or loose some more. Looking to run something, that I'll retain most of my gains. If I put on 30lbs and loose 20 after PCT, I'd be too depressed, lol.

    This is what I'm thinking, but would love some feed back:

    I'd probably want to run the following compounds:

    Test Prop
    Masteron or Primo (leaning toward the Primo, more mild)
    Anavar or Winny (leaning toward the var, again...more mild)

    I'd like to only run 3 compounds, and I like to start them all about 2 weeks apart, so I know how I respond to each....ask they kick in. It would probably be a 10 or 12 week cycle, with the oral being ran the shortest, the final 6 weeks or so.

    The Prop would probably be the base, ran through the entire cycle, and the primo or mast started 2nd.

    Should have low estrogenic sides, I'll use a lower dose of test to help control amoritization. Probably 400mgs a week. Primo and anavar I'll run higher.

  2. #2
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I guess it's perfect!

  3. #3
    CMPD213 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Test prop 75mg ED week 1-12
    Mast 50mg ED Week 3-12
    Anavar 60mg ED Week 7-12

    The masteron should help with estrogen related sides with the test prop.. Masteron has a synergistic effect with strong androgen steroids (ie. tren , anavar).. It is a DHT though so if you have hairline issues take proper precautions

    I feel that would be an excellent stack, as long as your masteron is the propionate version that is

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