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  1. #1
    Ca$tro's Avatar
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    Question Virgin needs some guidance on my proposed cycle inc Workout/Diet/Supps...

    Hello Ladies and Gents,

    It's nice to be a member of your well established and experienced community. I am new to the world of injecting anything into my body and therefore would appreciate any advice you experts have on what i have planned. Bear with me as me and PC's don't get on.

    I have been planning to start a cycle in approx 4 weeks time, giving me some time to do some research as well as time to plan my cycle properly so that i can avoid all those nasties such as gyno or small balls syndrome.

    Ok here goes, my proposed cycle after reading your site for days is that i should only be using 500mg per week (Mon morn and Thurs Eve) of Test-e to start with for 10 weeks. For PCT i shall have Nolva/Clomid at hand, PCT shall be 3 weeks long (day1 300mg/day 2-11 100mg/ day12-21 50mg). That way i can see if i have any side effects from test-e, rather than mixing in dbol as well as a front loader. My dilemma was that my friend at the gtm has kindly given me some dbol and said take 6 pills daily (30mg) and nothing else. Don't panic i haven't, i am some one who likes to read first and plan before implementing my plan of action. From the site i gather dbol is bad alone and bad stacked in my first cycle with test-e.

    So ok after reading the site for days i am still not clear on a few things as listed:

    1. Do i need Liv52 if i am not taking Orals?

    2. What exactly is HCG in doses of 300 - 500iu taken every 3-5 days? I understand it helps to stop the small balls syndrome.

    3. I do Cardio on Monday, as this is considered as an injecting day should i be pushing weights instead on injection days?

    4. If i am using Nolva what AI should i use? Arimidex ? Letro?

    5. What is Aromasin ?

    6. Do i need milk Thistle on my proposed cycle?

    7. To prevent Acne should i be using something like accutane before i start injecting?

    8. Major concerns are Shrinking balls/ Gyno/ Hair loss.

    Ok so thats my questions regarding the injectables.

    My current Training Regime is as follows, i tend to train 1.5hrs - 2hrs mon-fri:

    Mon - Cardio and Abs
    Tue - Chest and Bi
    Wed - Legs and Traps
    Thurs - Shoulders and Tri
    Fri - Back and Abs
    Sat - Cardio only

    My Diet is as follows:

    1. Before gym 10am: Oats/ 10 egg whites with glutamine/ Coffee.
    2. After gym 1pm: ProPeptide (protein shake) with glutamine.
    3. About 3pm: Chicken breast with brown rice.
    4. About 5pm: 2 cans of tuna with sweetcorn.
    5. About 7pm: Meal replacement with an apple.
    6. About 10pm: Chicken breast with brown rice again.
    7. About 1am: Meal Replacement and an apple.
    8. Before bed: Peptide shake and vitc/calcium/fish oil tablets.
    No Carbs/Dairy after 7pm.

    I was helped by the local gym owner in divising the above training and diet plans. I am not an expert but i love training and have achieved some gains on a cleaner diet.

    My Stats are as follow:

    AGE: 31
    HEIGHT: 6ft
    WEIGHT: 100Kg
    BF%: Never measured dont know how to!
    DIET: as above
    TRAINING: as above
    GOALS: to become a trojan, not interested in competing; it's for my selfishness
    PCT KNOWLEDGE : as declared above and some reading over past weeks.

    I appreciate all your input ppl please give me some positive feed back on what needs to be adjusted in my plan before i take the proposed Test-e. All critisism is welcomed with open arms, it's better than having my nuts shrink, lol.

    Thanks for your time, sorry if i have bored you with same repetative stuff you guys must encounter on a daily basis, but you guys are my mentors.

    Thanks again and look forward to reading your replies.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Your pct needs some work and i would run the test for at least 12 weeks...

    Do you have a photo for bf% estimation...

  3. #3
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    Although lots of people around here are going to disagree with me on this, i would add the dbol for the first 4 weeks of the cycle. I definitely think you should cut back on the training duration. If your workouts are taking longer than an hour, it means you are either doing too much volume, taking too long of rest in between sets, or lacking intensity. Use the nolva and the clomid for pct for 4 weeks. with those kinda doses, it's unlikely that you will need an AI.

  4. #4
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post

    1. Do i need Liv52 if i am not taking Orals? -no, since u are injecting your liver will not be effected

    2. What exactly is HCG in doses of 300 - 500iu taken every 3-5 days? I understand it helps to stop the small balls syndrome. HCG helps ur testes stay fuller while on cycle, doses of 500 iu EOD throughout your cycle is typical

    3. I do Cardio on Monday, as this is considered as an injecting day should i be pushing weights instead on injection days? it doesnt really matter with a longer ester test, the key is that ive found through personal exp that if you work the same muscle that u shoot it helps in the soreness alot, so for a cardio day make sure its a quad shot

    4. If i am using Nolva what AI should i use? Arimidex ? Letro? if u use nolva, u dont really need another AI for ur PCT... u can use letro during ur cycle if ur gyno prone (theres a gyno thread up somewhere)

    5. What is Aromasin ?

    6. Do i need milk Thistle on my proposed cycle? no, that is a liver aid supplement...

    7. To prevent Acne should i be using something like accutane before i start injecting? the best acne remedy is staying extra clean and be sure to scrub up more

    8. Major concerns are Shrinking balls/ Gyno/ Hair loss. balls: gonna happen hcg helps.... gyno: letro solves that.... hair loss: finerstide? i think that helps... all those sides are all pretty extreme for ur cycle and easily maintainabe

    Ok so thats my questions regarding the injectables.

    My current Training Regime is as follows, i tend to train 1.5hrs - 2hrs mon-fri: the only thing id add would be to do a bit of cardio everyday... like 20 min jog seperate of your work outs

    Mon - Cardio and Abs
    Tue - Chest and Bi
    Wed - Legs and Traps
    Thurs - Shoulders and Tri
    Fri - Back and Abs
    Sat - Cardio only

    My Diet is as follows: personally not the greatest on diets... check out that forum

    My Stats are as follow:

    AGE: 31
    HEIGHT: 6ft
    WEIGHT: 100Kg
    BF%: Never measured dont know how to! this is a big thing... if ur above ~15-20%bf id advise that u should go natural till u can lose that weight
    i wrote them all in bolds in the quote... oh for ur pct u have the clomid doses (day1 300mg/day 2-11 100mg/ day12-21 50mg)... ur nolva should be (day1 100mg/day 2-11 60mg/ day12-21 40mg).... those are a little more agressive doses, with a low amount of test and nothing else u can prolly do:
    Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 60mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

    with HCG 500iu EOD...

    those are just suggestions though, i def say to keep readin and become educated yourself on the topic
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 05-10-2009 at 02:32 PM.

  5. #5
    Ca$tro's Avatar
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    Hey folks,

    Thankyou for such rapid replies to my post...

    Mad Matt - I will read up some more on PCT and try to revise what i had originally come up with. At hand i don't have a photo, i will try and get one up asap. Thankyou

    One Shot - Again i will read up on PCT and shall run the PCT for 4 weeks rather than 3 weeks. Still in two minds about adding dbol to the mix for my first cycle. I thought that i would see how i got on with just the Test-E and see if any sides occur. When it comes to training i will limit it to one hour and make my work outs more intense. Thankyou

    Lemonada8 - I shall read some more on Letro and HCG .

    Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 60mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

    If i am taking 500mg of Test-E per wk and no dbol would the above be sufficient for PCT? with HCG 500iu EOD...

    I tend to workout in the morn around 11am, as i work from 3pm til 3am, 6 days with sunday for rest, leaving me no other time in the day to do cardio, any suggestions?

    I am still reading before i purchase anything, i want to make sure i know what i am doing to my body before i try Test-E or any other steroid for that matter.

    body fat - can i get my doctor to measure this? never measured it.
    Thankyou also

    I appreciate your input ppl, i was wondering if it would be ok to PM you guys if i have any more issues????

    I am still going to be reading and planning in the next four weeks, using this site as my basis for reliable information.

    Thanks all
    hopefully i will hear from you all again.

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    well try running either right when u wake up... thats what i do, i get up have a protein shake and run... or run right before u go to bed... i find its a nice release...

  7. #7
    Hunter's Avatar
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    If your going to run an oral I would run a-drol for the last 4 weeks of your cycle cause steroids that belong to the dht family can free up test thus making for a quicker recovery in theory.

  8. #8
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    u can use topical nizoral for hair loss and also helps with back acne. tanning also.. some propecia or dutasteride for oral pills for hair.. minoxidil foam topical also.. accutane is some pretty harsh stuff from what i was told.. someone here should know also maybe kill some gain? i dont know someone will chime in about that

    to keep your balls from shrinking low dose of hcg throughtout cycle.(imo... what i have done..) as in 250iu every 4 days. start about 4-5 weeks in.
    Last edited by busaboy27; 05-10-2009 at 09:31 PM.

  9. #9
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    u can use topical nizoral for hair loss and also helps with back acne. tanning also.. some propecia or dutasteride for oral pills for hair.. minoxidil foam topical also.. accutane is some pretty harsh stuff from what i was told.. someone here should know also maybe kill some gain? i dont know someone will chime in about that

    to keep your balls from shrinking low dose of hcg throughtout cycle.(imo... what i have done..) as in 250iu every 4 days. start about 4-5 weeks in.
    accutane is very harsh, I would only use it after I had tried every other option and those options had failed.

  10. #10
    JAZZBBCC is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not sure how many macros are in your diet but the one thing you might want to change is the amount of mrb's and shakes. I constantly switch up my protein sources to make sure I don't become allergic to them. Take a peak in the diet thread and get some info to jamy or one of the other guys. They're here to help! good luck!

  11. #11
    JACKEDnTan's Avatar
    JACKEDnTan is offline Associate Member
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    Here is what i would do:
    clomid- 100/100/50/50
    Nolva- 40/40/20/20mgs
    hcg -weeks 6-12 500ius 2x week
    I would have some a-dex/L-dex on hand incase sides pop up

    if you wanted to you can run A-dex in your pct

    this is your 1st cycle so u dnt how you are gonna bounce back. This is just a suggestion, research more n figure out whats good
    Last edited by JACKEDnTan; 05-10-2009 at 10:55 PM.

  12. #12
    Ca$tro's Avatar
    Ca$tro is offline Member
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    Ok i have my diet and training in check as above, any suggestions welcome. I dont plan to start my cycle for a while so i want to make sure i got my cycle right as well as pct.
    Its my first cycle, i intend to use

    1-4 DBOL 50mg ed
    1-12 TEST ENANTHATE 250mg twice a wk (Mon/Thu)
    15-18 PCT (Clomid/Nolva)

    PCT as follows:
    As suggested above:
    clomid- 100/100/50/50
    Nolva- 40/40/20/20mgs
    hcg -weeks 6-12 500ius 2x week
    I would have some a-dex/L-dex on hand incase sides pop up

    if you wanted to you can run A-dex in your pct

    I have already purchased teste/clomid/nolva...

    Now i am getting stuck when it comes to PCT, some suggest in the forums that you should use clomid nolva before starting a cycle for two weeks?

    Also HCG prevents small balls syndrome but how do i use it and how much and when? is it an injectable? Do i use throughout the cycle?

    Letro and Arimidex prevent GYNO, how when where and how much again???

    What needles should i be using? Where should i inject glutes or else where? should i be lifting on injecting days ie monday i do cardio.

    Should i be using Liv52 if taking dbol for 4 weeks as a front load?

    I believe i should be getting my blood test done before/during/after my cycle is this correct?

    Is it a good idea to stack dbol with teste for my first cycle?

    Is there anything else that i may need to consider before beginning my cycle, anything else i may need to purchase to aid my recovery and help retain muscle?

    If on gear is sex still ok, or is it, so to spk a loss in testosterone ?

    Does taking gear effect my chances of impregnating the females?

    I need some sound advice hence asking the pro's...

    Thanks for all your ongoing help you should all get a golden star...

  13. #13
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Oh my god!!! Finally someone who did not get some pills from a buddy at the gym and just take the cause the friend says it is what to do!

    Nice work

  14. #14
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Nice, I'd definitely use the d-bol too.

    Have fun.

  15. #15
    mgern527's Avatar
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    It looks like the post before mine touched on it, but I would like to express my appreciation to the OP for taking the time to make an educated first post. Its like getting a full meal as opposed to potatoe chips. Im impressed...BRAVO ZULU.

    Additionally, I am also one to recomend the use of dbol as a "kick start" for the long estered test cycle. Dbol is a nice drug and can be quite addicting . People also say that for the first use of test it is benificial to use the testostrone by itself so you can accurately know what the test alone feels like. Both good ideas IMO. Good luck


  16. #16
    TechniQue1 is offline New Member
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    Number one... do not take d-bol by itself. All that its gonna do is give you water gain and you will lose all the water and shrink back to nothing. I am a believer in runnin g d-bol though some will tell you that test is all you need for your first cycle. Either way, test will make you grow with or without it with correct diet and training, you will grow nicely. Liv52 or milk thistle is really only needed if you are gonna take the orals like d-bol or anadrol . Hcg helps with nut shrinkage and also helps return your body back to its original test levels or homeostatis. 23 gauge needles are fine with an 1.5 inch needle. Acne is really only a problem for the first month as your body tries to adjust to your new test levels... so its your call. I would have everything on hand as far as your full pct and your full cycle, otherwise you will waste money if you find you can't get what you need half way through. I would run 10mg of nolvedex a day from the start to prevent any gyno, though some will tell you it may hurt your gains, there is no real way to tell that for sure and you are gonna get big regardless. Break up your 30mg of d-bol to 3 or four times a day to keep your blood lavels stable. Take 2 in the morning, 2 mid-day and 2 evening. Armidex is pricey, but great as compared to the others---no side effects. Test will definelty make you horny, just make sure you do your pct right or you may suffer because ur test is low in that department. Glutes are a good site as you decrease your chances of hitting a nerve, but don't worry, as long as the needle is new, it won't hurt barely at all, but that also depends on the quality of your gear. Get some shampoo for hair loss or tabs if you are worried.... d-bol in high doses can speed up balding if its a genetic problem. You can actually shower to relax your muscles or use grape seed oil with your injection to cut down on pain if you are worried about that. Anything else, just stick around and read and ask questions. Without sites like these, I would've been in the dark as well. Remember though, no d-bol by itself, no deca by itself either. And try to keep some anti-biotics on hand in case you get an infection from injecting. Keflex or cephalexin is the best for that. Good luck man.

  17. #17
    TechniQue1 is offline New Member
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    Oh and by the way, the test may lower your sperm count, but use a condom anyways. Don't guess or hope... just be safe. No point in getting a **** trophy for being stupid.

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